


package util

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. class BasicCache[I, O] extends Cache[I, O]

    Simple key-value cache.

  2. trait BasicCacheImplicits extends AnyRef
  3. trait Cache[I, O] extends AnyRef

    A simple cache with keys of type I and values of type O

  4. trait CacheImplicits extends BasicCacheImplicits with BasicJsonProtocol
  5. sealed trait CacheResult[K] extends AnyRef

    The result of a cache query

  6. abstract class CacheStore extends Input with Output

    A CacheStore is used by the caching infrastructure to persist cached information.

  7. abstract class CacheStoreFactory extends AnyRef

    Factory that can make new stores.

  8. class DirectoryStoreFactory[J] extends CacheStoreFactory

    A factory that creates new stores persisted in base.

  9. class FileBasedStore[J] extends CacheStore

    A CacheStore that persists information in file.

  10. sealed trait FileInfo extends AnyRef
  11. class FileInput extends Input
  12. class FileOutput extends Output
  13. final case class FilesInfo[F <: FileInfo] extends Product with Serializable
  14. sealed trait HashFileInfo extends FileInfo
  15. sealed trait HashModifiedFileInfo extends HashFileInfo with ModifiedFileInfo
  16. case class Hit[O](value: O) extends CacheResult[O] with Product with Serializable

    A successful hit on the cache

  17. trait Input extends Closeable
  18. case class Miss[O](update: (O) => Unit) extends CacheResult[O] with Product with Serializable

    A cache miss.

    A cache miss. update associates the missing key with O in the cache.

  19. sealed trait ModifiedFileInfo extends FileInfo
  20. trait Output extends Closeable
  21. sealed trait PlainFileInfo extends FileInfo
  22. class PlainInput[J] extends Input
  23. class PlainOutput[J] extends Output
  24. trait SingletonCache[A] extends AnyRef

    A cache that stores a single value.

  25. class StreamBasedStore[J] extends CacheStore

    A store that reads from inputStream and writes to outputStream.

Value Members

  1. object Cache
  2. object CacheImplicits extends CacheImplicits
  3. object CacheStore
  4. object CacheStoreFactory
  5. object FileInfo
  6. object FilesInfo extends Serializable
  7. object HashFileInfo
  8. object HashModifiedFileInfo
  9. object ModifiedFileInfo
  10. object PlainFileInfo
  11. object SingletonCache
  12. object StampedFormat extends BasicJsonProtocol
