
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

List of custom source roots used to map symbols find in binary file (NIR) with orignal Scala sources

List of custom source roots used to map symbols find in binary file (NIR) with orignal Scala sources

Shall toolchain enable mechanism for generation for source level debugging metadata.

Shall toolchain enable mechanism for generation for source level debugging metadata.

Shall function contain additional information about source definition. Enables source positions in stacktraces, but introduces a runtime penalty for symbols deserialization

Shall function contain additional information about source definition. Enables source positions in stacktraces, but introduces a runtime penalty for symbols deserialization

Shall generate a metadata for local variables, allows to check state of local variables in debugger. Recommended usage of LLDB with disabled optimizations.

Shall generate a metadata for local variables, allows to check state of local variables in debugger. Recommended usage of LLDB with disabled optimizations.