
object Markdown
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def baseSettings(): MutableDataSet
def collect[A <: Node, B](node: Node)(f: PartialFunction[A, B])(`evidence$1`: ClassTag[A]): List[B]
def foreach(node: Node)(fn: Node => Unit): Unit
def mdocSettings(context: Context): MutableDataSet

Defines the default markdown settings.

Defines the default markdown settings.

Do not use directly. The default flexmark settings have special keys set up by mdoc to keep track of certain document-specific information like path.

def parse(markdown: BasedSequence, settings: MutableDataSet): Node
def plainSettings(): MutableDataSet
def toDocument(input: Input, markdownSettings: MutableDataSet, reporter: Reporter, settings: Settings): Document
def toHtml(input: Input, markdownSettings: MutableDataSet, reporter: Reporter, settings: Settings): String
def toMarkdown(input: Input, context: Context, inputFile: InputFile, siteVariables: Map[String, String], reporter: Reporter, settings: Settings): String
def toMarkdown(input: Input, markdownSettings: MutableDataSet, reporter: Reporter, settings: Settings): String
def traverse[T <: Node](node: Node)(f: PartialFunction[T, Unit])(ev: ClassTag[T]): Unit

Deprecated methods

@deprecated(DeprecatedInternal, "2.2.0")
def toMarkdown(input: Input, context: Context, relativePath: RelativePath, siteVariables: Map[String, String], reporter: Reporter, settings: Settings): String

Concrete fields

final val DeprecatedInternal: "Methods in the `mdoc.internal` package are only intended to be used by mdoc itself so they are subject to breaking changes without notice. If you rely on this method, please open an issue to discuss how to expose it through the public mdoc library APIs"
val InputKey: DataKey[Option[Input]]
val RelativePathKey: DataKey[Option[RelativePath]]
val SiteVariables: DataKey[Option[Map[String, String]]]