
  • package root

    ScalaFX is a UI DSL written within the Scala Language that sits on top of JavaFX 2.x and and JavaFX 8.

    ScalaFX is a UI DSL written within the Scala Language that sits on top of JavaFX 2.x and and JavaFX 8. This means that every ScalaFX application is also a valid Scala application. By extension it supports full interoperability with Java and can run anywhere the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and JavaFX 2.0 or JavaFX 8 are supported.

    Package Structure

    ScalaFX package structure corresponds to JavaFX package structure, for instance scalafx.animation corresponds to javafx.animation.

    Example Usage

    A basic ScalaFX application is created creating an object that is an instance of JFXApp. Following Java FX theatre metaphor, it contains a stage that contains a scene. A stage roughly corresponds to a window in a typical UI environment. The scene holds UI content presented to the user. In the example below, the content is a pane with a single label component.

    package hello
    import scalafx.application.JFXApp
    import scalafx.application.JFXApp.PrimaryStage
    import scalafx.geometry.Insets
    import scalafx.scene.Scene
    import scalafx.scene.control.Label
    import scalafx.scene.layout.BorderPane
    object HelloWorld extends JFXApp {
      stage = new PrimaryStage {
        title = "Hello"
        scene = new Scene {
          root = new BorderPane {
            padding = Insets(25)
            center = new Label("Hello World")
    Definition Classes
  • package scalafx

    Base package for ScalaFX classes.

    Base package for ScalaFX classes.

    Definition Classes
  • package stage

    Wraps javafx.stage package.

    Wraps javafx.stage package.

    Definition Classes
  • DirectoryChooser
  • FileChooser
  • Modality
  • Popup
  • PopupWindow
  • Screen
  • Stage
  • StageIncludes
  • StageStyle
  • Window
  • WindowEvent

class Window extends EventHandlerDelegate with SFXDelegate[javafx.stage.Window] with EventTarget

Linear Supertypes
EventTarget, SFXDelegate[javafx.stage.Window], EventHandlerDelegate, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Window
  2. EventTarget
  3. SFXDelegate
  4. EventHandlerDelegate
  5. AnyRef
  6. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new Window(delegate: javafx.stage.Window)

Type Members

  1. sealed trait FilterMagnet[J <: javafx.event.Event, S <: SFXDelegate[J]] extends AnyRef

    Trait implementing Magnet Pattern to avoid compilation error "ambiguous reference to overloaded definition"

    Trait implementing Magnet Pattern to avoid compilation error "ambiguous reference to overloaded definition"

    Definition Classes
  2. sealed trait HandlerMagnet[J <: javafx.event.Event, S <: SFXDelegate[J]] extends AnyRef

    Trait implementing Magnet Pattern to avoid compilation error "ambiguous reference to overloaded definition"

    Trait implementing Magnet Pattern to avoid compilation error "ambiguous reference to overloaded definition"

    Definition Classes
  3. type EventHandled = AnyRef { ... /* 5 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. object FilterMagnet

    Companion object implementing Magnet Pattern Magnet Pattern to avoid compilation error "ambiguous reference to overloaded definition"

    Companion object implementing Magnet Pattern Magnet Pattern to avoid compilation error "ambiguous reference to overloaded definition"

    Definition Classes
  2. object HandlerMagnet

    Companion object implementing Magnet Pattern Magnet Pattern to avoid compilation error "ambiguous reference to overloaded definition"

    Companion object implementing Magnet Pattern Magnet Pattern to avoid compilation error "ambiguous reference to overloaded definition"

    Definition Classes
  3. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  6. def addEventFilter[E <: Event](eventType: EventType[E], eventHandler: EventHandler[_ >: E]): Unit

    Registers an event filter to this task.

    Registers an event filter to this task. Registered event filters get an event before any associated event handlers.


    Event class


    the type of the events to receive by the filter


    the filter to register that will filter event

    Definition Classes
  7. def addEventHandler[E <: Event](eventType: EventType[E], eventHandler: EventHandler[_ >: E]): Unit

    Registers an event handler to this task.

    Registers an event handler to this task. Any event filters are first processed, then the specified onFoo event handlers, and finally any event handlers registered by this method. As with other events in the scene graph, if an event is consumed, it will not continue dispatching.


    Event class


    the type of the events to receive by the handler


    the handler to register that will manipulate event

    Definition Classes
  8. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  9. def buildEventDispatchChain(chain: EventDispatchChain): EventDispatchChain

    Construct an event dispatch chain for this target.

    Construct an event dispatch chain for this target.

    Definition Classes
  10. def centerOnScreen(): Unit

    Sets x and y properties on this Window so that it is centered on the screen.

  11. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate() @throws( ... )
  12. val delegate: javafx.stage.Window

    JavaFX object to be wrapped.

    JavaFX object to be wrapped.

    Definition Classes
  13. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  14. def equals(ref: Any): Boolean

    Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.

    Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.


    Object to be compared.


    if the other object is equals to this delegate or not.

    Definition Classes
    SFXDelegate → AnyRef → Any
  15. def eventDispatcher: ObjectProperty[EventDispatcher]

    Specifies the event dispatcher for this node.

  16. def eventDispatcher_=(v: EventDispatcher): Unit
  17. def eventHandlerDelegate: EventHandled

    Returns a object that implements scalafx.event.EventHandlerDelegate.EventHandled.

    Returns a object that implements scalafx.event.EventHandlerDelegate.EventHandled.

    Definition Classes
  18. def filterEvent[J <: Event, S <: Event with SFXDelegate[J]](eventType: EventType[J])(filter: FilterMagnet[J, S]): Subscription

    Registers an event filter.

    Registers an event filter. Registered event filters get an event before any associated event handlers.

    Example of filtering mouse events

    pane.filterEvent(MouseEvent.Any) {
      me: MouseEvent => {
        me.eventType match {
          case MouseEvent.MousePressed => {
          case MouseEvent.MouseDragged => {
          case _ => {


    pane.filterEvent(MouseEvent.Any) { () => println("Some mouse event handled") }

    type JavaFX delegate of the event


    ScalaFX type for J type wrapper.


    type of events that will be handled.


    code handling the event, see examples above.

    Definition Classes
  19. def fireEvent(event: Event): Unit

    Whether or not this Window has the keyboard or input focus.

  20. def focused: ReadOnlyBooleanProperty

    Whether or not this Window has the keyboard or input focus.

  21. def forceIntegerRenderScale: BooleanProperty

    Boolean property that controls whether only integer render scales are set by default by the system when there is a change in the associated output scale.

    Boolean property that controls whether only integer render scales are set by default by the system when there is a change in the associated output scale. The renderScale properties will be updated directly and simultaneously with any changes in the associated outputScale properties, but the values can be overridden by subsequent calls to the setRenderScale setters or through appropriate use of binding. This property will not prevent setting non-integer scales directly using the renderScale property object or the convenience setter method.

    Default value is false



    See also



  22. def forceIntegerRenderScale_=(forced: Boolean): Unit
  23. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  24. def handleEvent[J <: Event, S <: Event with SFXDelegate[J]](eventType: EventType[J])(handler: HandlerMagnet[J, S]): Subscription

    Registers an event handler.

    Registers an event handler. The handler is called when the node receives an Event of the specified type during the bubbling phase of event delivery.

    Example of handling mouse events

    pane.handleEvent(MouseEvent.Any) {
      me: MouseEvent => {
        me.eventType match {
          case MouseEvent.MousePressed => ...
          case MouseEvent.MouseDragged => ...
          case _                       => {}


    pane.handleEvent(MouseEvent.Any) { () => println("Some mouse event handled") }

    type JavaFX delegate of the event


    ScalaFX type for J type wrapper.


    type of events that will be handled.


    code handling the event, see examples above.


    Returns a subscription that can be used to cancel/remove this event handler

    Definition Classes
  25. def hashCode(): Int


    The delegate hashcode

    Definition Classes
    SFXDelegate → AnyRef → Any
  26. def height: ReadOnlyDoubleProperty

    The height of this Stage.

  27. def height_=(h: Double): Unit
  28. def hide(): Unit

    Attempts to hide this Window by setting the visibility to false.

  29. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  30. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  31. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  32. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  33. def onCloseRequest: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[javafx.stage.WindowEvent]]

    Called when there is an external request to close this Window.

  34. def onCloseRequest_=(v: EventHandler[javafx.stage.WindowEvent]): Unit
  35. def onHidden: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[javafx.stage.WindowEvent]]

    Called just after the Window has been hidden.

  36. def onHidden_=(v: EventHandler[javafx.stage.WindowEvent]): Unit
  37. def onHiding: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[javafx.stage.WindowEvent]]

    Called just prior to the Window being hidden.

  38. def onHiding_=(v: EventHandler[javafx.stage.WindowEvent]): Unit
  39. def onShowing: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[javafx.stage.WindowEvent]]

    Called just prior to the Window being shown, even if the menu has no items to show.

  40. def onShowing_=(v: EventHandler[javafx.stage.WindowEvent]): Unit
  41. def onShown: ObjectProperty[EventHandler[javafx.stage.WindowEvent]]

    Called just after the Window is shown.

  42. def onShown_=(v: EventHandler[javafx.stage.WindowEvent]): Unit
  43. def opacity: DoubleProperty

    Defines the opacity of the Stage as a value between 0.0 and 1.0.

  44. def opacity_=(v: Double): Unit
  45. def outputScaleX: ReadOnlyDoubleProperty

    The scale that the Window will apply to horizontal scene coordinates in all stages of rendering and compositing the output to the screen or other destination device.

    The scale that the Window will apply to horizontal scene coordinates in all stages of rendering and compositing the output to the screen or other destination device. This property is updated asynchronously by the system at various times including:

    • Window creation
    • At some point during moving a window to a new Screen which may be before or after the Screen property is updated.
    • In response to a change in user preferences for output scaling.


    See also


  46. def outputScaleX_=(value: Double): Unit
  47. def outputScaleY: ReadOnlyDoubleProperty

    The scale that the Window will apply to vertical scene coordinates in all stages of rendering and compositing the output to the screen or other destination device.

    The scale that the Window will apply to vertical scene coordinates in all stages of rendering and compositing the output to the screen or other destination device. This property is updated asynchronously by the system at various times including:

    • Window creation
    • At some point during moving a window to a new Screen which may be before or after the Screen property is updated.
    • In response to a change in user preferences for output scaling.


    See also


  48. def outputScaleY_=(value: Double): Unit
  49. def removeEventFilter[E <: Event](eventType: EventType[E], eventHandler: EventHandler[_ >: E]): Unit

    Unregisters a previously registered event filter from this task.

    Unregisters a previously registered event filter from this task. One filter might have been registered for different event types, so the caller needs to specify the particular event type from which to unregister the filter.


    Event class


    the event type from which to unregister


    the filter to unregister

    Definition Classes
  50. def removeEventHandler[E <: Event](eventType: EventType[E], eventHandler: EventHandler[_ >: E]): Unit

    Unregisters a previously registered event handler from this task.

    Unregisters a previously registered event handler from this task. One handler might have been registered for different event types, so the caller needs to specify the particular event type from which to unregister the handler.


    Event class


    the event type from which to unregister


    the handler to unregister

    Definition Classes
  51. def renderScaleX: DoubleProperty

    The horizontal scale that the Window will use when rendering its Scene to the rendering buffer.

    The horizontal scale that the Window will use when rendering its Scene to the rendering buffer. This property is automatically updated whenever there is a change in the outputScaleX property and can be overridden either by calling setRenderScaleX() in response to a listener on the outputScaleX property or by binding it appropriately.

    Default value is outputScaleX



    See also



  52. def renderScaleX_=(scale: Double): Unit
  53. def renderScaleY: DoubleProperty

    The vertical scale that the Window will use when rendering its Scene to the rendering buffer.

    The vertical scale that the Window will use when rendering its Scene to the rendering buffer. This property is automatically updated whenever there is a change in the outputScaleY property and can be overridden either by calling setRenderScaleY() in response to a listener on the outputScaleY property or by binding it appropriately.

    DefaultValue is outputScaleY



    See also



  54. def renderScaleY_=(scale: Double): Unit
  55. def requestFocus(): Unit

    Requests that this Window get the input focus.

  56. def scene: ReadOnlyObjectProperty[Scene]

    The Scene to be rendered on this Stage.

  57. def showing: ReadOnlyBooleanProperty

    Whether or not this Stage is showing (that is, open on the user's system).

  58. def sizeToScene(): Unit

    Set the width and height of this Window to match the size of the content of this Window's Scene.

  59. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  60. def toString(): String


    Returns the original delegate's toString() adding a [SFX] prefix.

    Definition Classes
    SFXDelegate → AnyRef → Any
  61. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  62. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @throws( ... )
  63. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  64. def width: ReadOnlyDoubleProperty

    The width of this Stage.

  65. def width_=(w: Double): Unit
  66. def x: ReadOnlyDoubleProperty

    The horizontal location of this Stage on the screen.

  67. def x_=(value: Double): Unit
  68. def y: ReadOnlyDoubleProperty

    The vertical location of this Stage on the screen.

  69. def y_=(value: Double): Unit

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @Deprecated @deprecated @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )

    (Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.

Inherited from EventTarget

Inherited from SFXDelegate[javafx.stage.Window]

Inherited from EventHandlerDelegate

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
