
Indicates that classes (and possibly modules) that extend a particular superclass, or mix in a particular supertrait, should be discovered as test classes.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def isModule(): Boolean

Indicates whether modules (singleton objects) that extend the superclass or supertrait should be considered during discovery, or just classes.

Indicates whether modules (singleton objects) that extend the superclass or supertrait should be considered during discovery, or just classes.

If modules are not allowed by the test framework, they should return false for isModule. Returning false will speed up discovery because classes for modules can be quickly bypassed.

Indicates whether discovered classes must have a no-arg constructor.

Indicates whether discovered classes must have a no-arg constructor.

If this method returns true, the client should not discover any subclass of the given superClassName that does not declare a no-arg constructor, i.e., a constructor that takes no arguments.

def superclassName(): String

The name of the superclass or supertrait that identifies classes (and possibly modules) as test classes to be discovered.

The name of the superclass or supertrait that identifies classes (and possibly modules) as test classes to be discovered.