

package sbt

  1. Alphabetic
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  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class BuildRef(build: URI) extends BuildReference with ResolvedReference with Product with Serializable

    Uniquely identifies a build by a URI.

  2. sealed trait BuildReference extends Reference

    Identifies a build.

  3. final case class ConfigKey(name: String) extends Product with Serializable
  4. sealed trait DelegateIndex extends AnyRef
  5. sealed trait InitializeImplicits extends InitializeImplicits0
  6. sealed trait InitializeImplicits0 extends AnyRef
  7. sealed trait InputKey[T] extends Scoped with sbt.Def.KeyedInitialize[InputTask[T]] with ScopingSetting[InputKey[T]] with DefinableSetting[InputTask[T]]

    Identifies an input task.

    Identifies an input task. An input task parses input and produces a task to run. It consists of three parts: the scope, the name, and the type of the value produced by an input task associated with this key. The scope is represented by a value of type Scope. The name and the type are represented by a value of type AttributeKey[InputTask[T]]. Instances are constructed using the companion object.

  8. final class InputTask[T] extends AnyRef

    Parses input and produces a task to run.

    Parses input and produces a task to run. Constructed using the companion object.

  9. final case class LocalProject(project: String) extends ProjectReference with Product with Serializable

    Identifies a project in the current build context.

  10. final case class ProjectRef(build: URI, project: String) extends ProjectReference with ResolvedReference with Product with Serializable

    Uniquely references a project by a URI and a project identifier String.

  11. sealed trait ProjectReference extends Reference

    Identifies a project.

  12. final class PromiseWrap[A] extends AnyRef
  13. sealed trait Reference extends AnyRef

    Identifies a project or build.

  14. sealed trait ResolvedReference extends Reference

    A fully resolved, unique identifier for a project or build.

  15. final case class RootProject(build: URI) extends ProjectReference with Product with Serializable

    Identifies the root project in the specified build.

  16. final case class Scope(project: ScopeAxis[Reference], config: ScopeAxis[ConfigKey], task: ScopeAxis[AttributeKey[_]], extra: ScopeAxis[AttributeMap]) extends Product with Serializable
  17. sealed trait ScopeAxis[+S] extends AnyRef
  18. final case class ScopeMask(project: Boolean = true, config: Boolean = true, task: Boolean = true, extra: Boolean = true) extends Product with Serializable

    Specifies the Scope axes that should be used for an operation.

    Specifies the Scope axes that should be used for an operation. true indicates an axis should be used.

  19. sealed trait Scoped extends Equals

    An abstraction on top of Settings for build configuration and task definition.

  20. sealed trait ScopedTaskable[T] extends Scoped with Taskable[T]

    A common type for SettingKey and TaskKey so that both can be used as inputs to tasks.

  21. final case class Select[S](s: S) extends ScopeAxis[S] with Product with Serializable

    Select is a type constructor that is used to wrap type S to make a scope component, equivalent of Some in Option.

  22. sealed abstract class SettingKey[T] extends ScopedTaskable[T] with sbt.Def.KeyedInitialize[T] with ScopingSetting[SettingKey[T]] with DefinableSetting[T]

    Identifies a setting.

    Identifies a setting. It consists of three parts: the scope, the name, and the type of a value associated with this key. The scope is represented by a value of type Scope. The name and the type are represented by a value of type AttributeKey[T]. Instances are constructed using the companion object.

  23. trait SlashSyntax extends AnyRef

    SlashSyntax implements the slash syntax to scope keys for build.sbt DSL.

    SlashSyntax implements the slash syntax to scope keys for build.sbt DSL. The implicits are set up such that the order that the scope components must appear in the order of the project axis, the configuration axis, and the task axis. This ordering is the same as the shell syntax.

    1. Global / cancelable := true
      ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "2.12.2"
      Test / test := ()
      console / scalacOptions += "-deprecation"
      Compile / console / scalacOptions += "-Ywarn-numeric-widen"
      projA / Compile / console / scalacOptions += "-feature"
      Zero / Zero / name := "foo"
  24. sealed abstract class TaskKey[T] extends ScopedTaskable[T] with sbt.Def.KeyedInitialize[Task[T]] with ScopingSetting[TaskKey[T]] with DefinableTask[T]

    Identifies a task.

    Identifies a task. It consists of three parts: the scope, the name, and the type of the value computed by a task associated with this key. The scope is represented by a value of type Scope. The name and the type are represented by a value of type AttributeKey[Task[T]]. Instances are constructed using the companion object.

  25. trait TaskMacroExtra extends AnyRef
  26. sealed trait Taskable[T] extends AnyRef

    A SettingKey, TaskKey or Initialize[Task] that can be converted into an Initialize[Task].

  27. sealed trait TaskableImplicits extends AnyRef
  28. trait TupleSyntax extends AnyRef

    The sbt 0.10 style DSL was deprecated in 0.13.13, favouring the use of the '.value' macro.

    The sbt 0.10 style DSL was deprecated in 0.13.13, favouring the use of the '.value' macro.

    See https://www.scala-sbt.org/1.x/docs/Migrating-from-sbt-013x.html#Migrating+from+sbt+0.12+style for how to migrate.

  29. class sbtUnchecked extends Annotation

    An annotation to designate that the annotated entity should not be considered for additional sbt compiler checks.

    An annotation to designate that the annotated entity should not be considered for additional sbt compiler checks. These checks ensure that the DSL is predictable and prevents users from doing dangerous things at the cost of a stricter code structure.



Value Members

  1. object Append
  2. object ConfigKey extends Serializable
  3. object Def extends Init[Scope] with TaskMacroExtra with InitializeImplicits

    A concrete settings system that uses sbt.Scope for the scope type.

  4. object InputKey

    Constructs InputKeys, which are associated with input tasks to define a setting.

  5. object InputTask
  6. object KeyRanks
  7. object LocalRootProject extends ProjectReference with Product with Serializable

    Identifies the root project in the current build context.

  8. object Previous
  9. object ProjectRef extends Serializable
  10. object Reference
  11. object Remove
  12. object RootProject extends Serializable
  13. object Scope extends Serializable
  14. object ScopeAxis
  15. object Scoped

    Methods and types related to constructing settings, including keys, scopes, and initializations.

  16. object SettingKey

    Constructs SettingKeys, which are associated with a value to define a basic setting.

  17. object SlashSyntax
  18. object TaskKey

    Constructs TaskKeys, which are associated with tasks to define a setting.

  19. object Taskable extends TaskableImplicits
  20. object This extends ScopeAxis[Nothing] with Product with Serializable

    This is a scope component that represents not being scoped by the user, which later could be further scoped automatically by sbt.

  21. object ThisBuild extends BuildReference with Product with Serializable

    Identifies the build for the current context.

  22. object ThisProject extends ProjectReference with Product with Serializable

    Identifies the project for the current context.

  23. object TupleSyntax extends TupleSyntax
  24. object Zero extends ScopeAxis[Nothing] with Product with Serializable

    Zero is a scope component that represents not scoping.

    Zero is a scope component that represents not scoping. It is a universal fallback component that is strictly weaker than any other values on a scope axis.
