
object Discover

Utilities for discovery of command-line tools and settings required to build Scala Native applications.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


class ContextBasedCache[Ctx, Key, Value <: AnyRef]

Value members

Concrete methods

def GC(): GC

GC variant used from SCALANATIVE_GC env var or default.

GC variant used from SCALANATIVE_GC env var or default.

def LTO(): LTO

LTO variant used for release mode from SCALANATIVE_LTO env var or default.

LTO variant used for release mode from SCALANATIVE_LTO env var or default.

def clang(): Path

Use the clang binary on the path or via LLVM_BIN env var.

Use the clang binary on the path or via LLVM_BIN env var.

def clangpp(): Path

Use the clang++ binary on the path or via LLVM_BIN env var.

Use the clang++ binary on the path or via LLVM_BIN env var.

Find default clang compilation options.

Find default clang compilation options.

Find default options passed to the system's native linker.

Find default options passed to the system's native linker.

def mode(): Mode

Compilation mode name from SCALANATIVE_MODE env var or default.

Compilation mode name from SCALANATIVE_MODE env var or default.

def targetTriple(clang: Path): String

Detect the target architecture.

Detect the target architecture.

Value parameters:

A path to the executable clang.


The detected target triple describing the target architecture.

def targetTriple(implicit config: NativeConfig): String