


package util

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BasicCache [I, O] extends Cache[I, O]

    Simple key-value cache.

  2. trait BasicCacheImplicits extends AnyRef
  3. trait Cache [I, O] extends AnyRef

    A simple cache with keys of type I and values of type O

  4. trait CacheImplicits extends BasicCacheImplicits with BasicJsonProtocol
  5. sealed trait CacheResult [K] extends AnyRef

    The result of a cache query

  6. abstract class CacheStore extends Input with Output

    A CacheStore is used by the caching infrastructure to persist cached information.

  7. abstract class CacheStoreFactory extends AnyRef

    Factory that can make new stores.

  8. class DirectoryStoreFactory [J] extends CacheStoreFactory

    A factory that creates new stores persisted in base.

  9. class FileBasedStore [J] extends CacheStore

    A CacheStore that persists information in file.

  10. sealed trait FileInfo extends AnyRef
  11. final case class FilesInfo [F <: FileInfo] extends Product with Serializable
  12. sealed trait HashFileInfo extends FileInfo
  13. sealed trait HashModifiedFileInfo extends HashFileInfo with ModifiedFileInfo
  14. case class Hit [O](value: O) extends CacheResult[O] with Product with Serializable

    A successful hit on the cache

  15. trait Input extends Closeable
  16. case class Miss [O](update: (O) ⇒ Unit) extends CacheResult[O] with Product with Serializable

    A cache miss.

    A cache miss. update associates the missing key with O in the cache.

  17. sealed trait ModifiedFileInfo extends FileInfo
  18. trait Output extends Closeable
  19. sealed trait PlainFileInfo extends FileInfo
  20. class PlainInput [J] extends Input
  21. class PlainOutput [J] extends Output
  22. trait SingletonCache [A] extends AnyRef

    A cache that stores a single value.

  23. class StreamBasedStore [J] extends CacheStore

    A store that reads from inputStream and writes to outputStream.
