package io

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final class CopyOptions extends Serializable

    The options for the copy operation in IO.

  2. final class ExactFilter extends NameFilter

    A NameFilter that accepts a name if it is exactly equal to matchName.

  3. trait FileFilter extends

    A with additional methods for combining filters.

  4. sealed abstract class IOSyntax0 extends IOSyntax1
  5. sealed abstract class IOSyntax1 extends AnyRef
  6. final class LinkOptionPath extends RichNioPath
  7. class MacOSXWatchService extends WatchService with Unregisterable
  8. abstract class Mapper extends AnyRef
  9. trait NameFilter extends FileFilter

    A filter on Strings.

    A filter on Strings. This also functions as a FileFilter by applying the String filter to the value of a File's getName.

  10. sealed abstract class PathFinder extends AnyRef

    A path finder constructs a set of paths.

    A path finder constructs a set of paths. The set is evaluated by a call to the get method. The set will be different for different calls to get if the underlying filesystem has changed.

  11. final class PatternFilter extends NameFilter

    A NameFilter that accepts a name if it matches the regular expression defined by pattern.

  12. class PollingWatchService extends WatchService with Unregisterable

    A WatchService that polls the filesystem every delay.

  13. final class RichFile extends AnyVal with RichNioPath
  14. sealed trait RichNioPath extends Any
  15. sealed class SimpleFileFilter extends FileFilter

    A FileFilter that selects files according the predicate acceptFunction.

  16. sealed class SimpleFilter extends NameFilter

    A NameFilter that accepts a name if the predicate acceptFunction accepts it.

  17. trait Unregisterable extends AnyRef
  18. abstract class Using[Source, T] extends AnyRef
  19. trait WatchService extends AnyRef

    A service that will monitor the file system for file creation, deletion and modification.

Value Members

  1. object AllPassFilter extends NameFilter

    A NameFilter that accepts all names.

    A NameFilter that accepts all names. That is, accept always returns true.

  2. object CopyOptions extends Serializable
  3. object DirectoryFilter extends FileFilter

    A FileFilter that selects files that are a directory according to

  4. object ExistsFileFilter extends FileFilter

    A FileFilter that selects files that exist according to

  5. object FileFilter
  6. object GlobFilter

    Constructs a filter from a String, interpreting wildcards.

    Constructs a filter from a String, interpreting wildcards. See the GlobFilter.apply method.

  7. object Hash
  8. object HiddenFileFilter extends FileFilter

    A FileFilter that selects files that are hidden according to or if they start with a dot (.).

  9. object IO

    A collection of File, URL, and I/O utility methods.

  10. object JavaMilli extends MilliMilliseconds
  11. object NameFilter
  12. object NothingFilter extends NameFilter

    A NameFilter that accepts nothing.

    A NameFilter that accepts nothing. That is, accept always returns false.

  13. object Path extends Mapper
  14. object PathFinder
  15. object Using
  16. object WatchService
  17. object syntax extends IOSyntax0
