
final protected class ItWord

Class that supports shorthand scope registration via the instance referenced from FixtureAnyWordSpecLike's it field.

This class enables syntax such as the following test registration:

"A Stack" when { ... }

it should { ... }

For more information and examples of the use of the it field, see the main documentation for FixtureAnyWordSpec.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

infix inline def can(right: => Unit): Unit

Supports the registration of scope with can in a FixtureAnyWordSpecLike.

Supports the registration of scope with can in a FixtureAnyWordSpecLike.

This method supports syntax such as the following:

"A Stack" when { ... }

it can { ... }

For examples of scope registration, see the main documentation for AnyWordSpec.

Value parameters:

the body function

infix inline def must(right: => Unit): Unit

Supports the registration of scope with must in a FixtureAnyWordSpecLike.

Supports the registration of scope with must in a FixtureAnyWordSpecLike.

This method supports syntax such as the following:

"A Stack" when { ... }

it must { ... }

For examples of scope registration, see the main documentation for AnyWordSpec.

Value parameters:

the body function

infix inline def should(right: => Unit): Unit

Supports the registration of scope with should in a FixtureAnyWordSpecLike.

Supports the registration of scope with should in a FixtureAnyWordSpecLike.

This method supports syntax such as the following:

"A Stack" when { ... }

it should { ... }

For examples of scope registration, see the main documentation for AnyWordSpec.

Value parameters:

the body function

infix inline def when(right: => Unit): Unit

Supports the registration of scope with when in a FixtureAnyWordSpecLike.

Supports the registration of scope with when in a FixtureAnyWordSpecLike.

This method supports syntax such as the following:

"A Stack" should { ... }

it when { ... }

For examples of scope registration, see the main documentation for AnyWordSpec.

Value parameters:

the body function