



class TableDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException extends PropertyCheckFailedException

Exception that indicates a table-driven property check failed.

For an introduction to using tables, see the documentation for trait TableDrivenPropertyChecks.

Exceptions thrown

NullArgumentException if any parameter is null or Some(null).

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. TableDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException
  2. PropertyCheckFailedException
  3. TestFailedException
  4. ModifiablePayload
  5. PayloadField
  6. ModifiableMessage
  7. StackDepthException
  8. StackDepth
  9. RuntimeException
  10. Exception
  11. Throwable
  12. Serializable
  13. AnyRef
  14. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new TableDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException(messageFun: (StackDepthException) ⇒ String, cause: Option[Throwable], failedCodeStackDepthFun: (StackDepthException) ⇒ Int, payload: Option[Any], undecoratedMessage: String, args: List[Any], namesOfArgs: List[String], row: Int)

    Constructs a TableDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException with given error message function, optional cause, source position, optional payload, undecorated message, argument values and names, and index of the failing row.

    Constructs a TableDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException with given error message function, optional cause, source position, optional payload, undecorated message, argument values and names, and index of the failing row.


    a function that returns a detail message, not optional) for this TableDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException.


    an optional cause, the Throwable that caused this TableDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException to be thrown.


    a function that returns the depth in the stack trace of this exception at which the line of test code that failed resides.


    an optional payload, which ScalaTest will include in a resulting TestFailed event


    just a short message that has no redundancy with args, labels, etc. The regular "message" has everything in it


    the argument values


    a list of string names for the arguments


    the index of the table row that failed the property check, causing this exception to be thrown

  2. new TableDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException(messageFun: (StackDepthException) ⇒ String, cause: Option[Throwable], pos: Position, payload: Option[Any], undecoratedMessage: String, args: List[Any], namesOfArgs: List[String], row: Int)

    Constructs a TableDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException with given error message function, optional cause, source position, optional payload, undecorated message, argument values and names, and index of the failing row.

    Constructs a TableDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException with given error message function, optional cause, source position, optional payload, undecorated message, argument values and names, and index of the failing row.


    a function that returns a detail message, not optional) for this TableDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException.


    an optional cause, the Throwable that caused this TableDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException to be thrown.


    a source position


    an optional payload, which ScalaTest will include in a resulting TestFailed event


    just a short message that has no redundancy with args, labels, etc. The regular "message" has everything in it


    the argument values


    a list of string names for the arguments


    the index of the table row that failed the property check, causing this exception to be thrown

  3. new TableDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException(messageFun: (StackDepthException) ⇒ String, cause: Option[Throwable], posOrStackDepthFun: Either[Position, (StackDepthException) ⇒ Int], payload: Option[Any], undecoratedMessage: String, args: List[Any], namesOfArgs: List[String], row: Int)


    a function that returns a detail message, not optional) for this TableDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException.


    an optional cause, the Throwable that caused this TableDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException to be thrown.


    either a source position or a function that returns the depth in the stack trace of this exception at which the line of test code that failed resides.


    an optional payload, which ScalaTest will include in a resulting TestFailed event


    just a short message that has no redundancy with args, labels, etc. The regular "message" has everything in it


    the argument values


    a list of string names for the arguments


    the index of the table row that failed the property check, causing this exception to be thrown

    Exceptions thrown

    NullArgumentException if any parameter is null or Some(null).

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def addSuppressed(arg0: Throwable): Unit
    Definition Classes
  5. def argNames: List[String]

    A list of names for the arguments that caused the property check to fail.

    A list of names for the arguments that caused the property check to fail.

    If the optionalArgNames class parameter is defined, this method returns the List[String] contained in the Some. Otherwise, it returns a list that gives "arg0" for the zeroeth argument, "arg1" for the first argument, "arg2" for the second argument, and so on.

    Definition Classes
  6. val args: List[Any]
  7. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  8. def canEqual(other: Any): Boolean

    Indicates whether this object can be equal to the passed object.

    Indicates whether this object can be equal to the passed object.

    Definition Classes
  9. val cause: Option[Throwable]

    An optional cause, the Throwable that caused this StackDepth exception to be thrown.

    An optional cause, the Throwable that caused this StackDepth exception to be thrown.

    Definition Classes
  10. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @native() @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException])
  11. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  12. def equals(other: Any): Boolean

    Indicates whether this object is equal to the passed object.

    Indicates whether this object is equal to the passed object. If the passed object is a TestFailedException, equality requires equal message, cause, and failedCodeStackDepth fields, as well as equal return values of getStackTrace.

    Definition Classes
    TestFailedExceptionStackDepthException → AnyRef → Any
  13. def failedCodeFileName: Option[String]

    A string that provides the filename of the line of code that failed, suitable for presenting to a user, which is taken from this exception's StackTraceElement at the depth specified by failedCodeStackDepth.

    A string that provides the filename of the line of code that failed, suitable for presenting to a user, which is taken from this exception's StackTraceElement at the depth specified by failedCodeStackDepth.

    This is a def instead of a val because exceptions are mutable: their stack trace can be changed after the exception is created. This is done, for example, by the SeveredStackTraces trait.


    a string containing the filename that caused the failed test

    Definition Classes
  14. def failedCodeFileNameAndLineNumberString: Option[String]

    A string that provides the filename and line number of the line of code that failed, suitable for presenting to a user of the failing line.

    A string that provides the filename and line number of the line of code that failed, suitable for presenting to a user of the failing line. It calls failedCodeFileName and failedCodeLineNumber to get the failing filename and line number.

    failedCodeFileName and failedCodeLineNumber will fall back to exception stack trace when Position is not avaiable, this is the reason it is a def instead of a val, because exceptions are mutable: their stack trace can be changed after the exception is created. This is done, for example, by the SeveredStackTraces trait.


    a user-presentable string containing the filename and line number that caused the failed test

    Definition Classes
  15. lazy val failedCodeFilePathname: Option[String]

    A string that provides the full pathname of the source file containing the line of code that failed, suitable for presenting to a user.

    A string that provides the full pathname of the source file containing the line of code that failed, suitable for presenting to a user.


    a string containing the full pathname of the source file containing the line of code that caused this exception

    Definition Classes
  16. lazy val failedCodeFilePathnameAndLineNumberString: Option[String]

    A string that provides the absolute filename and line number of the line of code that failed, suitable for presenting to a user of the failing line.

    A string that provides the absolute filename and line number of the line of code that failed, suitable for presenting to a user of the failing line. It calls failedCodeFilePathname and failedCodeLineNumber to get the failing absolute filename and line number.


    a user-presentable string containing the absolute filename and line number that caused the failed test

    Definition Classes
  17. def failedCodeLineNumber: Option[Int]

    A string that provides the line number of the line of code that failed, suitable for presenting to a user, which is taken from this exception's StackTraceElement at the depth specified by failedCodeStackDepth.

    A string that provides the line number of the line of code that failed, suitable for presenting to a user, which is taken from this exception's StackTraceElement at the depth specified by failedCodeStackDepth.

    This is a def instead of a val because exceptions are mutable: their stack trace can be changed after the exception is created. This is done, for example, by the SeveredStackTraces trait.


    a string containing the line number that caused the failed test

    Definition Classes
  18. lazy val failedCodeStackDepth: Int

    The depth in the stack trace of this exception at which the line of test code that failed resides.

    The depth in the stack trace of this exception at which the line of test code that failed resides.

    One reason this is lazy is to delay any searching of the stack trace until it is actually needed. It will usually be needed, but not always. For example, exceptions thrown during a shrink phase of a failed property will often be StackDepthExceptions, but whose failedCodeStackDepth will never be used. Another reason is to remove the need to create a different exception before creating this one just for the purpose of searching through its stack trace for the proper stack depth. Still one more reason is to allow the message to contain information about the stack depth, such as the failed file name and line number.

    Definition Classes
  19. def fillInStackTrace(): Throwable
    Definition Classes
  20. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  21. def getCause(): Throwable
    Definition Classes
  22. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  23. def getLocalizedMessage(): String
    Definition Classes
  24. def getMessage(): String

    Returns the detail message string of this StackDepthException.

    Returns the detail message string of this StackDepthException.


    the detail message string of this StackDepthException instance (which may be null).

    Definition Classes
    StackDepthException → Throwable
  25. def getStackTrace(): Array[StackTraceElement]
    Definition Classes
  26. final def getSuppressed(): Array[Throwable]
    Definition Classes
  27. def hashCode(): Int

    Returns a hash code value for this object.

    Returns a hash code value for this object.

    Definition Classes
    TestFailedExceptionStackDepthException → AnyRef → Any
  28. final def initCause(throwable: Throwable): Throwable
    Definition Classes
    StackDepthException → Throwable
  29. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  30. lazy val message: Option[String]

    An optional detail message for this StackDepth exception.

    An optional detail message for this StackDepth exception.

    One reason this is lazy is to delay any searching of the stack trace until it is actually needed. It will usually be needed, but not always. For example, exceptions thrown during a shrink phase of a failed property will often be StackDepthExceptions, but whose message will never be used. Another related reason is to remove the need to create a different exception before creating this one just for the purpose of searching through its stack trace for the proper stack depth. Still one more reason is to allow the message to contain information about the stack depth, such as the failed file name and line number.

    Definition Classes
  31. val messageFun: (StackDepthException) ⇒ Option[String]
    Definition Classes
  32. def modifyMessage(fun: (Option[String]) ⇒ Option[String]): TableDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException

    Returns an instance of this exception's class, identical to this exception, except with the detail message option string replaced with the result of passing the current detail message to the passed function, fun.

    Returns an instance of this exception's class, identical to this exception, except with the detail message option string replaced with the result of passing the current detail message to the passed function, fun.


    A function that, given the current optional detail message, will produce the modified optional detail message for the result instance of TestFailedDueToTimeoutException.

    Definition Classes
  33. def modifyPayload(fun: (Option[Any]) ⇒ Option[Any]): TableDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException

    Returns an instance of this exception's class, identical to this exception, except with the payload option replaced with the result of passing the current payload option to the passed function, fun.

    Returns an instance of this exception's class, identical to this exception, except with the payload option replaced with the result of passing the current payload option to the passed function, fun.


    A function that, given the current optional payload, will produce the modified optional payload for the result instance of TableDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException.

    Definition Classes
  34. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  35. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  36. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  37. val payload: Option[Any]

    The optional payload.

    The optional payload.

    Definition Classes
  38. val position: Option[Position]

    An optional source position describing the line of test code that caused this exception.

    An optional source position describing the line of test code that caused this exception.

    Definition Classes
  39. def printStackTrace(arg0: PrintWriter): Unit
    Definition Classes
  40. def printStackTrace(arg0: PrintStream): Unit
    Definition Classes
  41. def printStackTrace(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  42. val row: Int
  43. def setStackTrace(arg0: Array[StackTraceElement]): Unit
    Definition Classes
  44. def severedAtStackDepth: TestFailedException

    Returns an exception of class TestFailedException with failedExceptionStackDepth set to 0 and all frames above this stack depth severed off.

    Returns an exception of class TestFailedException with failedExceptionStackDepth set to 0 and all frames above this stack depth severed off. This can be useful when working with tools (such as IDEs) that do not directly support ScalaTest. (Tools that directly support ScalaTest can use the stack depth information delivered in the StackDepth exceptions.)

    Definition Classes
  45. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  46. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    Throwable → AnyRef → Any
  47. val undecoratedMessage: String
  48. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  49. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  50. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException])

Inherited from TestFailedException

Inherited from PayloadField

Inherited from StackDepthException

Inherited from StackDepth

Inherited from RuntimeException

Inherited from Exception

Inherited from Throwable

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
