object HTML

This is trivial html renderer using api inspired by ScalaTags It probably could be more efficient but for now on it should be good enough.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


case class Attr(name: String)
case class Tag(name: String)


opaque type AppliedAttr
opaque type AppliedTag

Value members

Concrete methods

def raw(content: String): AppliedTag
def raw(content: StringBuilder): AppliedTag
def text(content: String): String

Concrete fields

val `type`: Attr
val a: Tag
val alt: Attr
val body: Tag
val button: Tag
val cls: Attr
val code: Tag
val dd: Tag
val defer: Attr
val div: Tag
val dl: Tag
val dt: Tag
val h1: Tag
val h2: Tag
val h3: Tag
val h4: Tag
val h5: Tag
val h6: Tag
val head: Tag
val href: Attr
val html: Tag
val id: Attr
val img: Tag
val input: Tag
val li: Tag
val main: Tag
val meta: Tag
val name: Attr
val ol: Tag
val p: Tag
val pre: Tag
val rel: Attr
val script: Tag
val span: Tag
val src: Attr
val style: Attr
val svg: Tag
val testId: Attr
val title: Tag
val ul: Tag
val value: Attr