

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def constrainPatternType(pat: Type, scrut: Type, forceInvariantRefinement: Boolean): Boolean

Derive type and GADT constraints that necessarily follow from a pattern with the given type matching a scrutinee of the given type.

Derive type and GADT constraints that necessarily follow from a pattern with the given type matching a scrutinee of the given type.

This function breaks down scrutinee and pattern types into subcomponents between which there must be a subtyping relationship, and derives constraints from those relationships. We have the following situation in case of a (dynamic) pattern match:

 StaticScrutineeType           PatternType
                   \            /

In simple cases, it must hold that PatternType <: StaticScrutineeType:

            |         \
            |          PatternType
            |         /

A good example of a situation where the above must hold is when static scrutinee type is the root of an enum, and the pattern is an unapply of a case class, or a case object literal (of that enum).

In slightly more complex cases, we may need to upcast StaticScrutineeType:

            /         \

StaticScrutineeType PatternType \ / DynamicScrutineeType

This may be the case if the scrutinee is a singleton type or a path-dependent type. It is also the case for the following definitions:

trait Expr[T] trait IntExpr extends Expr[T] trait Const[T] extends Expr[T]

StaticScrutineeType = Const[T] PatternType = IntExpr

Union and intersection types are an additional complication - if either scrutinee or pattern are a union type, then the above relationships only need to hold for the "leaves" of the types.

Finally, if pattern type contains hk-types applied to concrete types (as opposed to type variables), or either scrutinee or pattern type contain type member refinements, the above relationships do not need to hold at all. Consider (where T1, T2 are unrelated traits):

StaticScrutineeType = { type T <: T1 } PatternType = { type T <: T2 }

In the above situation, DynamicScrutineeType can equal { type T = T1 & T2 }, but there is no useful relationship between StaticScrutineeType and PatternType (nor any of their subcomponents). Similarly:

StaticScrutineeType = Option[T1] PatternType = Some[T2]

Again, DynamicScrutineeType may equal Some[T1 & T2], and there's no useful relationship between the static scrutinee and pattern types. This does not apply if the pattern type is only applied to type variables, in which case the subtyping relationship "heals" the type.


def constrainSimplePatternType(patternTp: Type, scrutineeTp: Type, forceInvariantRefinement: Boolean): Boolean

Constrain "simple" patterns (see constrainPatternType).

Constrain "simple" patterns (see constrainPatternType).

This function expects to receive two types (scrutinee and pattern), both of which have class symbols, one of which is derived from another. If the type "being derived from" is an applied type, it will 1) "upcast" both types to an applied type with the same constructor and 2) infer constraints for the applied types' arguments that follow from both types being inhabited by one value (the scrutinee).

Importantly, note that the pattern type may contain type variables, which are used to infer type arguments to Unapply trees.

Invariant refinement

Essentially, we say that D[B] extends C[B] s.t. refines parameter A of trait C[A] invariantly if when c: C[T] and c is instance of D, then necessarily c: D[T]. This is violated if A is variant:

trait C[+A] trait D[+B](val b: B) extends C[B] trait E extends DAny with C[String]

E is a counter-example to the above - if e: E, then e: C[String] and e is instance of D, but it is false that e: D[String]! This is a problem if we're constraining a pattern like the below:

def foo[T](c: C[T]): T = c match { case d: D[t] => d.b }

It'd be unsound for us to say that t <: T, even though that follows from D[t] <: C[T]. Note, however, that if D was a final class, we could rely on that relationship. To support typical case classes, we also assume that this relationship holds for them and their parent traits. This is enforced by checking that classes inheriting from case classes do not extend the parent traits of those case classes without also appropriately extending the relevant case class (see RefChecks#checkCaseClassInheritanceInvariant).
