

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def deleteImmediately(auxiliaryClassFiles: Array[AuxiliaryClassFiles]): ClassFileManager

Constructs a minimal ClassFileManager implementation that immediately deletes class files when they are requested. This is the default implementation of the class file manager by the Scala incremental compiler if no class file manager is specified.

Constructs a minimal ClassFileManager implementation that immediately deletes class files when they are requested. This is the default implementation of the class file manager by the Scala incremental compiler if no class file manager is specified.


def deleteImmediately(output: Output, outputJarContent: OutputJarContent, auxiliaryClassFiles: Array[AuxiliaryClassFiles]): ClassFileManager
def deleteImmediatelyFromJar(outputJar: Path, outputJarContent: OutputJarContent, auxiliaryClassFiles: Array[AuxiliaryClassFiles]): ClassFileManager
def getClassFileManager(options: IncOptions, output: Output, outputJarContent: OutputJarContent): ClassFileManager
def getDefaultClassFileManager(classFileManagerType: Optional[ClassFileManagerType], auxiliaryClassFiles: Array[AuxiliaryClassFiles]): ClassFileManager
def getDefaultClassFileManager(classFileManagerType: Optional[ClassFileManagerType], output: Output, outputJarContent: OutputJarContent, auxiliaryClassFiles: Array[AuxiliaryClassFiles]): ClassFileManager
def transactional(tempDir0: Path, auxiliaryClassFiles: Array[AuxiliaryClassFiles], logger: Logger): ClassFileManager

Constructs a transactional ClassFileManager implementation that restores class files to the way they were before compilation if there is an error. Otherwise, it keeps the successfully generated class files from the new compilation.

Constructs a transactional ClassFileManager implementation that restores class files to the way they were before compilation if there is an error. Otherwise, it keeps the successfully generated class files from the new compilation.

This is the default class file manager used by sbt, and makes sense in a lot of scenarios.


def transactional(output: Output, outputJarContent: OutputJarContent, tempDir: Path, auxiliaryClassFiles: Array[AuxiliaryClassFiles], logger: Logger): ClassFileManager
def transactionalForJar(outputJar: Path, outputJarContent: OutputJarContent, auxiliaryClassFiles: Array[AuxiliaryClassFiles]): ClassFileManager