
  • package root

    Documentation/API for the Molecule library - a meta DSL for the Datomic database. | Github | Forum

    Definition Classes
  • package molecule

    Molecule library - a Scala meta-DSL for the Datomic database.

    Molecule library - a Scala meta-DSL for the Datomic database.

    Definition Classes
  • package core
    Definition Classes
  • package api
    Definition Classes
  • package ast

    Internal Molecule ASTs.

    Internal Molecule ASTs.

    Definition Classes
  • package composition

    Methods to build transaction, composite and nested molecules.

    Methods to build transaction, composite and nested molecules.

    Definition Classes
  • package nested_0
  • package nested_1
  • package nested_2
  • package nested_3
  • CompositeInit_0
  • CompositeInit_1
  • CompositeInit_2
  • CompositeInit_3
  • Composite_0
  • Composite_1
  • Composite_2
  • Composite_3
  • Tx
  • Tx_
  • Tx_0
  • Tx_1
  • Tx_2
  • Tx_3
  • package data

    Data model DSL and API.

    Data model DSL and API.

    Definition Classes
  • package dsl

    Internal interfaces for auto-generated DSL boilerplate code.

    Internal interfaces for auto-generated DSL boilerplate code.

    Interfaces to the generated schema-defined DSL boilerplate code that the sbt-plugin generates when doing a sbt-compile. Molecule macros can then type-safely deduct the type structure of composed molecules.

    Definition Classes
  • package exceptions

    Exceptions thrown by Molecule.

    Exceptions thrown by Molecule.

    Definition Classes
  • package expression

    Attribute expressions and operations.

    Attribute expressions and operations.

    Refine attribute matches with various attribute expressions:

    Person.age(42)                           // equality"John")             // fulltext search
    Person.age.!=(42)                        // negation (or `not`)
    Person.age.<(42)                         // comparison (< > <= >=)"John" or "Jonas")           // OR-logic
    Person.age()                             // apply empty value to retract value(s) in updates
    Person.hobbies.assert("golf")               // add value(s) to card-many attributes
    Person.hobbies.retract("golf")            // retract value(s) of card-many attributes
    Person.hobbies.replace("golf", "diving") // replace value(s) of card-many attributes
    Person.tags.k("en")                      // match values of map attributes by key
    Person.age(Nil)                          // match non-asserted datoms (null)                           // initiate input molecules awaiting input at runtime                       // Unify attributes in self-joins

    Apply aggregate keywords to aggregate attribute value(s):

    // Aggregates on any attribute type
    Person.age(count).get.head         === 3   // count of asserted `age` attribute values
    Person.age(countDistinct).get.head === 3   // count of asserted distinct `age` attribute values
    Person.age(max).get.head           === 38  // maximum `age` value (using `compare`)
    Person.age(min).get.head           === 5   // maximum `age` value (using `compare`)
    Person.age(rand).get.head          === 25  // single random `age` value
    Person.age(sample).get.head        === 27  // single sample `age` value (when single value, same as random)
    // Aggregates on any attribute type, returning multiple values
    Person.age(distinct).get.head  === Vector(5, 7, 38)  // distinct `age` values
    Person.age(max(2)).get.head    === Vector(38, 7)     // 2 maximum `age` values
    Person.age(min(2)).get.head    === Vector(5, 7)      // 2 minimum `age` values
    Person.age(rand(2)).get.head   === Stream(5, ?)      // 2 random `age` values (values can re-occur)
    Person.age(sample(2)).get.head === Vector(7, 38)     // 2 sample `age` values
    // Aggregates on number attributes
    Person.age(sum).get.head      === 50               // sum of all `age` numbers
    Person.age(avg).get.head      === 16.66666667      // average of all `age` numbers
    Person.age(median).get.head   === 7                // median of all `age` numbers
    Person.age(stddev).get.head   === 15.107025591499  // standard deviation of all `age` numbers
    Person.age(variance).get.head === 228.2222222222   // variance of all `age` numbers
    Definition Classes
  • package factory

    Factory methods m to instantiate molecules from custom DSL molecule constructs.

    Factory methods m to instantiate molecules from custom DSL molecule constructs.

    Definition Classes
  • package generic
    Definition Classes
  • package macros
    Definition Classes
  • package ops
    Definition Classes
  • package transform
    Definition Classes
  • package util

    Internal database functions for Datomic.

    Internal database functions for Datomic.

    Definition Classes



package composition

Methods to build transaction, composite and nested molecules.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. composition
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package nested_0
  2. package nested_1
  3. package nested_2
  4. package nested_3

Type Members

  1. trait Tx extends AnyRef

    Transaction meta data on molecule.

    Transaction meta data on molecule.

    Tx takes a transaction meta data molecule with attributes having the transaction id as their entity id.

    // Save molecule with transaction data"Ben").Tx(MyMetaData.action("add member")).save.eid
    // Query for data with transaction meta data - "which persons became members""add member")).get === List("Ben")
  2. trait Tx_[props] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object CompositeInit_0

    Build composite molecule.

    Build composite molecule.

    Composite molecules model entities with attributes from different namespaces that are not necessarily related. Each group of attributes is modelled by a molecule and the "sub-molecules" are tied together with + methods to form a composite molecule.

    The attributes of the first sub-molecule are tied together in a tuple of its own before being merged with the tuple of attribute values of the second sub-molecule. If any of the sub-molecules are of arity-1, then no tuple is created:

    // Arity 1 + 1
    m( + Tag.category).get === List(
      ("Battle of Waterloo", "History")
    // Arity 1 + 2
    m( + Tag.category.weight).get === List(
      ("Battle of Waterloo", ("History", 5))
    // Arity 2 + 1
    m( + Tag.category).get === List(
      (("Battle of Waterloo", "Ben Bridge"), "History")
    // Arity 2 + 2
    m( + Tag.category.weight).get === List(
      (("Battle of Waterloo", "Ben Bridge"), ("History", 5))
    // Arity 3 + 2 etc...
    m( + Tag.category.weight).get === List(
      (("Battle of Waterloo", "Ben Bridge", "Joe Moe"), ("History", 5))
  2. object CompositeInit_1

    Build composite molecule from input molecule awaiting 1 input.

    Build composite molecule from input molecule awaiting 1 input.

    Composite molecules model entities with attributes from different namespaces that are not necessarily related. Each group of attributes is modelled by a molecule and the "sub-molecules" are tied together with + methods to form a composite molecule.

    The attributes of the first input sub-molecule awaiting 1 input are tied together in a tuple of its own before being merged with the tuple of attribute values of the second sub-molecule. If any of the sub-molecules are of arity-1, then no tuple is created:

    m( + Tag.category.weight)
      .apply("Battle of Waterloo").get === List(
        (("Battle of Waterloo", "Ben Bridge", "Joe Moe"), ("History", 5))
  3. object CompositeInit_2

    Build composite molecule from input molecule awaiting 2 inputs.

    Build composite molecule from input molecule awaiting 2 inputs.

    Composite molecules model entities with attributes from different namespaces that are not necessarily related. Each group of attributes is modelled by a molecule and the "sub-molecules" are tied together with + methods to form a composite molecule.

    The attributes of the first input sub-molecule awaiting 2 inputs are tied together in a tuple of its own before being merged with the tuple of attribute values of the second sub-molecule. If any of the sub-molecules are of arity-1, then no tuple is created:

    m( + Tag.category.weight)
      .apply("Battle of Waterloo", "Ben Bridge").get === List(
        (("Battle of Waterloo", "Ben Bridge", "Joe Moe"), ("History", 5))
  4. object CompositeInit_3

    Build composite molecule from input molecule awaiting 3 inputs.

    Build composite molecule from input molecule awaiting 3 inputs.

    Composite molecules model entities with attributes from different namespaces that are not necessarily related. Each group of attributes is modelled by a molecule and the "sub-molecules" are tied together with + methods to form a composite molecule.

    The attributes of the first input sub-molecule awaiting 3 inputs are tied together in a tuple of its own before being merged with the tuple of attribute values of the second sub-molecule. If any of the sub-molecules are of arity-1, then no tuple is created:

    m( + Tag.category.weight)
      .apply("Battle of Waterloo", "Ben Bridge", "Joe Moe").get === List(
        (("Battle of Waterloo", "Ben Bridge", "Joe Moe"), ("History", 5))
  5. object Composite_0

    Add sub-molecule to composite molecule.

    Add sub-molecule to composite molecule.

    Composite molecules model entities with attributes from different namespaces that are not necessarily related. Each group of attributes is modelled by a molecule and these "sub-molecules" are tied together with + methods to form a composite molecule.

    + methods of this interface adds a new sub-molecule to the composite.

    //                                          | add sub-molecule
    m( + Tag.category.weight + === List(
      (("Battle of Waterloo", "Ben Bridge"), ("History", 5), "Bestseller Publications Inc.")
  6. object Composite_1

    Add sub-molecule to composite input molecule awaiting 1 input.

    Add sub-molecule to composite input molecule awaiting 1 input.

    Composite molecules model entities with attributes from different namespaces that are not necessarily related. Each group of attributes is modelled by a molecule and the "sub-molecules" are tied together with + methods to form a composite molecule.

    + methods of this interface adds a new sub-molecule to the composite.

    //             | input composite               | add sub-molecule
    m( + Tag.category.weight +
      .apply("Battle of Waterloo").get === List(
        (("Battle of Waterloo", "Ben Bridge"), ("History", 5), "Bestseller Publications Inc.")
  7. object Composite_2

    Add sub-molecule to composite input molecule awaiting 2 inputs.

    Add sub-molecule to composite input molecule awaiting 2 inputs.

    Composite molecules model entities with attributes from different namespaces that are not necessarily related. Each group of attributes is modelled by a molecule and the "sub-molecules" are tied together with + methods to form a composite molecule.

    + methods of this interface adds a new sub-molecule to the composite.

    //             | input composite                  | add sub-molecule
    m( + Tag.category.weight +
      .apply("Battle of Waterloo", "Ben Bridge").get === List(
        (("Battle of Waterloo", "Ben Bridge"), ("History", 5), "Bestseller Publications Inc.")
  8. object Composite_3

    Add sub-molecule to composite input molecule awaiting 3 inputs.

    Add sub-molecule to composite input molecule awaiting 3 inputs.

    Composite molecules model entities with attributes from different namespaces that are not necessarily related. Each group of attributes is modelled by a molecule and the "sub-molecules" are tied together with + methods to form a composite molecule.

    + methods of this interface adds a new sub-molecule to the composite.

    //             | input composite                     | add sub-molecule
    m( + Tag.category.weight(?) +
      .apply("Battle of Waterloo", "Ben Bridge", 5).get === List(
        (("Battle of Waterloo", "Ben Bridge"), ("History", 5), "Bestseller Publications Inc.")
  9. object Tx_0
  10. object Tx_1
  11. object Tx_2
  12. object Tx_3

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
