
package linear

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. class AffineScaling extends SerializableLogging

    Simple LP solver based on's_algorithm Note that this is not Karmarkar's algorithm.

  2. trait BipartiteMatching extends AnyRef

    Algorithms for finding a bipartite matching.

    Algorithms for finding a bipartite matching. We include one optimal algorithm (KuhnMunkres) and one greedy algorithm (competitive linking).

    Algorithms find minimum matchings.

  3. class ConjugateGradient[T, M] extends SerializableLogging

    Solve argmin (a dot x + .5 * x dot (B * x) + .5 * normSquaredPenalty * (x dot x)) for x subject to norm(x) <= maxNormValue

    Solve argmin (a dot x + .5 * x dot (B * x) + .5 * normSquaredPenalty * (x dot x)) for x subject to norm(x) <= maxNormValue

    Based on the code from "Trust Region Newton Method for Large-Scale Logistic Regression" * @author dlwh

  4. case class InfeasibleProblem(prob: Problem) extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable
  5. class LinearProgram extends AnyRef

    DSL for LinearPrograms.

    DSL for LinearPrograms. Not thread-safe per instance. Make multiple instances

    Basic example:

    val lp = new LP
    import lp._
    val x = new Positive("x")
    val y = new Positive("y")
    val result = maximize ( (3 * x+ 4 * y)
    subjectTo( x <= 3, y <= 1))
    result.valueOf(x) // 3
  6. class NNLS extends SerializableLogging

    NNLS solves nonnegative least squares problems using a modified projected gradient method.

  7. class PowerMethod extends SerializableLogging

    Power Method to compute maximum eigen value and companion object to compute minimum eigen value through inverse power iterations

Value Members

  1. object AffineScaling extends AffineScaling
  2. object BranchAndBound

    mixed 0-1 ILP Solver based on Branch and bound

    mixed 0-1 ILP Solver based on Branch and bound

    See also

  3. object CompetitiveLinking extends BipartiteMatching
  4. object InteriorPoint

    InteriorPoint solver for LPs.

  5. object KuhnMunkres extends BipartiteMatching

    Algorithm to find a minimum cost matching on a bipartite graph.

    Algorithm to find a minimum cost matching on a bipartite graph.

    Implements the hungarian algorithm.

  6. object LinearProgram
  7. object NNLS extends Serializable
  8. object PowerMethod extends Serializable
