Dependent Function Types

A dependent function type is a function type whose result depends on the function's parameters. For example:

trait Entry { type Key; val key: Key }

def extractKey(e: Entry): e.Key = e.key          // a dependent method

val extractor: (e: Entry) => e.Key = extractKey  // a dependent function value
//             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
//             a dependent function type

Scala already has dependent methods, i.e. methods where the result type refers to some of the parameters of the method. Method extractKey is an example. Its result type, e.Key refers to its parameter e (we also say, e.Key depends on e). But so far it was not possible to turn such methods into function values, so that they can be passed as parameters to other functions, or returned as results. Dependent methods could not be turned into functions simply because there was no type that could describe them.

In Scala 3 this is now possible. The type of the extractor value above is

(e: Entry) => e.Key

This type describes function values that take any argument e of type Entry and return a result of type e.Key.

Recall that a normal function type A => B is represented as an instance of the Function1 trait (i.e. Function1[A, B]) and analogously for functions with more parameters. Dependent functions are also represented as instances of these traits, but they get an additional refinement. In fact, the dependent function type above is just syntactic sugar for

Function1[Entry, Entry#Key]:
  def apply(e: Entry): e.Key

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