
Extension methods of SourceFile


Deprecated extensions

extension (self: SourceFile)

Content of this source file

Content of this source file

Path to this source file. May be None for virtual files such as in the REPL.

Path to this source file. May be None for virtual files such as in the REPL.

@deprecated("Use getJPath, name, or path instead of jpath", "3.0.2")
def jpath: Path

Path to this source file. May be null for virtual files such as in the REPL.

Path to this source file. May be null for virtual files such as in the REPL.

def name: String

Name of the source file

Name of the source file

def path: String

Path of the source file.

Path of the source file.

It does not necessarily point to a path in the filesystem, it could be the path of a virtual file. Use getJPath to get paths to the filesystem.