
A sym-denotation represents the contents of a definition during a period.


class Denotation
trait Showable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Known subtypes

Members list

Type members

Inherited types


Inherited from:

Value members

Concrete methods

final def accessBoundary(base: Symbol)(using Context): Symbol

The class or term symbol up to which this symbol is accessible, or RootClass if it is public. As java protected statics are otherwise completely inaccessible in scala, they are treated as public.

The class or term symbol up to which this symbol is accessible, or RootClass if it is public. As java protected statics are otherwise completely inaccessible in scala, they are treated as public.

Value parameters


The access boundary to assume if this symbol is protected


The field accessed by this getter or setter, or if it does not exist, the getter

The field accessed by this getter or setter, or if it does not exist, the getter


final def addAnnotation(annot: Annotation): Unit

Add given annotation to the annotations of this denotation

Add given annotation to the annotations of this denotation


final def addAnnotation(cls: ClassSymbol)(using Context): Unit

Add the given annotation without parameters to the annotations of this denotation

Add the given annotation without parameters to the annotations of this denotation


final def addAnnotations(annots: IterableOnce[Annotation])(using Context): Unit

Add all given annotations to this symbol

Add all given annotations to this symbol


All symbols overridden by this denotation.

All symbols overridden by this denotation.


final def annotations(using Context): List[Annotation]

The annotations of this denotation

The annotations of this denotation


def annotationsCarrying(meta: Set[Symbol], orNoneOf: Set[Symbol])(using Context): List[Annotation]

The annotations without ensuring that the symbol is completed. Used for diagnostics where we don't want to force symbols.

The annotations without ensuring that the symbol is completed. Used for diagnostics where we don't want to force symbols.


final def annotations_=(annots: List[Annotation]): Unit

Update the annotations of this denotation

Update the annotations of this denotation


def appliedRef(using Context): Type

The typeRef applied to its own type parameters

The typeRef applied to its own type parameters


Cast to class denotation

Cast to class denotation


The fully qualified name on the JVM of the class corresponding to this symbol.

The fully qualified name on the JVM of the class corresponding to this symbol.


If false, this symbol cannot possibly participate in an override, either as overrider or overridee.

If false, this symbol cannot possibly participate in an override, either as overrider or overridee.


def children(using Context): List[Symbol]

If this is a sealed class, its known children in the order of textual occurrence

If this is a sealed class, its known children in the order of textual occurrence


final def companionClass(using Context): Symbol

The class with the same (type-) name as this module or module class, and which is also defined in the same scope and compilation unit. NoSymbol if this class does not exist.

The class with the same (type-) name as this module or module class, and which is also defined in the same scope and compilation unit. NoSymbol if this class does not exist.


final def companionModule(using Context): Symbol

The module object with the same (term-) name as this class or module class, and which is also defined in the same scope and compilation unit. NoSymbol if this module does not exist.

The module object with the same (term-) name as this class or module class, and which is also defined in the same scope and compilation unit. NoSymbol if this module does not exist.


final def completeFrom(completer: LazyType)(using Context): Unit
final def completeOnce()(using Context): Unit

If this denotation is not completed, run the completer. The resulting info might be another completer.

If this denotation is not completed, run the completer. The resulting info might be another completer.


See also


final def completer: LazyType

The completer of this denotation. @pre: Denotation is not yet completed

The completer of this denotation. @pre: Denotation is not yet completed


Is this symbol a module that contains opaque aliases?

Is this symbol a module that contains opaque aliases?


def copyCaches(from: SymDenotation, phase: Phase)(using Context): this.type

Copy mamberNames and baseData caches from given denotation, provided they are valid at given phase.

Copy mamberNames and baseData caches from given denotation, provided they are valid at given phase.


final def copySymDenotation(symbol: Symbol, owner: Symbol, name: Name, initFlags: FlagSet, info: Type | Null, privateWithin: Symbol | Null, annotations: List[Annotation] | Null, rawParamss: List[List[Symbol]] | Null)(using Context): SymDenotation

Copy this denotation, overriding selective fields

Copy this denotation, overriding selective fields


The current declaration in this symbol's class owner that has the same name as this one, and, if there are several, also has the same signature.

The current declaration in this symbol's class owner that has the same name as this one, and, if there are several, also has the same signature.


def derivesFrom(base: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean

Is this a subclass of base, and is the denoting symbol also different from Null or Nothing?

Is this a subclass of base, and is the denoting symbol also different from Null or Nothing?



erroneous classes are assumed to derive from all other classes and all classes derive from them.

def effectiveName(using Context): Name

The name, except

The name, except

  • if this is a module class, strip the module class suffix
  • if this is a companion object with a clash-avoiding name, strip the "avoid clash" suffix


final def effectiveOwner(using Context): Symbol

The owner, skipping package objects and non-lazy valdefs.

The owner, skipping package objects and non-lazy valdefs.


final def enclosingClass(using Context): Symbol

The class containing this denotation. If this denotation is already a class, return itself Definitions flagged with JavaStatic are treated specially. Their enclosing class is not the lexically enclosing class, but in turn the enclosing class of the latter. This reflects the context created by Context#superCallContext, Context#thisCallArgContext for these definitions.

The class containing this denotation. If this denotation is already a class, return itself Definitions flagged with JavaStatic are treated specially. Their enclosing class is not the lexically enclosing class, but in turn the enclosing class of the latter. This reflects the context created by Context#superCallContext, Context#thisCallArgContext for these definitions.

Note, that as packages have ClassSymbols, top level classes will have an enclosingClass with Package flag set.


final def enclosingClassNamed(name: Name)(using Context): Symbol

The class containing this denotation which has the given effective name.

The class containing this denotation which has the given effective name.


The closest enclosing extension method containing this definition, including methods outside the current class.

The closest enclosing extension method containing this definition, including methods outside the current class.


final def enclosingMethod(using Context): Symbol

The closest enclosing method containing this definition. A local dummy owner is mapped to the primary constructor of the class.

The closest enclosing method containing this definition. A local dummy owner is mapped to the primary constructor of the class.


The package class containing this denotation

The package class containing this denotation


final def enclosingSubClass(using Context): Symbol

The class that encloses the owner of the current context and that is a subclass of this class. NoSymbol if no such class exists.

The class that encloses the owner of the current context and that is a subclass of this class. NoSymbol if no such class exists.


final def ensureCompleted()(using Context): Unit

Make sure this denotation is fully completed.

Make sure this denotation is fully completed.


See also


If denotation is private, remove the Private flag and expand the name if necessary

If denotation is private, remove the Private flag and expand the name if necessary


final def expandedName(using Context): Name

The expanded name of this denotation.

The expanded name of this denotation.


Returns all matching symbols defined in parents of the selftype.

Returns all matching symbols defined in parents of the selftype.


final def extensionParam(using Context): Symbol

The extension parameter of this extension method

The extension parameter of this extension method


final def filterAnnotations(p: Annotation => Boolean)(using Context): Unit

Keep only those annotations that satisfy p

Keep only those annotations that satisfy p


final def flags(using Context): FlagSet

The flag set

The flag set


final def flagsString(using Context): String
final def flags_=(flags: FlagSet): Unit

Update the flag set

Update the flag set


def flatName(using Context): Name

The encoded flat name of this denotation, where joined names are separated by separator characters.

The encoded flat name of this denotation, where joined names are separated by separator characters.


def fullName(using Context): Name

fullName where `.' is the separator character

fullName where `.' is the separator character


The encoded full path name of this denotation, where outer names and inner names are separated by separator strings as indicated by the given name kind. Drops package objects. Represents each term in the owner chain by a simple _$.

The encoded full path name of this denotation, where outer names and inner names are separated by separator strings as indicated by the given name kind. Drops package objects. Represents each term in the owner chain by a simple _$.


def fullNameSeparated(prefixKind: QualifiedNameKind, kind: QualifiedNameKind, name: Name)(using Context): Name

The encoded full path name of this denotation (separated by prefixKind), followed by the separator implied by kind and the given name. Drops package objects. Represents each term in the owner chain by a simple _$.

The encoded full path name of this denotation (separated by prefixKind), followed by the separator implied by kind and the given name. Drops package objects. Represents each term in the owner chain by a simple _$.


final def getAnnotation(cls: Symbol)(using Context): Option[Annotation]

Optionally, the annotation matching the given class symbol

Optionally, the annotation matching the given class symbol


final def hasAnnotation(cls: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean

Does this denotation have an annotation matching the given class symbol?

Does this denotation have an annotation matching the given class symbol?


Does this symbol have defined or inherited default parameters? Default parameters are recognized until erasure.

Does this symbol have defined or inherited default parameters? Default parameters are recognized until erasure.


Is this a member that will become public in the generated binary

Is this a member that will become public in the generated binary


def hasSkolems(tp: Type): Boolean
def hasTargetName(name: Name)(using Context): Boolean
override def hasUniqueSym: Boolean

Denotation points to unique symbol; false for overloaded denotations and JointRef denotations.

Denotation points to unique symbol; false for overloaded denotations and JointRef denotations.


Definition Classes
final def infoOrCompleter: Type

The type info, or, if symbol is not yet completed, the completer

The type info, or, if symbol is not yet completed, the completer


override def initial: SymDenotation

The version of this SingleDenotation that was valid in the first phase of this run.

The version of this SingleDenotation that was valid in the first phase of this run.


Definition Classes
override def installAfter(phase: DenotTransformer)(using Context): Unit

Install this denotation as the result of the given denotation transformer.

Install this denotation as the result of the given denotation transformer.


Definition Classes
final def is(flag: Flag)(using Context): Boolean

Has this denotation one of given flag set?

Has this denotation one of given flag set?


final def is(flag: Flag, butNot: FlagSet)(using Context): Boolean

Has this denotation the given flag set, whereas none of the flags in butNot are set?

Has this denotation the given flag set, whereas none of the flags in butNot are set?


final def isAbsent(canForce: Boolean)(using Context): Boolean

Is symbol known to not exist?

Is symbol known to not exist?

Value parameters


If this is true, the info may be forced to avoid a false-negative result


Is this symbol an abstract or alias type?

Is this symbol an abstract or alias type?


Is this symbol an abstract type or type parameter?

Is this symbol an abstract type or type parameter?


Is pre the same as C.this, where C is exactly the owner of this symbol, or, if this symbol is protected, a subclass of the owner?

Is pre the same as C.this, where C is exactly the owner of this symbol, or, if this symbol is protected, a subclass of the owner?


final def isAccessibleFrom(pre: Type, superAccess: Boolean)(using Context): Boolean

Is this definition accessible as a member of tree with type pre?

Is this definition accessible as a member of tree with type pre?

Value parameters


The type of the tree from which the selection is made


Access is via super Everything is accessible if pre is NoPrefix. A symbol with type NoType is not accessible for any other prefix. As a side effect, drop Local flags of members that are not accessed via the ThisType of their owner.


final def isAliasType(using Context): Boolean

Is this symbol an alias type?

Is this symbol an alias type?


final def isAllOf(fs: FlagSet)(using Context): Boolean

Has this denotation all of the flags in fs set?

Has this denotation all of the flags in fs set?


final def isAllOf(fs: FlagSet, butNot: FlagSet)(using Context): Boolean

Has this denotation all of the flags in fs set, whereas none of the flags in butNot are set?

Has this denotation all of the flags in fs set, whereas none of the flags in butNot are set?


Is this a Scala or Java annotation ?

Is this a Scala or Java annotation ?


final def isAnonymousClass(using Context): Boolean

Is this symbol an anonymous class?

Is this symbol an anonymous class?


final def isAnonymousFunction(using Context): Boolean
def isAsConcrete(that: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean

Is this symbol concrete, or that symbol deferred?

Is this symbol concrete, or that symbol deferred?


final def isClass: Boolean

Is this denotation a class?

Is this denotation a class?


Is this the constructor of a class?

Is this the constructor of a class?


final def isCoDefinedGiven(cls: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean

Do this symbol and cls represent a pair of a given or implicit method and its associated class that were defined by a single definition? This can mean one of two things:

Do this symbol and cls represent a pair of a given or implicit method and its associated class that were defined by a single definition? This can mean one of two things:

  • the method and class are defined in a structural given instance, or
  • the class is an implicit class and the method is its implicit conversion.


final def isCoDefinedWith(other: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean

Is this denotation defined in the same scope and compilation unit as that symbol?

Is this denotation defined in the same scope and compilation unit as that symbol?


final def isCompleted: Boolean

The denotation is completed: info is not a lazy type and attributes have defined values

The denotation is completed: info is not a lazy type and attributes have defined values


final def isCompleting: Boolean

The denotation is in train of being completed

The denotation is in train of being completed


final def isConstructor: Boolean

Is this the constructor of a trait or a class

Is this the constructor of a trait or a class


final def isContainedIn(boundary: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean

Is this definition contained in boundary? Same as ownersIterator contains boundary but more efficient.

Is this definition contained in boundary? Same as ownersIterator contains boundary but more efficient.


def isCurrent(fs: FlagSet)(using Context): Boolean
final def isEffectiveRoot(using Context): Boolean

Is this symbol the empty package class or its companion object?

Is this symbol the empty package class or its companion object?


An erased value or an erased inline method or field

An erased value or an erased inline method or field


final def isEffectivelyFinal(using Context): Boolean

A symbol is effectively final if it cannot be overridden in a subclass

A symbol is effectively final if it cannot be overridden in a subclass


final def isEffectivelySealed(using Context): Boolean

A class is effectively sealed if has the final or sealed modifier, or it is defined in Scala 3 and is neither abstract nor open.

A class is effectively sealed if has the final or sealed modifier, or it is defined in Scala 3 and is neither abstract nor open.


final def isEmptyPackage(using Context): Boolean

Is this symbol the empty package class or its companion object?

Is this symbol the empty package class or its companion object?


is this symbol the result of an erroneous definition?

is this symbol the result of an erroneous definition?


final def isExtensibleClass(using Context): Boolean

A class is extensible if it is not final, nor a module class, nor an anonymous class.

A class is extensible if it is not final, nor a module class, nor an anonymous class.


final def isGetter(using Context): Boolean

Is this a getter?

Is this a getter?


final def isImport: Boolean

Is this a symbol representing an import?

Is this a symbol representing an import?


final def isIncompleteIn(base: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean

A member of class base is incomplete if (1) it is declared deferred or (2) it is abstract override and its super symbol in base is nonexistent or incomplete.

A member of class base is incomplete if (1) it is declared deferred or (2) it is abstract override and its super symbol in base is nonexistent or incomplete.


final def isLinkedWith(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean

Is this symbol the same or a linked class of sym?

Is this symbol the same or a linked class of sym?


final def isLocalDummy: Boolean

Is this a local template dummmy?

Is this a local template dummmy?


Is this a denotation of a real class that does not have - either direct or inherited - initialization code?

Is this a denotation of a real class that does not have - either direct or inherited - initialization code?


Is symbol a class for which no runtime representation exists?

Is symbol a class for which no runtime representation exists?


final def isNullableClass(using Context): Boolean

Is this symbol a class of which null is a value?

Is this symbol a class of which null is a value?


Is this symbol a class of which null is a value after erasure? For example, if -Yexplicit-nulls is set, String is not nullable before erasure, but it becomes nullable after erasure.

Is this symbol a class of which null is a value after erasure? For example, if -Yexplicit-nulls is set, String is not nullable before erasure, but it becomes nullable after erasure.


Is symbol a primitive numeric value class?

Is symbol a primitive numeric value class?


final def isOneOf(fs: FlagSet)(using Context): Boolean

Has this denotation one of the flags in fs set?

Has this denotation one of the flags in fs set?


final def isOneOf(fs: FlagSet, butNot: FlagSet)(using Context): Boolean

Has this denotation one of the flags in fs set, whereas none of the flags in butNot are set?

Has this denotation one of the flags in fs set, whereas none of the flags in butNot are set?


Is this symbol a user-defined opaque alias type?

Is this symbol a user-defined opaque alias type?


Is this symbol a package object or its module class?

Is this symbol a package object or its module class?


Does this symbol denote the primary constructor of its enclosing class?

Does this symbol denote the primary constructor of its enclosing class?


Is symbol a primitive value class?

Is symbol a primitive value class?


final def isProperlyContainedIn(boundary: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean
final def isPublic(using Context): Boolean
final def isRealClass(using Context): Boolean

Is this denotation a non-trait class?

Is this denotation a non-trait class?


final def isRealMethod(using Context): Boolean

Is this a "real" method? A real method is a method which is:

Is this a "real" method? A real method is a method which is:

  • not an accessor
  • not an anonymous function


final def isRefinementClass(using Context): Boolean

Is this symbol a class representing a refinement? These classes are used only temporarily in Typer and Unpickler as an intermediate step for creating Refinement types.

Is this symbol a class representing a refinement? These classes are used only temporarily in Typer and Unpickler as an intermediate step for creating Refinement types.


Does this method or field need to be retained at runtime

Does this method or field need to be retained at runtime


Does this method need to be retained at runtime

Does this method need to be retained at runtime


final def isRoot: Boolean

Is this symbol the root class or its companion object?

Is this symbol the root class or its companion object?


final def isScala2Macro(using Context): Boolean

Is this a Scala 2 macro

Is this a Scala 2 macro


Is this a Scala 2 macro defined

Is this a Scala 2 macro defined


final def isSelfSym(using Context): Boolean

Is this the denotation of a self symbol of some class? This is the case if one of two conditions holds:

Is this the denotation of a self symbol of some class? This is the case if one of two conditions holds:

  1. It is the symbol referred to in the selfInfo part of the ClassInfo which is the type of this symbol's owner.
  2. This symbol is owned by a class, it's selfInfo field refers to a type (indicating the self definition does not introduce a name), and the symbol's name is "_". TODO: Find a more robust way to characterize self symbols, maybe by spending a Flag on them?


Is this symbol a class that extends ?

Is this symbol a class that extends ?


final def isSetter(using Context): Boolean

Is this a setter?

Is this a setter?


final def isStableMember(using Context): Boolean

Is this a denotation of a stable term (or an arbitrary type)? Terms are stable if they are idempotent (as in TreeInfo.Idempotent): that is, they always return the same value, if any.

Is this a denotation of a stable term (or an arbitrary type)? Terms are stable if they are idempotent (as in TreeInfo.Idempotent): that is, they always return the same value, if any.

A member is stable, basically, if it behaves like a field projection: that is, it projects a constant result out of its owner.

However, a stable member might not yet be initialized (if it is an object or anyhow lazy). So the first call to a stable member might fail and/or produce side effects.


final def isStatic(using Context): Boolean

Is this denotation static (i.e. with no outer instance)?

Is this denotation static (i.e. with no outer instance)?


final def isStaticConstructor(using Context): Boolean

Does this symbol denote the static constructor of its enclosing class?

Does this symbol denote the static constructor of its enclosing class?


final def isStaticOwner(using Context): Boolean

Is this a package class or module class that defines static symbols?

Is this a package class or module class that defines static symbols?


def isSubClass(base: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean

Is this a subclass of the given class base?

Is this a subclass of the given class base?


final def isTopLevelClass(using Context): Boolean

Is this symbol a package object containing top-level definitions?

Is this symbol a package object containing top-level definitions?


final def isTransparentClass(using Context): Boolean

Is this symbol a class that extends AnyVal? Overridden in ClassDenotation

Is this symbol a class that extends AnyVal? Overridden in ClassDenotation


Is this a synthetic method that represents conversions between representations of a value class These methods are generated in ExtensionMethods and used in ElimErasedValueType.

Is this a synthetic method that represents conversions between representations of a value class These methods are generated in ExtensionMethods and used in ElimErasedValueType.


Symbol is an owner that would be skipped by effectiveOwner. Skipped are

Symbol is an owner that would be skipped by effectiveOwner. Skipped are

  • package objects
  • non-lazy valdefs


Is this symbol a toplevel definition in a package object?

Is this symbol a toplevel definition in a package object?


Like typeRef, but the prefix is widened.

Like typeRef, but the prefix is widened.

See tests/neg/i19619/Test.scala


def keepAnnotationsCarrying(phase: DenotTransformer, meta: Set[Symbol], orNoneOf: Set[Symbol])(using Context): Unit

A class that in source code would be lexically enclosing

A class that in source code would be lexically enclosing


final def linkedClass(using Context): Symbol

If this is a class, the module class of its companion object. If this is a module class, its companion class. NoSymbol otherwise.

If this is a class, the module class of its companion object. If this is a module class, its companion class. NoSymbol otherwise.


final def markAbsent()(using Context): Unit

Make denotation not exist.

Make denotation not exist.


()T and => T types should be treated as equivalent for this symbol. Note: For the moment, we treat Scala-2 compiled symbols as loose matching, because the Scala library does not always follow the right conventions. Examples are: isWhole(), toInt(), toDouble() in BigDecimal, Numeric, RichInt, ScalaNumberProxy.

()T and => T types should be treated as equivalent for this symbol. Note: For the moment, we treat Scala-2 compiled symbols as loose matching, because the Scala library does not always follow the right conventions. Examples are: isWhole(), toInt(), toDouble() in BigDecimal, Numeric, RichInt, ScalaNumberProxy.


final def matchingDecl(inClass: Symbol, site: Type, name: Name)(using Context): Symbol

The non-private symbol whose name and type matches the type of this symbol in the given class.

The non-private symbol whose name and type matches the type of this symbol in the given class.

Value parameters


The class containing the result symbol's definition


The base type from which member types are computed inClass <-- find denot.symbol class C { <-- symbol is here } site: Subtype of both inClass and C


final def matchingMember(site: Type)(using Context): Symbol

The non-private member of site whose name and type matches the type of this symbol

The non-private member of site whose name and type matches the type of this symbol


If false, this class member cannot possibly participate in an override, either as overrider or overridee.

If false, this class member cannot possibly participate in an override, either as overrider or overridee.


Do members of this symbol need translation via asSeenFrom when accessed via prefix pre?

Do members of this symbol need translation via asSeenFrom when accessed via prefix pre?


final def moduleClass(using Context): Symbol

If this a module, return the corresponding class, if this is a module, return itself, otherwise NoSymbol

If this a module, return the corresponding class, if this is a module, return itself, otherwise NoSymbol


The NamedType representing this denotation at its original location. Same as either typeRef or termRef depending whether this denotes a type or not.

The NamedType representing this denotation at its original location. Same as either typeRef or termRef depending whether this denotes a type or not.


final def nextOverriddenSymbol(using Context): Symbol

Equivalent to allOverriddenSymbols.headOption.getOrElse(NoSymbol) but more efficient.

Equivalent to allOverriddenSymbols.headOption.getOrElse(NoSymbol) but more efficient.


def opaqueAlias(using Context): Type

The alias of an opaque type alias that's stored in the self type of the containing object.

The alias of an opaque type alias that's stored in the self type of the containing object.


def opaqueToBounds(info: Type, rhs: Tree, tparams: List[TypeSymbol])(using Context): Type

If this is an opaque alias, replace the right hand side info by appropriate bounds and store info in the refinement of the self type of the enclosing class. Otherwise return info

If this is an opaque alias, replace the right hand side info by appropriate bounds and store info in the refinement of the self type of the enclosing class. Otherwise return info

Value parameters


Is assumed to be a (lambda-abstracted) right hand side TypeAlias of the opaque type definition.


The right hand side tree of the type definition


The type parameters with which the right-hand side bounds should be abstracted


final def originalName(using Context): Name

The effective name with which the denoting symbol was created

The effective name with which the denoting symbol was created


final def originalOwner(using Context): Symbol

The owner with which the denoting symbol was created.

The owner with which the denoting symbol was created.


final def overriddenSymbol(inClass: ClassSymbol, siteClass: ClassSymbol)(using Context): Symbol

The symbol, in class inClass, that is overridden by this denotation in class siteClass.

The symbol, in class inClass, that is overridden by this denotation in class siteClass.


final def overridingSymbol(inClass: ClassSymbol)(using Context): Symbol

The symbol overriding this symbol in given subclass inClass.

The symbol overriding this symbol in given subclass inClass.


def owner: Symbol

The owner of the symbol; overridden in NoDenotation

The owner of the symbol; overridden in NoDenotation


final def ownersIterator(using Context): Iterator[Symbol]

The chain of owners of this denotation, starting with the denoting symbol itself

The chain of owners of this denotation, starting with the denoting symbol itself


final def paramSymss(using Context): List[List[Symbol]]

The symbols of each type parameter list and value parameter list of this method, or Nil if this isn't a method.

The symbols of each type parameter list and value parameter list of this method, or Nil if this isn't a method.

Makes use of rawParamss when present, or constructs fresh parameter symbols otherwise. This method can be allocation-heavy.


The primary constructor of a class or trait, NoSymbol if not applicable.

The primary constructor of a class or trait, NoSymbol if not applicable.


final def privateWithin(using Context): Symbol

The privateWithin boundary, NoSymbol if no boundary is given.

The privateWithin boundary, NoSymbol if no boundary is given.


final def rawParamss: List[List[Symbol]]

If this is a method, the parameter symbols, by section. Both type and value parameters are included. Empty sections are skipped.

If this is a method, the parameter symbols, by section. Both type and value parameters are included. Empty sections are skipped.


final def rawParamss_=(pss: List[List[Symbol]]): Unit

Like reachableThisType, except if that would refer to a class where the this cannot be accessed. In that case, fall back to the rawTypeRef of the class. E.g. instead of A.this.X where A.this is inaccessible, use A#X.

Like reachableThisType, except if that would refer to a class where the this cannot be accessed. In that case, fall back to the rawTypeRef of the class. E.g. instead of A.this.X where A.this is inaccessible, use A#X.


The reachable typeRef with wildcard arguments for each type parameter

The reachable typeRef with wildcard arguments for each type parameter


Like termRef, if it is addressable from the current context, but objects in the prefix are represented by their singleton type, this means we output pre.O.member rather than pre.O$.this.member.

Like termRef, if it is addressable from the current context, but objects in the prefix are represented by their singleton type, this means we output pre.O.member rather than pre.O$.this.member.

This is required to avoid owner crash in ExplicitOuter. See tests/pos/i10769.scala

If the reference is to an object that is not accessible from the current context since the object is nested in a class that is not an outer class of the current context, fall back to a TypeRef to the module class. Test case is tests/pos/i17556.scala. If the reference is to some other inaccessible object, throw an AssertionError.


Like thisType, but objects in the type are represented by their singleton type, this means we output pre.O.member rather than pre.O$.this.member.

Like thisType, but objects in the type are represented by their singleton type, this means we output pre.O.member rather than pre.O$.this.member.


Like typeRef, but objects in the prefix are represented by their singleton type, this means we output pre.O.member rather than pre.O$.this.member.

Like typeRef, but objects in the prefix are represented by their singleton type, this means we output pre.O.member rather than pre.O$.this.member.

This is required to avoid owner crash in ExplicitOuter. See tests/pos/i10769.scala


def registerCompanion(target: Symbol)(using Context): Unit

Register target as a companion; overridden in ClassDenotation

Register target as a companion; overridden in ClassDenotation


The registered companion; overridden in ClassDenotation

The registered companion; overridden in ClassDenotation


final def relevantFlagsFor(fs: FlagSet)(using Context): FlagSet
final def removeAnnotation(cls: Symbol)(using Context): Unit

Remove annotation with given class from this denotation

Remove annotation with given class from this denotation


final def resetFlag(flags: FlagSet): Unit

Unset given flags(s) of this denotation

Unset given flags(s) of this denotation


final def scalacLinkedClass(using Context): Symbol
final def sealedDescendants(using Context): List[Symbol]

Same as sealedStrictDescendants but prepends this symbol as well.

Same as sealedStrictDescendants but prepends this symbol as well.


Recursively assemble all children of this symbol, Preserves order of insertion.

Recursively assemble all children of this symbol, Preserves order of insertion.


final def setFlag(flags: FlagSet): Unit

Set given flags(s) of this denotation

Set given flags(s) of this denotation


def setFlagFrom(phase: DenotTransformer, flags: FlagSet)(using Context): Unit

Set flag flags in current phase and in all phases that follow

Set flag flags in current phase and in all phases that follow


final def setNoInitsFlags(parentFlags: FlagSet, bodyFlags: FlagSet): Unit

Set applicable flags in {NoInits, PureInterface}

Set applicable flags in {NoInits, PureInterface}

Value parameters


The flags that match the class or trait's body


The flags that match the class or trait's parents


final def setParamss(paramss: List[List[Symbol]])(using Context): Unit
final def setParamssFromDefs(paramss: List[ParamClause])(using Context): Unit
final def setStableConstructor()(using Context): Unit
def setTargetName(name: Name): Unit

Skips symbol that are not owned by a class

Skips symbol that are not owned by a class


final def skipWeakOwner(using Context): Symbol

If this is a weak owner, its owner, otherwise the denoting symbol.

If this is a weak owner, its owner, otherwise the denoting symbol.


final def sourceModule(using Context): Symbol

If this a module class, return the corresponding module, if this is a module, return itself, otherwise NoSymbol

If this a module class, return the corresponding module, if this is a module, return itself, otherwise NoSymbol


final def superSymbolIn(base: Symbol)(using Context): Symbol

The symbol accessed by a super in the definition of this symbol when seen from class base. This symbol is always concrete. pre: this.owner is in the base class sequence of base.

The symbol accessed by a super in the definition of this symbol when seen from class base. This symbol is always concrete. pre: this.owner is in the base class sequence of base.


def targetName(using Context): Name

The name given in a @targetName annotation if one is present, name otherwise

The name given in a @targetName annotation if one is present, name otherwise


def termRef(using Context): TermRef
def thisType(using Context): Type

The type This(cls), where cls is this class, NoPrefix for all other symbols

The type This(cls), where cls is this class, NoPrefix for all other symbols


override def toString: String

Returns a string representation of the object.

Returns a string representation of the object.

The default representation is platform dependent.



a string representation of the object.

Definition Classes
final def topLevelClass(using Context): Symbol

The top-level class containing this denotation, except for a toplevel module, where its module class is returned.

The top-level class containing this denotation, except for a toplevel module, where its module class is returned.


Apply a transformation f to all denotations in this group that start at or after given phase. Denotations are replaced while keeping the same validity periods.

Apply a transformation f to all denotations in this group that start at or after given phase. Denotations are replaced while keeping the same validity periods.


Definition Classes

Apply transform f to all annotations of this denotation

Apply transform f to all annotations of this denotation


The flags to be used for a type parameter owned by this symbol. Overridden by ClassDenotation.

The flags to be used for a type parameter owned by this symbol. Overridden by ClassDenotation.


The type parameters of a class symbol, Nil for all other symbols

The type parameters of a class symbol, Nil for all other symbols


def typeRef(using Context): TypeRef

The field accessed by a getter or setter, or if it does not exists, the getter of a setter, or if that does not exist the symbol itself.

The field accessed by a getter or setter, or if it does not exists, the getter of a setter, or if that does not exist the symbol itself.


The same as getAnnotation, but without ensuring that the symbol carrying the annotation is completed

The same as getAnnotation, but without ensuring that the symbol carrying the annotation is completed


final def unforcedDecls(using Context): Scope

The symbols defined in this class or object. Careful! This does not force the type, so is compilation order dependent. This method should be used only in the following circumstances:

The symbols defined in this class or object. Careful! This does not force the type, so is compilation order dependent. This method should be used only in the following circumstances:

  1. When accessing type parameters or type parameter accessors (both are entered before completion).
  2. When obtaining the current scope in order to enter, rename or delete something there.
  3. When playing it safe in order not to raise CylicReferences, e.g. for printing things or taking more efficient shortcuts (e.g. the stillValid test).


final def unforcedInfo: Option[Type]

Optionally, the info if it is completed

Optionally, the info if it is completed


final def updateAnnotation(annot: Annotation)(using Context): Unit

Remove any annotations with same class as annot, and add annot

Remove any annotations with same class as annot, and add annot


final def variance(using Context): Variance

The variance of this type parameter or type member as a subset of {Covariant, Contravariant}

The variance of this type parameter or type member as a subset of {Covariant, Contravariant}


Inherited methods

def accessibleFrom(pre: Type, superAccess: Boolean)(using Context): Denotation

The denotation made up from the alternatives of this denotation that are accessible from prefix pre, or NoDenotation if no accessible alternative exists.

The denotation made up from the alternatives of this denotation that are accessible from prefix pre, or NoDenotation if no accessible alternative exists.


Inherited from:
def aggregate[T](f: SingleDenotation => T, g: (T, T) => T): T

Map f over all single denotations and aggregate the results with g.

Map f over all single denotations and aggregate the results with g.


Inherited from:

The set of alternative single-denotations making up this denotation

The set of alternative single-denotations making up this denotation


Inherited from:

The alternatives of this denotation that satisfy the predicate p.

The alternatives of this denotation that satisfy the predicate p.


Inherited from:

The denotation with info(s) as seen from prefix type

The denotation with info(s) as seen from prefix type


Inherited from:


Inherited from:


Inherited from:
def atSignature(sig: Signature, targetName: Name, site: Type, relaxed: Boolean)(using Context): SingleDenotation

Resolve overloaded denotation to pick the ones with the given signature when seen from prefix site.

Resolve overloaded denotation to pick the ones with the given signature when seen from prefix site.

Value parameters


When true, consider only parameter signatures for a match.


Inherited from:

If this is a SingleDenotation, return it, otherwise throw a TypeError

If this is a SingleDenotation, return it, otherwise throw a TypeError


Inherited from:
protected def computeAsSeenFrom(pre: Type)(using Context): SingleDenotation


Inherited from:
final def containsSym(sym: Symbol): Boolean

Group contains a denotation that refers to given symbol

Group contains a denotation that refers to given symbol


Inherited from:

The period (interval of phases) for which there exists a valid denotation in this flock.

The period (interval of phases) for which there exists a valid denotation in this flock.


Inherited from:

Produce a denotation that is valid for the given context. Usually called when !(validFor contains ctx.period) (even though this is not a precondition). If the runId of the context is the same as runId of this denotation, the right flock member is located, or, if it does not exist yet, created by invoking a transformer (@See Transformers). If the runId's differ, but this denotation is a SymDenotation and its toplevel owner class or module is still a member of its enclosing package, then the whole flock is brought forward to be valid in the new runId. Otherwise the symbol is stale, which constitutes an internal error.

Produce a denotation that is valid for the given context. Usually called when !(validFor contains ctx.period) (even though this is not a precondition). If the runId of the context is the same as runId of this denotation, the right flock member is located, or, if it does not exist yet, created by invoking a transformer (@See Transformers). If the runId's differ, but this denotation is a SymDenotation and its toplevel owner class or module is still a member of its enclosing package, then the whole flock is brought forward to be valid in the new runId. Otherwise the symbol is stale, which constitutes an internal error.


Inherited from:

Show all defined periods and the info of the denotation at each

Show all defined periods and the info of the denotation at each


Inherited from:
def derivedSingleDenotation(symbol: Symbol, info: Type, pre: Type, isRefinedMethod: Boolean)(using Context): SingleDenotation


Inherited from:
inline def disambiguate(inline p: Symbol => Boolean)(using Context): SingleDenotation

If this denotation is overloaded, filter with given predicate. If result is still overloaded throw a TypeError. Note: disambiguate is slightly different from suchThat in that single-denotations that do not satisfy the predicate are left alone (whereas suchThat would map them to NoDenotation).

If this denotation is overloaded, filter with given predicate. If result is still overloaded throw a TypeError. Note: disambiguate is slightly different from suchThat in that single-denotations that do not satisfy the predicate are left alone (whereas suchThat would map them to NoDenotation).


Inherited from:

Is this denotation different from NoDenotation or an ErrorDenotation?

Is this denotation different from NoDenotation or an ErrorDenotation?


Inherited from:
def fallbackToText(printer: Printer): Text

A fallback text representation, if the pattern matching in Printers does not have a case for this showable element

A fallback text representation, if the pattern matching in Printers does not have a case for this showable element


Inherited from:

Keep only those denotations in this group which have a signature that's not already defined by denots.

Keep only those denotations in this group which have a signature that's not already defined by denots.


Inherited from:
def filterWithFlags(required: FlagSet, excluded: FlagSet)(using Context): SingleDenotation

Keep only those denotations in this group that have all of the flags in required, but none of the flags in excluded.

Keep only those denotations in this group that have all of the flags in required, but none of the flags in excluded.


Inherited from:

Keep only those denotations in this group which satisfy predicate p.

Keep only those denotations in this group which satisfy predicate p.


Inherited from:
def findMember(name: Name, pre: Type, required: FlagSet, excluded: FlagSet)(using Context): Denotation

Find member of this denotation with given name, all required flags and no excluded flag, and produce a denotation that contains the type of the member as seen from given prefix pre.

Find member of this denotation with given name, all required flags and no excluded flag, and produce a denotation that contains the type of the member as seen from given prefix pre.


Inherited from:
final def first: SingleDenotation

First/last denotation in the group

First/last denotation in the group


Inherited from:

Does this denotation have an alternative that satisfies the predicate p?

Does this denotation have an alternative that satisfies the predicate p?


Inherited from:
final inline def hasAltWithInline(inline p: SingleDenotation => Boolean): Boolean


Inherited from:


Inherited from:
final def info(using Context): Type

The type info. The info is an instance of TypeType iff this is a type denotation Uncompleted denotations set myInfo to a LazyType.

The type info. The info is an instance of TypeType iff this is a type denotation Uncompleted denotations set myInfo to a LazyType.


Inherited from:

Invalidate all caches and fields that depend on base classes and their contents

Invalidate all caches and fields that depend on base classes and their contents


Inherited from:
final def isOverloaded: Boolean

Is this denotation overloaded?

Is this denotation overloaded?


Inherited from:

True if the info of this denotation comes from a refinement.

True if the info of this denotation comes from a refinement.


Inherited from:

Is this a reference to a term symbol?

Is this a reference to a term symbol?


Inherited from:
final def last: SingleDenotation


Inherited from:

A denotation with the info of this denotation transformed using f

A denotation with the info of this denotation transformed using f


Inherited from:
def mapInherited(ownDenots: PreDenotation, prevDenots: PreDenotation, pre: Type)(using Context): SingleDenotation

Keep only those inherited members M of this predenotation for which the following is true

Keep only those inherited members M of this predenotation for which the following is true

  • M is not marked Private
  • If M has a unique symbol, it does not appear in prevDenots.
  • M's signature as seen from prefix pre does not appear in ownDenots Return the denotation as seen from pre. Called from SymDenotations.computeMember. There, ownDenots are the denotations found in the base class, which shadow any inherited denotations with the same signature. prevDenots are the denotations that are defined in the class or inherited from a base type which comes earlier in the linearization.


Inherited from:
def matches(other: SingleDenotation)(using Context): Boolean

Group contains a denotation with the same signature as other

Group contains a denotation with the same signature as other


Inherited from:
def matchesImportBound(bound: Type)(using Context): Boolean


Inherited from:
def matchesLoosely(other: SingleDenotation, alwaysCompareTypes: Boolean)(using Context): Boolean

matches without a target name check.

matches without a target name check.

For definitions coming from different languages, we pick a common language to compute their signatures. This allows us for example to override some Java definitions from Scala even if they have a different erasure (see i8615b, i9109b), Erasure takes care of adding any necessary bridge to make this work at runtime.


Inherited from:
def matchingDenotation(site: Type, targetType: Type, targetName: Name)(using Context): SingleDenotation

The alternative of this denotation that has a type matching targetType when seen as a member of type site and that has a target name matching targetName, or NoDenotation if none exists.

The alternative of this denotation that has a type matching targetType when seen as a member of type site and that has a target name matching targetName, or NoDenotation if none exists.


Inherited from:
def meet(that: Denotation, pre: Type, safeIntersection: Boolean)(using Context): Denotation

Form a denotation by conjoining with denotation that.

Form a denotation by conjoining with denotation that.

NoDenotations are dropped. MultiDenotations are handled by merging parts with same signatures. SingleDenotations with equal signatures are joined by following this sequence of steps:

  1. If exactly one the denotations has an inaccessible symbol, pick the other one.
  2. Otherwise, if one of the infos overrides the other one, and the associated symbol does not score strictly lower than the other one, pick the associated denotation.
  3. Otherwise, if the two infos can be combined with infoMeet, pick that as result info, and pick the symbol that scores higher as result symbol, or pick sym1 as a tie breaker. The picked info and symbol are combined in a JointDenotation.
  4. Otherwise, if one of the two symbols scores strongly higher than the other one, pick the associated denotation.
  5. Otherwise return a multi-denotation consisting of both denotations.

Symbol scoring is determined according to the following ranking where earlier criteria trump later ones. Cases marked with (*) give a strong score advantage, the others a weak one.

  1. The symbol exists, and the other one does not. (*)
  2. The symbol is not a bridge, but the other one is. (*)
  3. The symbol is concrete, and the other one is deferred
  4. The symbol appears before the other in the linearization of pre
  5. The symbol's visibility is strictly greater than the other one's.
  6. The symbol is a method, but the other one is not.


Inherited from:
final def name(using Context): Name

The name of the denotation

The name of the denotation


Inherited from:
inline def orElse(inline that: SingleDenotation): SingleDenotation


Inherited from:
inline def orElse(inline that: Denotation): Denotation

If this denotation does not exist, fallback to alternative

If this denotation does not exist, fallback to alternative


Inherited from:
def prefix: Type

For SymDenotation, this is NoPrefix. For other denotations this is the prefix under which the denotation was constructed.

For SymDenotation, this is NoPrefix. For other denotations this is the prefix under which the denotation was constructed.

Note that asSeenFrom might return a SymDenotation and therefore in general one cannot rely on prefix being set, see Config.reuseSymDenotations for details.


Inherited from:


Inherited from:
def requiredMethod(pname: PreName, argTypes: List[Type])(using Context): TermSymbol


Inherited from:


Inherited from:
def requiredMethodRef(name: PreName, argTypes: List[Type])(using Context): TermRef


Inherited from:


Inherited from:
def requiredSymbol(kind: String, name: Name, site: Denotation, args: List[Type], generateStubs: Boolean)(p: Symbol => Boolean)(using Context): Symbol

Return symbol in this denotation that satisfies the given predicate. if generateStubs is specified, return a stubsymbol if denotation is a missing ref. Throw a TypeError if predicate fails to disambiguate symbol or no alternative matches.

Return symbol in this denotation that satisfies the given predicate. if generateStubs is specified, return a stubsymbol if denotation is a missing ref. Throw a TypeError if predicate fails to disambiguate symbol or no alternative matches.


Inherited from:
def requiredType(pname: PreName)(using Context): TypeSymbol


Inherited from:
def requiredValue(pname: PreName)(using Context): TermSymbol


Inherited from:


Inherited from:
def show(using Context): String

The string representation of this showable element.

The string representation of this showable element.


Inherited from:
def showDcl(using Context): String

Show declaration string; useful for showing declarations as seen from subclasses.

Show declaration string; useful for showing declarations as seen from subclasses.


Inherited from:
def showIndented(margin: Int)(using Context): String

The string representation with each line after the first one indented by the given given margin (in spaces).

The string representation with each line after the first one indented by the given given margin (in spaces).


Inherited from:
def showSummary(depth: Int)(using Context): String

The summarized string representation of this showable element. Recursion depth is limited to some smallish value. Default is Config.summarizeDepth.

The summarized string representation of this showable element. Recursion depth is limited to some smallish value. Default is Config.summarizeDepth.


Inherited from:
def signature(sourceLanguage: SourceLanguage)(using Context): Signature

Overload of signature which lets the caller pick the language used to compute the signature of the info. Useful to match denotations defined in different classes (see matchesLoosely).

Overload of signature which lets the caller pick the language used to compute the signature of the info. Useful to match denotations defined in different classes (see matchesLoosely).


Inherited from:
final def signature(using Context): Signature

For SymDenotations, the language-specific signature of the info, depending on where the symbol is defined. For non-SymDenotations, the Scala 3 signature.

For SymDenotations, the language-specific signature of the info, depending on where the symbol is defined. For non-SymDenotations, the Scala 3 signature.


  • Before erasure, the signature of a denotation is always equal to the signature of its corresponding initial denotation.
  • Two distinct overloads will have SymDenotations with distinct signatures (the SELECTin tag in Tasty relies on this to refer to an overload unambiguously). Note that this only applies to SymDenotations, in general we cannot assume that distinct SingleDenotations will have distinct signatures (cf #9050).


Inherited from:

Skip any denotations that have been removed by an installAfter or that are otherwise undefined.

Skip any denotations that have been removed by an installAfter or that are otherwise undefined.


Inherited from:
def staleSymbolError(using Context): Nothing


Inherited from:


Inherited from:

The unique alternative of this denotation that satisfies the predicate p, or NoDenotation if no satisfying alternative exists.

The unique alternative of this denotation that satisfies the predicate p, or NoDenotation if no satisfying alternative exists.



if there is at more than one alternative that satisfies p.

Inherited from:
final def toDenot(pre: Type)(using Context): Denotation

Convert to full denotation by &-ing all elements

Convert to full denotation by &-ing all elements


Inherited from:
def toText(printer: Printer): Text

The text representation of this showable element. This normally dispatches to a pattern matching method in Printers.

The text representation of this showable element. This normally dispatches to a pattern matching method in Printers.


Inherited from:

The union of two groups.

The union of two groups.


Inherited from:
final def validFor: Period


Inherited from:
final def validFor_=(p: Period): Unit


Inherited from:

Concrete fields

final val maybeOwner: Symbol
final val name: Name

Inherited fields


Inherited from:
protected var myInfo: Type


Inherited from:
protected var nextInRun: SingleDenotation

The next SingleDenotation in this run, with wrap-around from last to first.

The next SingleDenotation in this run, with wrap-around from last to first.

There may be several SingleDenotations with different validity representing the same underlying definition at different phases. These are called a "flock". Flock members are generated by


Inherited from: