
class DecidedByEquality[A](equality: Equality[A]) extends Equality[A]

This class is part of the Scalactic “explicitly DSL”. Please see the documentation for Explicitly for an overview of the explicitly DSL.

Instances of this class are returned via the decided by <an Equality> syntax, and enables afterBeing to be invoked on it. Here's an example, given an Equality[String] named myStringEquality:

result should equal ("hello") (decided by myStringEquality afterBeing lowerCased)
trait Equality[A]
trait Equivalence[A]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def afterBeing(uniformity: Uniformity[A]): NormalizingEquality[A]

This method enables syntax such as the following, given an Equality[String] named myStringEquality:

This method enables syntax such as the following, given an Equality[String] named myStringEquality:

result should equal ("hello") (decided by myStringEquality afterBeing lowerCased)
Value parameters:

A Uniformity with which to normalize objects of type A before comparing them for equality using the Equality[A] passed to this object's constructor.

def areEqual(a: A, b: Any): Boolean

Indicates whether the objects passed as a and b are equal by delegating to the areEqual method of the Equality[T] passed to this class's constructor.

Indicates whether the objects passed as a and b are equal by delegating to the areEqual method of the Equality[T] passed to this class's constructor.

Value parameters:

a left-hand-side object being compared with another (right-hand-side one) for equality (e.g., a == b)


a right-hand-side object being compared with another (left-hand-side one) for equality (e.g., a == b)


true if the passed objects are "equal," as defined by this Equality instance


Inherited methods

final def areEquivalent(a: A, b: A): Boolean

A final implementation of the areEquivalent method of Equivalence that just passes a and b to areEqual and returns the result.

A final implementation of the areEquivalent method of Equivalence that just passes a and b to areEqual and returns the result.

This method enables any Equality to be used where an Equivalence is needed, such as the implicit enabling methods of TypeCheckedTripleEquals and ConversionCheckedTripleEquals.

Value parameters:

a left-hand value being compared with another, right-hand, value for equality (e.g., a == b)


a right-hand value being compared with another, left-hand, value for equality (e.g., a == b)


true if the passed objects are "equal," as defined by the areEqual method of this Equality instance

Inherited from: