
final class StatefulStatus extends Status, Serializable

Status implementation that can change its state over time.

A StatefulStatus begins its life in a successful state, and will remain successful unless setFailed is called. Once setFailed is called, the status will remain at failed. The setFailed method can be called multiple times (even though invoking it once is sufficient to permanently set the status to failed), but only up until setCompleted has been called. After setCompleted has been called, any invocation of setFailed will be greeted with an IllegalStateException.

Instances of this class are thread safe.


trait Serializable
trait Status
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def isCompleted(): Boolean

Non-blocking call that returns true if setCompleted has been invoked on this instance, false otherwise.

Non-blocking call that returns true if setCompleted has been invoked on this instance, false otherwise.



true if the test or suite run is already completed, false otherwise.

def setCompleted(): Unit

Sets the status to completed.

Sets the status to completed.

This method may be invoked repeatedly, even though invoking it once is sufficient to set the state of the Status to completed.

This method invokes any callbacks that have been registered with whenCompleted using the thread that invoked this method prior to declaring this status as completed. This method then executes any callbacks that were registered between thie time this method decided it was done executing previously registered callbacks and the time it declared this status as completed. This second pass ensures no callbacks are lost. Any subsequent callbacks registered with whenCompleted will be executed using the thread that invoked whenCompleted.


def setFailed(): Unit

Sets the status to failed without changing the completion status.

Sets the status to failed without changing the completion status.

This method may be invoked repeatedly, even though invoking it once is sufficient to set the state of the Status to failed, but only up until setCompleted has been called. Once setCompleted has been called, invoking this method will result in a thrown IllegalStateException.



if this method is invoked on this instance after setCompleted has been invoked on this instance.

def setFailedWith(ex: Throwable): Unit

Sets the status to failed with an unreported exception, without changing the completion status.

Sets the status to failed with an unreported exception, without changing the completion status.

This method may be invoked repeatedly, even though invoking it once is sufficient to set the state of the Status to failed, but only up until setCompleted has been called. Once setCompleted has been called, invoking this method will result in a thrown IllegalStateException. Also, only the first exception passed will be reported as the unreported exception. Any exceptions passed via subsequent invocations of setFailedWith after the first will have their stack traces printed to standard output.

Value parameters


an unreported exception



if this method is invoked on this instance after setCompleted has been invoked on this instance.

override def unreportedException: Option[Throwable]

An exception that was thrown during the activity represented by this Status that was not reported via a ScalaTest event fired to the Reporter.

An exception that was thrown during the activity represented by this Status that was not reported via a ScalaTest event fired to the Reporter.

When a test executes, "non-run-aborting" thrown exceptions are reported by events fired to the reporter. A TestPendingException is reported via a TestPending event. A TestCanceledException is reported via a TestCanceled event. Any other non-run-aborting exceptions, including TestFailedException will be reported via a TestFailed event.

Run-aborting exceptions indicate critical problems, such as OutOfMemoryError, that instead of being reported via a test completion event should instead cause the entire suite to abort. In synchronous testing styles, this exception will be allowed to just propagate up the call stack. But in async styles, the thread or threads executing the test will often be taken from the async suite's execution context. Instead of propagating these run-aborting exceptions up the call stack, they will be installed as an "unreported exception" in the test's Status. They are "unreported" because no test completion event will be fired to report them. For more explanation and a list of run-aborting exception types, see Treatment of java.lang.Errors.

Another way for an unreported exception to occur is if an exception of any type is thrown outside of the body of an actual test. For example, traits BeforeAndAfter, BeforeAndAfterEach, and BeforeAndAfterEachTestData execute code before and after tests. Traits BeforeAndAfterAll and BeforeAndAfterAllConfigMap execute code before and after all tests and nested suites of a suite. If any "before" or "after" code completes abruptly with an exception (of any type, not just run-aborting types) on a thread taken from an async suite's execution context, this exception will installed as an unreportedException of the relevant Status.

In addition, ScalaTest Suite exposes four "run" lifecycle methods--run, runNestedSuites, runTests, and runTest--that users can override to customize the framework. If a "run" lifecycle methods completes abruptly with an exception, that exception occurs outside the context of a test body. As a result, such exceptions will be installed as an unreportedException of the relevant Status.

The toFuture method on Status returns a Future[Boolean]. If the Future succeeds with the Boolean value of true, that indicates no tests failed and no suites aborted during the activity represented by this Status. If a test failed or suite aborted, and that event was reported by a fired ScalaTest Event, the Future will succeed with the value false. If an unreported exception has been installed on the Status, however, the Future will fail with that exception.



a optional unreported Throwable

Definition Classes
def whenCompleted(f: Try[Boolean] => Unit): Unit

Registers the passed function to be executed when this status completes.

Registers the passed function to be executed when this status completes.

You may register multiple functions, which on completion will be executed in an undefined order.


Inherited methods

final def thenRun(f: => Status): Status

Registers a Status-producing by-name function to execute after this Status completes, returning a Status that mirrors the Status returned by the by-name.

Registers a Status-producing by-name function to execute after this Status completes, returning a Status that mirrors the Status returned by the by-name.

The Status returned by this method will complete when the status produced by the Status produced by the passed-by name completes. The returned Status will complete with the same succeeds and unreportedException values. But unlike the Status produced by the by-name, the returned Status will be available immediately.

If the by-name function passed to this method completes abruptly with a non-run-aborting exception, that exception will be caught and installed as the unreportedException on the Status returned by this method. The Status returned by this method will then complete. The thread that attempted to evaluate the by-name function will be allowed to continue (i.e., the non-run-aborting exception will not be rethrown on that thread).

If the by-name function passed to this method completes abruptly with a run-aborting exception, such as StackOverflowError, that exception will be caught and a new java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException that contains the run-aborting exception as its cause will be installed as the unreportedException on the Status returned by this method. The Status returned by this method will then complete. The original run-aborting exception will then be rethrown on the thread that attempted to evaluate the by-name function.

If an unreported exception is installed on this Status, the passed by-name function will still be executed.

Internally, ScalaTest uses this method in async styles to ensure that by default, each subsequent test in an async-style suite begins execution only after the previous test has completed. This method is not used if ParallelTestExection is mixed into an async style. Instead, tests are allowed to begin execution concurrently.

Value parameters


A Status-producing by-name function to invoke after this Status has completed.



a Status that represents the status of executing the by-name function passed to this method.

Inherited from:
final def toFuture: Future[Boolean]

Converts this Status to a Future[Boolean] where Success(true) means no tests failed and suites aborted, Success(false), means at least one test failed or one suite aborted and any thrown exception was was reported to the Reporter via a ScalaTest event, Failure(unreportedException) means an exception, unreportedException, was thrown that was not reported to the Reporter via a ScalaTest event.

Converts this Status to a Future[Boolean] where Success(true) means no tests failed and suites aborted, Success(false), means at least one test failed or one suite aborted and any thrown exception was was reported to the Reporter via a ScalaTest event, Failure(unreportedException) means an exception, unreportedException, was thrown that was not reported to the Reporter via a ScalaTest event.



a Future[Boolean] representing this Status.

Inherited from:
final def withAfterEffect(f: => Unit): Status

Registers a by-name function (producing an optional exception) to execute after this Status completes.

Registers a by-name function (producing an optional exception) to execute after this Status completes.

If the by-name function passed to this method completes abruptly with a non-run-aborting exception, that exception will be caught and installed as the unreportedException on the Status returned by this method. The Status returned by this method will then complete. The thread that attempted to evaluate the by-name function will be allowed to continue (i.e., the non-run-aborting exception will not be rethrown on that thread).

If the by-name function passed to this method completes abruptly with a run-aborting exception, such as StackOverflowError, that exception will be caught and a new java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException that contains the run-aborting exception as its cause will be installed as the unreportedException on the Status returned by this method. The Status returned by this method will then complete. The original run-aborting exception will then be rethrown on the thread that attempted to evaluate the by-name function.

If an unreported exception is installed on this Status, the passed by-name function will not be executed. Instead, the same unreported exception will be installed on the Status returned by this method.

Internally, ScalaTest uses this method in traits BeforeAndAfter, BeforeAndAfterEach, and BeforeAndAfterEachTestData to ensure "after" code is executed after the relevant test has completed, and in traits BeforeAndAfterAll and BeforeAndAfterAllConfigMap to ensure "after" code is executed after the relevant tests and nested suites have completed.

Value parameters


A by-name function to invoke after this Status has completed.



a Status that represents this Status, modified by any exception thrown by the passed by-name function.

Inherited from: