
final class TestWildcardSelector(_testWildcard: String) extends Selector with Serializable

Information that identifies zero to many tests directly contained in a test class.

The testWildcard is a simple string, i.e., not a glob or regular expression. Any test whose name includes the testWildcard string as a substring will be selected.

class Selector
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

override def equals(that: Any): Boolean
Definition Classes
override def hashCode(): Int
Definition Classes

A test wildcard string used to select tests.

A test wildcard string used to select tests.

The testWildcard is a simple string, i.e., not a glob or regular expression. Any test whose name includes the testWildcard string as a substring will be selected.


the test wildcard string used to select tests.

override def toString(): String
Definition Classes