
abstract class FunSuite extends BaseFunSuite
class Suite
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited classlikes

class FunFixture[T]
Inherited from:
object FunFixture
Inherited from:
final class SuiteTransform(val name: String, fn: List[Test] => List[Test]) extends List[Test] => List[Test]
Inherited from:
final class TestTransform(val name: String, fn: Test => Test) extends Test => Test
Inherited from:
final class ValueTransform(val name: String, fn: PartialFunction[Any, Future[Any]]) extends Any => Option[Future[Any]]
Inherited from:

Inherited types

final type AfterEach = AfterEach
Inherited from:
final type BeforeEach = BeforeEach
Inherited from:
final type Fixture[T] = Fixture[T]
Inherited from:
final type Test = Test
Inherited from:
final type TestValue = Future[Any]

The value produced by test bodies.

The value produced by test bodies.

Inherited from:

Value members

Inherited methods

def afterAll(): Unit

Runs once after all test cases and after all suite-local fixtures have been tear down.

Runs once after all test cases and after all suite-local fixtures have been tear down.

Inherited from:
def afterEach(context: AfterEach): Unit

Runs after each individual test case.

Runs after each individual test case.

Inherited from:
def assert(cond: => Boolean, clue: => Any)(implicit loc: Location): Unit
Inherited from:
def assertEquals[A, B](obtained: A, expected: B, clue: => Any)(implicit loc: Location, compare: Compare[A, B]): Unit

Asserts that two elements are equal according to the Compare[A, B] type-class.

Asserts that two elements are equal according to the Compare[A, B] type-class.

By default, uses == to compare values.

Inherited from:
def assertEqualsDouble(obtained: Double, expected: Double, delta: Double, clue: => Any)(implicit loc: Location): Unit

Asserts that two doubles are equal to within a positive delta. If the expected value is infinity then the delta value is ignored. NaNs are considered equal: assertEquals(Double.NaN, Double.NaN, *) passes.

Asserts that two doubles are equal to within a positive delta. If the expected value is infinity then the delta value is ignored. NaNs are considered equal: assertEquals(Double.NaN, Double.NaN, *) passes.

Inherited from:
def assertEqualsFloat(obtained: Float, expected: Float, delta: Float, clue: => Any)(implicit loc: Location): Unit

Asserts that two floats are equal to within a positive delta. If the expected value is infinity then the delta value is ignored. NaNs are considered equal: assertEquals(Float.NaN, Float.NaN, *) passes.

Asserts that two floats are equal to within a positive delta. If the expected value is infinity then the delta value is ignored. NaNs are considered equal: assertEquals(Float.NaN, Float.NaN, *) passes.

Inherited from:
def assertNoDiff(obtained: String, expected: String, clue: => Any)(implicit loc: Location): Unit
Inherited from:
def assertNotEquals[A, B](obtained: A, expected: B, clue: => Any)(implicit loc: Location, compare: Compare[A, B]): Unit

Asserts that two elements are not equal according to the Compare[A, B] type-class.

Asserts that two elements are not equal according to the Compare[A, B] type-class.

By default, uses == to compare values.

Inherited from:
def assume(cond: Boolean, clue: => Any)(implicit loc: Location): Unit
Inherited from:
def beforeAll(): Unit

Runs once before all test cases and before all suite-local fixtures are setup. An error in this method aborts the test suite.

Runs once before all test cases and before all suite-local fixtures are setup. An error in this method aborts the test suite.

Inherited from:
def beforeEach(context: BeforeEach): Unit

Runs before each individual test case. An error in this method aborts the test case.

Runs before each individual test case. An error in this method aborts the test case.

Inherited from:
def clue[T](c: Clue[T]): T
Inherited from:
def clues(clue: Clue[_]*): Clues
Inherited from:
inline def compileErrors(inline code: String): String
Inherited from:
def fail(message: String, clues: Clues)(implicit loc: Location): Nothing

Unconditionally fails this test with the given message and optional clues.

Unconditionally fails this test with the given message and optional clues.

Inherited from:
def fail(message: String, cause: Throwable)(implicit loc: Location): Nothing

Unconditionally fails this test with the given message and exception marked as the cause.

Unconditionally fails this test with the given message and exception marked as the cause.

Inherited from:
def failComparison(message: String, obtained: Any, expected: Any, clues: Clues)(implicit loc: Location): Nothing

Unconditionally fails this test due to result of comparing two values.

Unconditionally fails this test due to result of comparing two values.

The only reason to use this method instead of fail() is if you want to allow comparing the two different values in the the IntelliJ GUI diff viewer.

Inherited from:
def failSuite(message: String, clues: Clues)(implicit loc: Location): Nothing

Unconditionally fail this test case and cancel all the subsequent tests in this suite.

Unconditionally fail this test case and cancel all the subsequent tests in this suite.

Inherited from:
def intercept[T <: Throwable](body: => Any)(implicit T: ClassTag[T], loc: Location): T

Evalutes the given expression and asserts that an exception of type T is thrown.

Evalutes the given expression and asserts that an exception of type T is thrown.

Inherited from:
def interceptMessage[T <: Throwable](expectedExceptionMessage: String)(body: => Any)(implicit T: ClassTag[T], loc: Location): T

Evalutes the given expression and asserts that an exception of type T with the expected message is thrown.

Evalutes the given expression and asserts that an exception of type T with the expected message is thrown.

Inherited from:
def isCI: Boolean
Inherited from:
def munitAnsiColors: Boolean
Inherited from:
def munitCaptureClues[T](thunk: => T): (T, Clues)
Inherited from:
def munitExecutionContext: ExecutionContext
Inherited from:

Fixtures that can be reused for individual test cases or entire suites.

Fixtures that can be reused for individual test cases or entire suites.

Inherited from:
def munitFlakyOK: Boolean
Inherited from:
def munitIgnore: Boolean
Inherited from:
def munitPrint(clue: => Any): String
Inherited from:
final def munitSuiteTransform(tests: List[Test]): List[Test]
Inherited from:
final def munitTestTransform(test: Test): Test
Inherited from:
def munitTests(): Seq[Test]
Inherited from:
def munitTimeout: Duration
Inherited from:
final def munitValueTransform(testValue: => Any): Future[Any]
Inherited from:
def test(options: TestOptions)(body: => Any)(implicit loc: Location): Unit
Inherited from:
def test(name: String)(body: => Any)(implicit loc: Location): Unit
Inherited from:

Inherited fields

Inherited from:
final val munitTestsBuffer: ListBuffer[Test]
Inherited from:


Inherited implicits

implicit def testOptionsFromString(name: String)(implicit loc: Location): TestOptions

Implicitly create a TestOptions given a test name. This allows writing test("name") { ... } even if test accepts a TestOptions

Implicitly create a TestOptions given a test name. This allows writing test("name") { ... } even if test accepts a TestOptions

Inherited from: