
sealed abstract
class Selector

Information in addition to a test class name that identifies the suite or test about which an event was fired.

This class has five subtypes:

  • SuiteSelector - indicates an event is about an entire suite of tests whose class was reported as fullyQualifiedName in the Event
  • TestSelector - indicates an event is about a single test directly contained in the suite whose class was reported as fullyQualifiedName in the Event
  • NestedSuiteSelector - indicates an event is about an entire nested suite of tests whose top-level, "nesting" class was reported as fullyQualifiedName in the Event
  • NestedTestSelector - indicates an event is about a single test contained in a nested suite whose top-level, "nesting" class was reported as fullyQualifiedName in the Event
  • TestWildcardSelector - indicates an event is about zero to many tests directly contained in the suite whose class was reported as fullyQualifiedName in the Event
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any