



package compile

Type Members

  1. class AuxiliaryClassFileExtension extends AuxiliaryClassFiles
  2. final class ClassFileManagerUtil extends AnyRef

    Defines utilities to get classfile managers from the types.

    Defines utilities to get classfile managers from the types.

    One can have access to the classfile manager types from IncOptions.

  3. class IncOptionsUtil extends AnyRef

    Define a helper class to instantiate IncOptions.

  4. class ScalaJSFiles extends AuxiliaryClassFileExtension

    Can be added to IncOptions.auxiliaryClassFiles so that the sjsir files produced by the Scala.js compiler are managed by the ClassFileManager.

  5. class ScalaNativeFiles extends AuxiliaryClassFileExtension

    Can be added to IncOptions.auxiliaryClassFiles so that the nir files produced by the Scala Native compiler are managed by the ClassFileManager.

  6. class TastyFiles extends AuxiliaryClassFileExtension

    Can be added to IncOptions.auxiliaryClassFiles so that the TASTy files are managed by the ClassFileManager.
