package util

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class AbstractEntry extends Serializable
  2. trait Appender extends AutoCloseable
  3. abstract class BasicLogger extends AbstractLogger

    Implements the level-setting methods of Logger.

  4. class BufferedAppender extends Appender

    An appender that can buffer the logging done on it and then can flush the buffer to the delegate appender provided in the constructor.

    An appender that can buffer the logging done on it and then can flush the buffer to the delegate appender provided in the constructor. Use 'record()' to start buffering and then 'play' to flush the buffer to the backing appender. The logging level set at the time a message is originally logged is used, not the level at the time 'play' is called.

  5. class BufferedLogger extends BasicLogger

    A logger that can buffer the logging done on it and then can flush the buffer to the delegate logger provided in the constructor.

    A logger that can buffer the logging done on it and then can flush the buffer to the delegate logger provided in the constructor. Use 'startRecording' to start buffering and then 'play' from to flush the buffer to the backing logger. The logging level set at the time a message is originally logged is used, not the level at the time 'play' is called.

    This class assumes that it is the only client of the delegate logger.

  6. class ConsoleAppender extends Appender

    A logger that logs to the console.

    A logger that logs to the console. On supported systems, the level labels are colored.

    This logger is not thread-safe.

  7. class ConsoleLogger extends BasicLogger

    A logger that logs to the console.

    A logger that logs to the console. On supported systems, the level labels are colored.

  8. sealed trait ConsoleOut extends AnyRef
  9. class DeprecatedJLine extends AnyRef

    This exists to a provide a wrapper to TerminalBuilder.setTerminalOverride that will not emit a deprecation warning when called from scala.

  10. class FilterLogger extends BasicLogger

    A filter logger is used to delegate messages but not the logging level to another logger.

    A filter logger is used to delegate messages but not the logging level to another logger. This means that messages are logged at the higher of the two levels set by this logger and its delegate.

  11. class FullLogger extends BasicLogger

    Promotes the simple Logger interface to the full AbstractLogger interface.

  12. final case class GlobalLogBacking(file: File, last: Option[File], newBackingFile: () ⇒ File) extends Product with Serializable

    Tracks the files that persist the global logging.

    Tracks the files that persist the global logging. file is the current backing file. last is the previous backing file, if there is one. newBackingFile creates a new temporary location for the next backing file.

  13. final case class GlobalLogging(full: ManagedLogger, console: ConsoleOut, backed: Appender, backing: GlobalLogBacking, newAppender: (ManagedLogger, PrintWriter, GlobalLogBacking, LoggerContext) ⇒ GlobalLogging) extends Product with Serializable

    Provides the current global logging configuration.

    Provides the current global logging configuration.

    full is the current global logger. It should not be set directly because it is generated as needed from backing.newLogger. console is where all logging from all ConsoleLoggers should go. backed is the Logger that other loggers should feed into. backing tracks the files that persist the global logging. newLogger creates a new global logging configuration from a sink and backing configuration.

  14. final case class GlobalLogging1(full: Logger, console: ConsoleOut, backed: AbstractLogger, backing: GlobalLogBacking, newLogger: (PrintWriter, GlobalLogBacking) ⇒ GlobalLogging1) extends Product with Serializable
  15. sealed abstract class LogOption extends Serializable

    value for logging options like color

  16. class LoggerWriter extends Writer

    Provides a interface to a Logger.

    Provides a interface to a Logger. Content is line-buffered and logged at level. A line is delimited by nl, which is by default the platform line separator.

  17. class ManagedLogger extends Logger

    Delegates log events to the associated LogExchange.

  18. class MultiLogger extends BasicLogger
  19. final class ObjectEvent[A] extends Serializable
  20. final class ProgressEvent extends AbstractEntry with Serializable

    used by super shell

  21. final class ProgressItem extends Serializable

    used by super shell

  22. final class StringEvent extends AbstractEntry with Serializable
  23. final case class StringTypeTag[A](key: String) extends Product with Serializable

    This is used to carry type information in JSON.

  24. final class SuccessEvent extends Serializable
  25. final class SuppressedTraceContext extends AnyRef
  26. trait Terminal extends AutoCloseable
  27. final class TraceEvent extends AbstractEntry with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object AbstractEntry extends Serializable
  2. object BufferedAppender
  3. object ConsoleAppender
  4. object ConsoleLogger
  5. object ConsoleOut
  6. object EscHelpers
  7. object FullLogger
  8. object GlobalLogBacking extends Serializable
  9. object GlobalLogging extends Serializable
  10. object LogOption extends Serializable
  11. object MainAppender
  12. object ObjectEvent extends Serializable
  13. object ProgressEvent extends Serializable
  14. object ProgressItem extends Serializable
  15. object StackTrace
  16. object StringEvent extends Serializable
  17. object StringTypeTag extends Serializable
  18. object SuccessEvent extends Serializable
  19. object Terminal
  20. object TraceEvent extends Serializable
