package util

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AList[K[L[x]]] extends AnyRef

    An abstraction over a higher-order type constructor K[x[y]] with the purpose of abstracting over heterogeneous sequences like KList and TupleN with elements with a common type constructor as well as homogeneous sequences Seq[M[T]].

  2. abstract class AbstractRMap[K[_], V[_]] extends RMap[K, V]
  3. final case class AttributeEntry[T](key: AttributeKey[T], value: T) extends Product with Serializable

    A map entry where key is constrained to only be associated with a fixed value of type T.

  4. sealed trait AttributeKey[T] extends AnyRef

    A key in an AttributeMap that constrains its associated value to be of type T.

    A key in an AttributeMap that constrains its associated value to be of type T. The key is uniquely defined by its label and type T, represented at runtime by manifest.

  5. trait AttributeMap extends AnyRef

    An immutable map where a key is the tuple (String,T) for a fixed type T and can only be associated with values of type T.

    An immutable map where a key is the tuple (String,T) for a fixed type T and can only be associated with values of type T. It is therefore possible for this map to contain mappings for keys with the same label but different types. Excluding this possibility is the responsibility of the client if desired.

  6. final case class Attributed[D](data: D)(metadata: AttributeMap) extends Product with Serializable

    Associates a metadata map with data.

  7. trait Dag[Node <: Dag[Node]] extends AnyRef
  8. class DelegatingPMap[K[_], V[_]] extends AbstractRMap[K, V] with PMap[K, V]

    Only suitable for K that is invariant in its type parameter.

    Only suitable for K that is invariant in its type parameter. Option and List keys are not suitable, for example, because None <:< Option[String] and None <: Option[Int].

  9. abstract class EvaluateSettings[ScopeType] extends AnyRef
  10. final case class HCons[H, T <: HList](head: H, tail: T) extends HList with Product with Serializable
  11. sealed trait HList extends AnyRef

    A minimal heterogeneous list type.

    A minimal heterogeneous list type. For background, see basics/

  12. trait HListFormats extends AnyRef
  13. sealed trait HNil extends HList
  14. trait IDSet[T] extends AnyRef

    A mutable set interface that uses object identity to test for set membership.

  15. trait IMap[K[_], V[_]] extends ~>[K, V] with RMap[K, V]
  16. trait Init[ScopeType] extends AnyRef
  17. final case class KCons[H, +T <: KList[M], +M[_]](head: M[H], tail: T) extends KList[M] with Product with Serializable
  18. sealed trait KList[+M[_]] extends AnyRef

    A higher-kinded heterogeneous list of elements that share the same type constructor M[_].

  19. sealed abstract class KNil extends KList[util.Types.NothingK]
  20. trait PMap[K[_], V[_]] extends ~>[K, V] with RMap[K, V]
  21. trait RMap[K[_], V[_]] extends AnyRef
  22. sealed trait Settings[ScopeType] extends AnyRef
  23. trait TypeFunctions extends AnyRef
  24. trait Types extends TypeFunctions
  25. trait ~>[-A[_], +B[_]] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object AList
  2. object AttributeKey
  3. object AttributeMap
  4. object Attributed extends Serializable
  5. object Classes
  6. object Dag
  7. object EvaluationState extends Enumeration
  8. object HList
  9. object HListFormats extends HListFormats
  10. object HNil extends HNil
  11. object IDSet
  12. object IMap
  13. object KList
  14. object KNil extends KNil with Product with Serializable
  15. object PMap
  16. object ScalaKeywords
  17. object Signals
  18. object TypeFunctions extends TypeFunctions
  19. object Types extends Types
  20. object Util
  21. object ~>
