Type members
case class DocFlexmarkRenderer(renderLink: (DocLink, String) => String) extends HtmlRendererExtension
- Companion:
- object
case class ExtendedFencedCodeBlock(name: Option[String], codeBlock: FencedCodeBlock, compilationResult: Option[SnippetCompilationResult], hasContext: Boolean) extends BlankLine
SnippetRenderingExtension is responsible for running an analysis for scala codeblocks in the static documentation/scaladoc comments. For each codeblock we run compiler to check whether snippet works in the newest scala version and to produce rich html codeblocks with compiler warnings/errors for IDE-like live experience.
SnippetRenderingExtension is responsible for running an analysis for scala codeblocks in the static documentation/scaladoc comments. For each codeblock we run compiler to check whether snippet works in the newest scala version and to produce rich html codeblocks with compiler warnings/errors for IDE-like live experience.