
final class LoneElementCollectionWrapper[E, CTC[_]](collection: CTC[E], collecting: Collecting[E, CTC[E]], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position)

Wrapper class that adds a loneElement method to any collection type C for which an implicit Collecting[C] is available.

Through the implicit conversion provided by trait LoneElement, this class allows you to make statements like:

trav.loneElement should be > 9
Type parameters:

the "collection type constructor" for the collection on which to add the loneElement method


the element type of the collection on which to add the loneElement method

Value parameters:

a typeclass that enables the loneElement syntax


a collection to wrap in a LoneElementCollectionWrapper, which provides the loneElement method.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

Returns the value contained in the wrapped collection, if it contains one and only one element, else throws TestFailedException with a detail message describing the problem.

Returns the value contained in the wrapped collection, if it contains one and only one element, else throws TestFailedException with a detail message describing the problem.

This method enables syntax such as the following:

trav.loneElement should be > 9