
sealed class CharReader(buffer: String)
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class Parser

Value members

Concrete methods

def char: Char
final def check(chars: String): Boolean
final def check(chars: String, checkOffset: Int): Boolean
final def jump(ch: Char): Boolean

Jumps a character and consumes it

Jumps a character and consumes it


true only if the correct character has been jumped

final def jump(chars: String): Boolean

Jumps all the characters in chars, consuming them in the process.

Jumps all the characters in chars, consuming them in the process.


true only if the correct characters have been jumped

final def jumpUntil(ch: Char): Int
final def jumpUntil(pred: => Boolean): Int
final def nextChar(): Unit
final def prevChar(): Unit
final def readUntil(c: Char): String
final def readUntil(chars: String): String
final def readUntil(pred: => Boolean): String
final def repeatJump(c: Char, max: Int): Int

Concrete fields

var offset: Int