
final protected class ResultOfTaggedAsInvocationOnString(specText: String, tags: List[Tag])

Class that supports the registration of tagged tests.

Instances of this class are returned by the taggedAs method of class WordSpecStringWrapper.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

infix inline def ignore(testFun: FixtureParam => Future[Assertion]): Unit

Supports registration of tagged, ignored tests.

Supports registration of tagged, ignored tests.

For example, this method supports syntax such as the following:

"complain on peek" taggedAs(SlowTest) ignore { fixture => ... }

For more information and examples of this method's use, see the main documentation for trait FixtureAnyWordSpec.

Value parameters:

the test function

infix inline def ignore(testFun: () => Future[Assertion]): Unit

Supports registration of tagged, ignored tests that take no fixture parameter.

Supports registration of tagged, ignored tests that take no fixture parameter.

For example, this method supports syntax such as the following:

"complain on peek" taggedAs(SlowTest) ignore { () => ... }

For more information and examples of this method's use, see the main documentation for trait FixtureAnyWordSpec.

Value parameters:

the test function

infix inline def in(testFun: FixtureParam => Future[Assertion]): Unit

Supports tagged test registration.

Supports tagged test registration.

For example, this method supports syntax such as the following:

"complain on peek" taggedAs(SlowTest) in { fixture => ... }

For more information and examples of this method's use, see the main documentation for trait FixtureAnyWordSpec.

Value parameters:

the test function

infix inline def in(testFun: () => Future[Assertion]): Unit

Supports tagged test registration, for tests that don't take a fixture.

Supports tagged test registration, for tests that don't take a fixture.

For example, this method supports syntax such as the following:

"complain on peek" taggedAs(SlowTest) in { () => ... }

For more information and examples of this method's use, see the main documentation for trait FixtureAnyWordSpec.

Value parameters:

the test function

infix inline def is(testFun: => PendingStatement): Unit

Supports registration of tagged, pending tests.

Supports registration of tagged, pending tests.

For example, this method supports syntax such as the following:

"complain on peek" taggedAs(SlowTest) is (pending)

For more information and examples of this method's use, see the main documentation for trait FixtureAnyWordSpec.

Value parameters:

the test function