package inc

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed abstract class APIChange extends xsbti.compile.APIChange
  2. final case class APIChangeDueToMacroDefinition(modified0: String) extends APIChange with Product with Serializable

    If we recompile a source file that contains a macro definition then we always assume that it's api has changed.

    If we recompile a source file that contains a macro definition then we always assume that it's api has changed. The reason is that there's no way to determine if changes to macros implementation are affecting its users or not. Therefore we err on the side of caution.

  3. final class APIChanges extends AnyRef
  4. trait APIs extends AnyRef
  5. sealed class AdaptedRunProfiler extends RunProfiler with DelegatingRunProfiler
  6. final class Added extends Change
  7. trait Analysis extends CompileAnalysis
  8. sealed abstract class Change extends AnyRef
  9. trait CompanionsStore extends AnyRef
  10. final class Compilation extends xsbti.compile.analysis.Compilation

    Note that this implementation of the interface is part of the public Zinc Scala API.

  11. trait Compilations extends ReadCompilations

    Information about compiler runs accumulated since clean command has been run.

  12. final case class ConcreteAnalysisContents(analysis: CompileAnalysis, miniSetup: MiniSetup) extends AnalysisContents with Product with Serializable
  13. class DummyVirtualFile extends BasicVirtualFileRef with VirtualFile

    This is a dummy VirtualFile that's a simple wrapper around Path.

  14. trait ExternalLookup extends xsbti.compile.ExternalHooks.Lookup

    Defines a hook interface that IDEs or build tools can mock to modify the way Zinc invalidates the incremental compiler.

    Defines a hook interface that IDEs or build tools can mock to modify the way Zinc invalidates the incremental compiler. These hooks operate at a high-level of abstraction and only allow to modify the inputs of the initial change detection.

  15. final class FarmHash extends StampBase

    Define the hash of the file contents.

    Define the hash of the file contents. It's a typical stamp for compilation sources.

  16. sealed trait FileValueCache[T] extends AnyRef

    Cache based on path and its stamp.

  17. final class Hash extends StampBase

    Define the hash of the file contents.

    Define the hash of the file contents. It's a typical stamp for compilation sources.

  18. final case class InitialChanges(internalSrc: Changes[VirtualFileRef], removedProducts: Set[VirtualFileRef], libraryDeps: Set[VirtualFileRef], external: APIChanges) extends xsbti.compile.InitialChanges with Product with Serializable
  19. abstract class InvalidationProfiler extends AnyRef

    Defines a profiler interface that translates to the profiling protobuf schema.

    Defines a profiler interface that translates to the profiling protobuf schema.

    The protobuf schema has been mildly inspired from pprof:

    A profiler interface should only be used by project, and not globally, as this class is not thread safe.

  20. trait InvalidationProfilerUtils extends AnyRef
  21. final class LastModified extends StampBase

    Define the last modified time of the file.

    Define the last modified time of the file. It's a typical stamp for class files and products.

  22. trait Lookup extends ExternalLookup

    A trait that encapsulates looking up elements on a classpath and looking up an external (for another subproject) Analysis instance.

  23. class MappedFileConverter extends FileConverter
  24. class MappedVirtualFile extends BasicVirtualFileRef with PathBasedFile
  25. final class Modified extends Change
  26. final case class ModifiedNames(names: Set[UsedName]) extends Product with Serializable

    ModifiedNames are determined by comparing name hashes in two versions of an API representation.

    ModifiedNames are determined by comparing name hashes in two versions of an API representation.

    Note that we distinguish between sets of regular (non-implicit) and implicit modified names. This distinction is needed because the name hashing algorithm makes different decisions based on whether modified name is implicit or not. Implicit names are much more difficult to handle due to difficulty of reasoning about the implicit scope.

  27. final case class NamesChange(modified0: String, modifiedNames: ModifiedNames) extends APIChange with Product with Serializable

    An APIChange that carries information about modified names.

    An APIChange that carries information about modified names.

    This class is used only when name hashing algorithm is enabled.

  28. trait NoopExternalLookup extends ExternalLookup
  29. trait Relations extends AnyRef

    Provides mappings between source files, generated classes (products), and binaries.

    Provides mappings between source files, generated classes (products), and binaries. Dependencies that are tracked include internal: a dependency on a source in the same compilation group (project), external: a dependency on a source in another compilation group (tracked as the name of the class), library: a dependency on a class or jar file not generated by a source file in any tracked compilation group, inherited: a dependency that resulted from a public template inheriting, direct: any type of dependency, including inheritance.

  30. final class Removed extends Change
  31. abstract class RunProfiler extends AnyRef

    Defines the interface of a profiler.

    Defines the interface of a profiler. This interface is used in the guts of IncrementalCommon and IncrementalNameHashing. A profiler of a run is instantiated afresh in Incremental.compile and then added to the profiler instance managed by the client.

  32. trait SourceInfos extends ReadSourceInfos
  33. trait Stamps extends ReadStamps

    Provides a richer interface to read and write stamps associated with files.

    Provides a richer interface to read and write stamps associated with files.

    This interface is meant for internal use and is Scala idiomatic. It implements the Java interface ReadStamps that is exposed in the xsbti.compile.CompileAnalysis.

  34. final case class TraitPrivateMembersModified(modified: String) extends APIChange with Product with Serializable
  35. abstract class UnderlyingChanges[A] extends Changes[A]
  36. case class UsedName extends xsbti.compile.UsedName with Product with Serializable
  37. trait WithPattern extends AnyRef
  38. class ZincInvalidationProfiler extends InvalidationProfiler with xsbti.compile.InvalidationProfiler

Value Members

  1. object APIs
  2. object Analysis extends Serializable
  3. object ClassFileManager
  4. object Compilation extends Serializable
  5. object Compilations extends Serializable
  6. object DummyVirtualFile
  7. object FarmHash
  8. object FileValueCache
  9. object Incremental

    Helper methods for running incremental compilation.

    Helper methods for running incremental compilation. This is responsible for is adapting any xsbti.AnalysisCallback into one compatible with the class.

  10. object IncrementalCommon
  11. object InvalidationProfiler
  12. object InvalidationProfilerUtils extends InvalidationProfilerUtils
  13. object JavaInterfaceUtil
  14. object Locate
  15. object MappedFileConverter
  16. object MappedVirtualFile
  17. object MiniSetupUtil

    Define all the implicit instances that are used in the Scala implementation of the incremental compiler to check the mathematical equivalence relation between two given classes.

    Define all the implicit instances that are used in the Scala implementation of the incremental compiler to check the mathematical equivalence relation between two given classes.

    See also

    scala.math.Equiv for more information on this kind of equivalence.

  18. object ModifiedNames extends Serializable
  19. object PickleJar
  20. object Relations
  21. object RunProfiler
  22. object SourceInfos
  23. object Stamp
  24. object Stamper
  25. object Stamps
  26. object UsedName extends Serializable
  27. object VirtualFileUtil
