
trait RefFactory

RefFactory is responsible for creating concrete Ref instances.

RefFactory is responsible for creating concrete Ref instances.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait STMImpl
class CCSTM

Value members

Abstract methods

def newRef(v0: Boolean): Ref[Boolean]
def newRef(v0: Byte): Ref[Byte]
def newRef(v0: Short): Ref[Short]
def newRef(v0: Char): Ref[Char]
def newRef(v0: Int): Ref[Int]
def newRef(v0: Float): Ref[Float]
def newRef(v0: Long): Ref[Long]
def newRef(v0: Double): Ref[Double]
def newRef(v0: Unit): Ref[Unit]
def newRef[A](v0: A)(`evidence$1`: ClassTag[A]): Ref[A]

T will not be one of the primitive types (for which a newRef specialization exists).

T will not be one of the primitive types (for which a newRef specialization exists).

def newTArray[A](length: Int)(`evidence$2`: ClassTag[A]): TArray[A]
def newTArray[A](xs: IterableOnce[A])(`evidence$3`: ClassTag[A]): TArray[A]
def newTMap[A, B]: TMap[A, B]
def newTMapBuilder[A, B]: Builder[(A, B), TMap[A, B]]
def newTSet[A]: TSet[A]
def newTSetBuilder[A]: Builder[A, TSet[A]]
def newTxnLocal[A](init: => A, initialValue: InTxn => A, beforeCommit: InTxn => Unit, whilePreparing: InTxnEnd => Unit, whileCommitting: InTxnEnd => Unit, afterCommit: A => Unit, afterRollback: Status => Unit, afterCompletion: Status => Unit): TxnLocal[A]