Pure Function Syntax

Pure functions are an experimental feature that can be enabled by the language import

import language.experimental.pureFunctions

Under that import the syntax A -> B is available with the intention that it should denote a pure, side effect-free function from A to B. Some other variants are also supported:

(A1, ..., An) -> B           // a multi-argument pure function
   (x1: A1, ..., xn: An) -> B   // a dependent pure function
   A ?-> B                      // a pure context function
   (A1, ..., An) ?-> B          // a multi-argument pure context function
   (x1: A1, ..., xn: An) ?-> B  // a dependent pure context function
   -> B                         // a pure call-by-name parameter

A function's purity can be checked by capture tracking, another experimental language feature which is presently in a very early stage. Until that second feature matures, the pure function syntax should be understood to be for documentation only. A pure function type is a requirement that all its instances should be side effect-free. This requirement currently needs to be checked manually, but checking might be automated in the future.

Why Enable It Now?

There are at least three reasons why one might want to enable pureFunctions today:

  • to get better documentation since it makes the intent clear,
  • to prepare the code base for a time when full effect checking is implemented,
  • to have a common code base that can be compiled with or without capture checking enabled.

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