
trait Quotes

Quotation context provided by a macro expansion or in the scope of scala.quoted.staging.run. Used to perform all operations on quoted Expr or Type.

It contains the low-level Typed AST API metaprogramming API. This API does not have the static type guarantees that Expr and Type provide.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Concise view

Type members


Low-level Typed AST metaprogramming API.

Low-level Typed AST metaprogramming API.

Provides all functionality related to AST-based metaprogramming.

Each type XYZ in the API is defined as an abstract type type XYZ. Methods on XYZ are provided by a given XYZMethods which implements extension methods on XYZ in the trait XYZMethods. The XYZ module is defined by a val XYZ: XYZModule which contains the methods defined in XYZModule. Type tests (TypeTest) are also given to perform subtype checks on these types.

Type hierarchy

+- Tree -+- PackageClause
         +- Statement -+- Import
         |             +- Export
         |             +- Definition --+- ClassDef
         |             |               +- TypeDef
         |             |               +- DefDef
         |             |               +- ValDef
         |             |
         |             +- Term --------+- Ref -+- Ident -+- Wildcard
         |                             |       +- Select
         |                             |
         |                             +- Literal
         |                             +- This
         |                             +- New
         |                             +- NamedArg
         |                             +- Apply
         |                             +- TypeApply
         |                             +- Super
         |                             +- Assign
         |                             +- Block
         |                             +- Closure
         |                             +- If
         |                             +- Match
         |                             +- SummonFrom
         |                             +- Try
         |                             +- Return
         |                             +- Repeated
         |                             +- Inlined
         |                             +- SelectOuter
         |                             +- While
         |                             +---+- Typed
         |                                /
         +- TypedOrTest +----------------·
         +- Bind
         +- Unapply
         +- Alternatives
         +- CaseDef
         +- TypeCaseDef
         +- TypeTree ----+- Inferred
         |               +- TypeIdent
         |               +- TypeSelect
         |               +- TypeProjection
         |               +- Singleton
         |               +- Refined
         |               +- Applied
         |               +- Annotated
         |               +- MatchTypeTree
         |               +- ByName
         |               +- LambdaTypeTree
         |               +- TypeBind
         |               +- TypeBlock
         +- TypeBoundsTree
         +- WildcardTypeTree

+- ParamClause -+- TypeParamClause
                +- TermParamClause

+- TypeRepr -+- NamedType -+- TermRef
             |             +- TypeRef
             +- ConstantType
             +- SuperType
             +- Refinement
             +- AppliedType
             +- AnnotatedType
             +- AndOrType -+- AndType
             |             +- OrType
             +- MatchType
             +- ByNameType
             +- ParamRef
             +- ThisType
             +- RecursiveThis
             +- RecursiveType
             +- LambdaType -+- MethodOrPoly -+- MethodType
             |              |                +- PolyType
             |              +- TypeLambda
             +- MatchCase
             +- TypeBounds
             +- NoPrefix

+- Selector -+- SimpleSelector
             +- RenameSelector
             +- OmitSelector
             +- GivenSelector

+- Signature

+- Position

+- SourceFile

+- Constant -+- BooleanConstant
             +- ByteConstant
             +- ShortConstant
             +- IntConstant
             +- LongConstant
             +- FloatConstant
             +- DoubleConstant
             +- CharConstant
             +- StringConstant
             +- UnitConstant
             +- NullConstant
             +- ClassOfConstant
+- Symbol

+- Flags


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type


type Nested = Quotes

Type of a Quotes provided by a splice within a quote that took this context.

Type of a Quotes provided by a splice within a quote that took this context.


Value members

Abstract fields

Low-level Typed AST metaprogramming API.

Low-level Typed AST metaprogramming API.

Provides all functionality related to AST-based metaprogramming.


import scala.quoted._
def f(expr: Expr[Int])(using Quotes) =
  import quotes.reflect._
  val ast: Term = expr.asTerm

See reflectModule for full API.




extension (self: Expr[Any])
def asExprOf[X](using Type[X]): Expr[X]

Convert this to an quoted.Expr[X] if this expression is a valid expression of type X or throws

Convert this to an quoted.Expr[X] if this expression is a valid expression of type X or throws


def isExprOf[X](using Type[X]): Boolean

Checks is the quoted.Expr[?] is valid expression of type X

Checks is the quoted.Expr[?] is valid expression of type X


Deprecated extensions

extension [T](self: Expr[T])
def matches(that: Expr[Any]): Boolean

Pattern matches this against that. Effectively performing a deep equality check. It does the equivalent of

Pattern matches this against that. Effectively performing a deep equality check. It does the equivalent of

this match
  case '{...} => true // where the contents of the pattern are the contents of `that`
  case _ => false


Show a source code like representation of this expression

Show a source code like representation of this expression


def value(using FromExpr[T]): Option[T]

Return the value of this expression.

Return the value of this expression.

Returns None if the expression does not represent a value or possibly contains side effects. Otherwise returns the Some of the value.


def valueOrAbort(using FromExpr[T]): T

Return the value of this expression.

Return the value of this expression.

Emits an error and aborts if the expression does not represent a value or possibly contains side effects. Otherwise returns the value.


def valueOrError(using FromExpr[T]): T

Return the value of this expression.

Return the value of this expression.

Emits an error and throws if the expression does not represent a value or possibly contains side effects. Otherwise returns the value.

