
final case class Array(ty: Type, nullable: Boolean) extends RefKind

The type of an array reference.

An Array is a reference to scala.Array[T]. It contains a header followed by a tail allocated buffer, which typically sit on the heap. That is unlike ArrayValue, which corresponds to LLVM's fixed-size array type.

trait Product
trait Equals
class RefKind
class Type
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

def =?=(other: Type): Boolean
Inherited from:
final def className: Top

The identifier of the class corresponding to this type.

The identifier of the class corresponding to this type.

Inherited from:
final def elemty(path: Seq[Val]): Type
Inherited from:
Inherited from:
final def isExact: Boolean

true iff the referenced type is exactly the type denoted by this.

true iff the referenced type is exactly the type denoted by this.

Given an instance r of RefKind denoting a reference to some time T, r.isExact holds iff the referenced type is exactly T and not a subtype thereof. The optimizer may be able to compute the exact variant of an arbitrary reference after it has replaced a virtual call.

Inherited from:
final def isNullable: Boolean

true iff instances of this type are nullable.

true iff instances of this type are nullable.

Inherited from:
final def mangle: String

The mangled representation of this.

The mangled representation of this.

Inherited from:
Inherited from:
final def show: String

A textual representation of this.

A textual representation of this.

Inherited from: