
object Build

Utility methods for building code using Scala Native.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def build(config: Config)(implicit scope: Scope, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Path]

Run the complete Scala Native pipeline, LLVM optimizer and system linker, producing a native binary in the end.

Run the complete Scala Native pipeline, LLVM optimizer and system linker, producing a native binary in the end.

For example, to produce a binary one needs a classpath, a working directory and a main class entry point:

val classpath: Seq[Path] = ...
val basedir: Path        = ...
val main: String         = ...
val logger: Logger       = ...

val clang    = Discover.clang()
val clangpp  = Discover.clangpp()
val linkopts = Discover.linkingOptions()
val compopts = Discover.compileOptions()

val config =
      .withMultithreadingSupport(enabled = false)
Value parameters:

The configuration of the toolchain.


Config#artifactPath, the path to the resulting native binary.

def buildCached(config: Config)(implicit scope: Scope, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Path]

Run the complete Scala Native pipeline, LLVM optimizer and system linker, producing a native binary in the end, same as build method.

Run the complete Scala Native pipeline, LLVM optimizer and system linker, producing a native binary in the end, same as build method.

This method skips the whole build and link process if the input hasn't changed from the previous build, and the previous build artifact is available at Config#artifactPath.

Value parameters:

The configuration of the toolchain.


Config#artifactPath, the path to the resulting native binary.

def findAndCompileNativeLibraries(config: Config, analysis: Result)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Seq[Path]]

Finds and compiles native libaries.

Finds and compiles native libaries.

Value parameters:

the result from the linker


the compiler configuration


the paths to the compiled objects