
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package org
    Definition Classes
  • package scalatest

    ScalaTest's main traits, classes, and other members, including members supporting ScalaTest's DSL for the Scala interpreter.

    ScalaTest's main traits, classes, and other members, including members supporting ScalaTest's DSL for the Scala interpreter.

    Definition Classes
  • package prop

    Scalatest support for Property-based testing.

    Scalatest support for Property-based testing.

    Introduction to Property-based Testing

    In traditional unit testing, you write tests that describe precisely what the test will do: create these objects, wire them together, call these functions, assert on the results, and so on. It is clear and deterministic, but also limited, because it only covers the exact situations you think to test. In most cases, it is not feasible to test all of the possible combinations of data that might arise in real-world use.

    Property-based testing works the other way around. You describe properties -- rules that you expect your classes to live by -- and describe how to test those properties. The test system then generates relatively large amounts of synthetic data (with an emphasis on edge cases that tend to make things break), so that you can see if the properties hold true in these situations.

    As a result, property-based testing is scientific in the purest sense: you are stating a hypothesis about how things should work (the property), and the system is trying to falsify that hypothesis. If the tests pass, that doesn't prove the property holds, but it at least gives you some confidence that you are probably correct.

    Property-based testing is deliberately a bit random: while the edge cases get tried upfront, the system also usually generates a number of random values to try out. This makes things a bit non-deterministic -- each run will be tried with somewhat different data. To make it easier to debug, and to build regression tests, the system provides tools to re-run a failed test with precisely the same data.


    TODO: Bill should insert a brief section on QuickCheck, ScalaCheck, etc, and how this system is similar and different.

    Using Property Checks

    In order to use the tools described here, you should import this package:

    import org.scalatest._
    import org.scalatest.prop._

    This library is designed to work well with the types defined in Scalactic, and some functions take types such as PosZInt as parameters. So it can also be helpful to import those with:

    import org.scalactic.anyvals._

    In order to call forAll, the function that actually performs property checks, you will need to either extend or import GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks, like this:

    class DocExamples extends FlatSpec with Matchers with GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks {

    There's nothing special about FlatSpec, though -- you may use any of ScalaTest's styles with property checks. GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks extends CommonGenerators, so it also provides access to the many utilities found there.

    What Does a Property Look Like?

    Let's check a simple property of Strings -- that if you concatenate a String to itself, its length will be doubled:

    "Strings" should "have the correct length when doubled" in {
      forAll { (s: String) =>
        val s2 = s * 2
        s2.length should equal (s.length * 2)

    (Note that the examples here are all using the FlatSpec style, but will work the same way with any of ScalaTest's styles.)

    As the name of the tests suggests, the property we are testing is the length of a String that has been doubled.

    The test begins with forAll. This is usually the way you'll want to begin property checks, and that line can be read as, "For all Strings, the following should be true".

    The test harness will generate a number of Strings, with various contents and lengths. For each one, we compute s * 2. (* is a function on String, which appends the String to itself as many times as you specify.) And then we check that the length of the doubled String is twice the length of the original one.

    Using Specific Generators

    Let's try a more general version of this test, multiplying arbitrary Strings by arbitrary multipliers:

    "Strings" should "have the correct length when multiplied" in {
      forAll { (s: String, n: PosZInt) =>
        val s2 = s * n.value
        s2.length should equal (s.length * n.value)

    Again, you can read the first line of the test as "For all Strings, and all non-negative Integers, the following should be true". (PosZInt is a type defined in Scalactic, which can be any positive integer, including zero. It is appropriate to use here, since multiplying a String by a negative number doesn't make sense.)

    This intuitively makes sense, but when we try to run it, we get a JVM Out of Memory error! Why? Because the test system tries to test with the "edge cases" first, and one of the more important edge cases is Int.MaxValue. It is trying to multiply a String by that, which is far larger than the memory of even a big computer, and crashing.

    So we want to constrain our test to sane values of n, so that it doesn't crash. We can do this by using more specific Generators.

    When we write a forAll test like the above, ScalaTest has to generate the values to be tested -- the semi-random Strings, Ints and other types that you are testing. It does this by calling on an implicit Generator for the desired type. The Generator generates values to test, starting with the edge cases and then moving on to randomly-selected values.

    ScalaTest has built-in Generators for many major types, including String and PosZInt, but these Generators are generic: they will try any value, including values that can break your test, as shown above. But it also provides tools to let you be more specific.

    Here is the fixed version of the above test:

    "Strings" should "have the correct length when multiplied" in {
      forAll(strings, posZIntsBetween(0, 1000))
      { (s: String, n: PosZInt) =>
        val s2 = s * n.value
        s2.length should equal (s.length * n.value)

    This is using a variant of forAll, which lets you specify the Generators to use instead of just picking the implicit one. CommonGenerators.strings is the built-in Generator for Strings, the same one you were getting implicitly. (The other built-ins can be found in CommonGenerators. They are mixed into GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks, so they are readily available.)

    But CommonGenerators.posZIntsBetween is a function that creates a Generator that selects from the given values. In this case, it will create a Generator that only creates numbers from 0 to 1000 -- small enough to not blow up our computer's memory. If you try this test, this runs correctly.

    The moral of the story is that, while using the built-in Generators is very convenient, and works most of the time, you should think about the data you are trying to test, and pick or create a more-specific Generator when the test calls for it.

    CommonGenerators contains many functions that are helpful in common cases. In particular:

    • xxsBetween (where xxs might be Int, Long, Float or most other significant numeric types) gives you a value of the desired type in the given range, as in the posZIntsBetween() example above.
    • CommonGenerators.specificValue and CommonGenerators.specificValues create Generators that produce either one specific value every time, or one of several values randomly. This is useful for enumerations and types that behave like enumerations.
    • CommonGenerators.evenly and CommonGenerators.frequency create higher-level Generators that call other Generators, either more or less equally or with a distribution you define.

    Testing Your Own Types

    Testing the built-in types isn't very interesting, though. Usually, you have your own types that you want to check the properties of. So let's build up an example piece by piece.

    Say you have this simple type:

    sealed trait Shape {
      def area: Double
    case class Rectangle(width: Int, height: Int) extends Shape {
      require(width > 0)
      require(height > 0)
      def area: Double = width * height

    Let's confirm a nice straightforward property that is surely true: that the area is greater than zero:

    "Rectangles" should "have a positive area" in {
       forAll { (w: PosInt, h: PosInt) =>
         val rect = Rectangle(w, h)
         rect.area should be > 0.0

    Note that, even though our class takes ordinary Ints as parameters (and checks the values at runtime), it is actually easier to generate the legal values using Scalactic's PosInt type.

    This should work, right? Actually, it doesn't -- if we run it a few times, we quickly hit an error!

    [info] Rectangles
    [info] - should have a positive area *** FAILED ***
    [info]   GeneratorDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException was thrown during property evaluation.
    [info]    (DocExamples.scala:42)
    [info]     Falsified after 2 successful property evaluations.
    [info]     Location: (DocExamples.scala:42)
    [info]     Occurred when passed generated values (
    [info]       None = PosInt(399455539),
    [info]       None = PosInt(703518968)
    [info]     )
    [info]     Init Seed: 1568878346200

    TODO: fix the above error to reflect the better errors we should get when we merge in the code being forward-ported from 3.0.5.

    Looking at it, we can see that the numbers being used are pretty large. What happens when we multiply them together?

    scala> 399455539 * 703518968
    res0: Int = -2046258840

    We're hitting an Int overflow problem here: the numbers are too big to multiply together and still get an Int. So we have to fix our area function:

    case class Rectangle(width: Int, height: Int) extends Shape {
      require(width > 0)
      require(height > 0)
      def area: Double = width.toLong * height.toLong

    Now, when we run our property check, it consistently passes. Excellent -- we've caught a bug, because ScalaTest tried sufficiently large numbers.

    Composing Your Own Generators

    Doing things as shown above works, but having to generate the parameters and construct a Rectangle every time is a nuisance. What we really want is to create our own Generator that just hands us Rectangles, the same way we can do for PosInt. Fortunately, this is easy.

    Generators can be composed in for comprehensions. So we can create our own Generator for Rectangle like this:

    implicit val rectGenerator = for {
      w <- posInts
      h <- posInts
      yield Rectangle(w, h)

    Taking that line by line:

    w <- posInts

    CommonGenerators.posInts is the built-in Generator for positive Ints. So this line puts a randomly-generated positive Int in w, and

    h <- posInts

    this line puts another one in h. Finally, this line:

    yield Rectangle(w, h)

    combines w and h to make a Rectangle.

    That's pretty much all you need in order to build any normal case class -- just build it out of the Generators for the type of each field. (And if the fields are complex data structures themselves, build Generators for them the same way, until you are just using primitives.)

    Now, our property check becomes simpler:

    "Generated Rectangles" should "have a positive area" in {
       forAll { (rect: Rectangle) =>
         rect.area should be > 0.0

    That's about as close to plain English as we can reasonably hope for!

    Filtering Values with whenever()

    Sometimes, not all of your generated values make sense for the property you want to check -- you know (via external information) that some of these values will never come up. In cases like this, you can create a custom Generator that only creates the values you do want, but it's often easier to just use Whenever.whenever. (Whenever is mixed into GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks, so this is available when you need it.)

    The Whenever.whenever function can be used inside of GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks.forAll. It says that only the filtered values should be used, and anything else should be discarded. For example, look at this property:

    "Fractions" should "get smaller when squared" in {
      forAll { (n: Float) =>
        whenever(n > 0 && n < 1) {
          (n * n) should be < n

    We are testing a property of numbers less than 1, so we filter away everything that is not the numbers we want. This property check succeeds, because we've screened out the values that would make it fail.

    Discard Limits

    You shouldn't push Whenever.whenever too far, though. This system is all about trying random data, but if too much of the random data simply isn't usable, you can't get valid answers, and the system tracks that.

    For example, consider this apparently-reasonable test:

    "Space Chars" should "not also be letters" in {
      forAll { (c: Char) =>
        whenever (c.isSpaceChar) {

    Although the property is true, this test will fail with an error like this:

    [info] Lowercase Chars
    [info] - should upper-case correctly *** FAILED ***
    [info]   Gave up after 0 successful property evaluations. 49 evaluations were discarded.
    [info]   Init Seed: 1568855247784

    Because the vast majority of Chars are not spaces, nearly all of the generated values are being discarded. As a result, the system gives up after a while. In cases like this, you usually should write a custom Generator instead.

    The proportion of how many discards to permit, relative to the number of successful checks, is configuration-controllable. See GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks for more details.


    The point of Generator is to create pseudo-random values for checking properties. But it turns out to be very inconvenient if those values are actually random -- that would mean that, when a property check fails occasionally, you have no good way to invoke that specific set of circumstances again for debugging. We want "randomness", but we also want it to be deterministic, and reproducible when you need it.

    To support this, all "randomness" in ScalaTest's property checking system uses the Randomizer class. You start by creating a Randomizer using an initial seed value, and call that to get your "random" value. Each call to a Randomizer function returns a new Randomizer, which you should use to fetch the next value.

    GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks.forAll uses Randomizer under the hood: each time you run a forAll-based test, it will automatically create a new Randomizer, which by default is seeded based on the current system time. You can override this, as discussed below.

    Since Randomizer is actually deterministic (the "random" values are unobvious, but will always be the same given the same initial seed), this means that re-running a test with the same seed will produce the same values.

    If you need random data for your own Generators and property checks, you should use Randomizer in the same way; that way, your tests will also be re-runnable, when needed for debugging.

    Debugging, and Re-running a Failed Property Check

    In Testing Your Own Types above, we found to our surprise that the property check failed with this error:

    [info] Rectangles
    [info] - should have a positive area *** FAILED ***
    [info]   GeneratorDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException was thrown during property evaluation.
    [info]    (DocExamples.scala:42)
    [info]     Falsified after 2 successful property evaluations.
    [info]     Location: (DocExamples.scala:42)
    [info]     Occurred when passed generated values (
    [info]       None = PosInt(399455539),
    [info]       None = PosInt(703518968)
    [info]     )
    [info]     Init Seed: 1568878346200

    There must be a bug here -- but once we've fixed it, how can we make sure that we are re-testing exactly the same case that failed?

    This is where the pseudo-random nature of Randomizer comes in, and why it is so important to use it consistently. So long as all of our "random" data comes from that, then all we need to do is re-run with the same seed.

    That's why the Init Seed shown in the message above is crucial. We can re-use that seed -- and therefore get exactly the same "random" data -- by using the -S flag to ScalaTest.

    So you can run this command in sbt to re-run exactly the same property check:

    testOnly *DocExamples -- -z "have a positive area" -S 1568878346200

    Taking that apart:

    • testOnly *DocExamples says that we only want to run suites whose paths end with DocExamples
    • -z "have a positive area" says to only run tests whose names include that string.
    • -S 1568878346200 says to run all tests with a "random" seed of 1568878346200

    By combining these flags, you can re-run exactly the property check you need, with the right random seed to make sure you are re-creating the failed test. You should get exactly the same failure over and over until you fix the bug, and then you can confirm your fix with confidence.


    In general, forAll() works well out of the box. But you can tune several configuration parameters when needed. See GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks for info on how to set configuration parameters for your test.

    Table-Driven Properties

    Sometimes, you want something in between traditional hard-coded unit tests and Generator-driven, randomized tests. Instead, you sometimes want to check your properties against a specific set of inputs.

    (This is particularly useful for regression tests, when you have found certain inputs that have caused problems in the past, and want to make sure that they get consistently re-tested.)

    ScalaTest supports these, by mixing in TableDrivenPropertyChecks. See the documentation for that class for the full details.

    Definition Classes
  • Chooser
  • Classification
  • CommonGenerators
  • Configuration
  • Generator
  • GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks
  • HavingLength
  • HavingSize
  • PrettyFunction0
  • PropertyArgument
  • PropertyCheckResult
  • PropertyChecks
  • Randomizer
  • SizeParam
  • TableDrivenPropertyChecks
  • TableFor1
  • TableFor10
  • TableFor11
  • TableFor12
  • TableFor13
  • TableFor14
  • TableFor15
  • TableFor16
  • TableFor17
  • TableFor18
  • TableFor19
  • TableFor2
  • TableFor20
  • TableFor21
  • TableFor22
  • TableFor3
  • TableFor4
  • TableFor5
  • TableFor6
  • TableFor7
  • TableFor8
  • TableFor9
  • Tables
  • Whenever

class Randomizer extends AnyRef

Provide random values, of many different types.

This is loosely inspired by java.util.Random (and is designed to produce the same values in conventional cases), with two major differences:

  • It provides random values for many more types;
  • In proper Scala fashion, this class is immutable.

On the first of those points, this returns many data types, including many of the tightly-defined numeric types from Scalactic. These allow you to put tight constraints on precisely what numbers you want to have available -- positive, negative, zeroes, infinities and so on. We strongly recommend that you use the function that most exactly describes the values you are looking for.

That second point is the more important one. You shouldn't call the same Randomizer over and over, the way you would do in Java. Instead, each call to a Randomizer function returns the next Randomizer, which you should use for the next call.

If you are using random floating-point values: the algorithms in use here produce random values across the potential space of values. But due to the way floating-point works, this means that these values are strongly biased towards small numbers. There are many floating-point numbers with negative exponents, so you may get more numbers in the range between -1 and 1 than you expect.

Self Type
Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Randomizer
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new Randomizer(seed: Long)

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  5. def chooseByte(from: Byte, to: Byte): (Byte, Randomizer)

    Given a range of Bytes, chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of Bytes, chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  6. def chooseChar(from: Char, to: Char): (Char, Randomizer)

    Given a range of Chars, chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of Chars, chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  7. def chooseDouble(from: Double, to: Double): (Double, Randomizer)

    Given a range of Doubles, chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of Doubles, chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  8. def chooseFiniteDouble(from: FiniteDouble, to: FiniteDouble): (FiniteDouble, Randomizer)

    Given a range of finite Doubles, chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of finite Doubles, chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  9. def chooseFiniteFloat(from: FiniteFloat, to: FiniteFloat): (FiniteFloat, Randomizer)

    Given a range of finite Floats, chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of finite Floats, chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  10. def chooseFloat(from: Float, to: Float): (Float, Randomizer)

    Given a range of Floats, chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of Floats, chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  11. def chooseInt(from: Int, to: Int): (Int, Randomizer)

    Given a range of Ints, chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of Ints, chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  12. def chooseLong(from: Long, to: Long): (Long, Randomizer)

    Given a range of Longs, chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of Longs, chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  13. def chooseNegDouble(from: NegDouble, to: NegDouble): (NegDouble, Randomizer)

    Given a range of negative Doubles, chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of negative Doubles, chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  14. def chooseNegFiniteDouble(from: NegFiniteDouble, to: NegFiniteDouble): (NegFiniteDouble, Randomizer)

    Given a range of negative, finite Doubles, chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of negative, finite Doubles, chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  15. def chooseNegFiniteFloat(from: NegFiniteFloat, to: NegFiniteFloat): (NegFiniteFloat, Randomizer)

    Given a range of negative, finite Floats, chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of negative, finite Floats, chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  16. def chooseNegFloat(from: NegFloat, to: NegFloat): (NegFloat, Randomizer)

    Given a range of negative Floats, chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of negative Floats, chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  17. def chooseNegInt(from: NegInt, to: NegInt): (NegInt, Randomizer)

    Given a range of negative Ints, chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of negative Ints, chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  18. def chooseNegLong(from: NegLong, to: NegLong): (NegLong, Randomizer)

    Given a range of negative Longs, chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of negative Longs, chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  19. def chooseNegZDouble(from: NegZDouble, to: NegZDouble): (NegZDouble, Randomizer)

    Given a range of negative Doubles (maybe including zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of negative Doubles (maybe including zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  20. def chooseNegZFiniteDouble(from: NegZFiniteDouble, to: NegZFiniteDouble): (NegZFiniteDouble, Randomizer)

    Given a range of negative, finite Doubles (maybe including zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of negative, finite Doubles (maybe including zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  21. def chooseNegZFiniteFloat(from: NegZFiniteFloat, to: NegZFiniteFloat): (NegZFiniteFloat, Randomizer)

    Given a range of negative, finite Floats (maybe including zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of negative, finite Floats (maybe including zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  22. def chooseNegZFloat(from: NegZFloat, to: NegZFloat): (NegZFloat, Randomizer)

    Given a range of negative Floats (maybe including zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of negative Floats (maybe including zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  23. def chooseNegZInt(from: NegZInt, to: NegZInt): (NegZInt, Randomizer)

    Given a range of negative Ints (maybe including zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of negative Ints (maybe including zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  24. def chooseNegZLong(from: NegZLong, to: NegZLong): (NegZLong, Randomizer)

    Given a range of negative Longs (maybe including zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of negative Longs (maybe including zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  25. def chooseNonZeroDouble(from: NonZeroDouble, to: NonZeroDouble): (NonZeroDouble, Randomizer)

    Given a range of Doubles (excluding zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of Doubles (excluding zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    In order to avoid returning 0, this function is very slightly biased towards returning 1 instead.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  26. def chooseNonZeroFiniteDouble(from: NonZeroFiniteDouble, to: NonZeroFiniteDouble): (NonZeroFiniteDouble, Randomizer)

    Given a range of finite Doubles (excluding zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of finite Doubles (excluding zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    In order to avoid returning 0, this function is very slightly biased towards returning 1 instead.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  27. def chooseNonZeroFiniteFloat(from: NonZeroFiniteFloat, to: NonZeroFiniteFloat): (NonZeroFiniteFloat, Randomizer)

    Given a range of finite Floats (excluding zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of finite Floats (excluding zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    In order to avoid returning 0, this function is very slightly biased towards returning 1 instead.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  28. def chooseNonZeroFloat(from: NonZeroFloat, to: NonZeroFloat): (NonZeroFloat, Randomizer)

    Given a range of Floats (excluding zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of Floats (excluding zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    In order to avoid returning 0, this function is very slightly biased towards returning 1 instead.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  29. def chooseNonZeroInt(from: NonZeroInt, to: NonZeroInt): (NonZeroInt, Randomizer)

    Given a range of Ints (excluding zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of Ints (excluding zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    In order to avoid returning 0, this function is very slightly biased towards returning 1 instead.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  30. def chooseNonZeroLong(from: NonZeroLong, to: NonZeroLong): (NonZeroLong, Randomizer)

    Given a range of Longs (excluding zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of Longs (excluding zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    In order to avoid returning 0, this function is very slightly biased towards returning 1 instead.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  31. def choosePosDouble(from: PosDouble, to: PosDouble): (PosDouble, Randomizer)

    Given a range of positive Doubles, chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of positive Doubles, chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  32. def choosePosFiniteDouble(from: PosFiniteDouble, to: PosFiniteDouble): (PosFiniteDouble, Randomizer)

    Given a range of positive finite Doubles, chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of positive finite Doubles, chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  33. def choosePosFiniteFloat(from: PosFiniteFloat, to: PosFiniteFloat): (PosFiniteFloat, Randomizer)

    Given a range of positive, finite Floats, chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of positive, finite Floats, chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  34. def choosePosFloat(from: PosFloat, to: PosFloat): (PosFloat, Randomizer)

    Given a range of positive Floats, chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of positive Floats, chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  35. def choosePosInt(from: PosInt, to: PosInt): (PosInt, Randomizer)

    Given a range of positive Ints, chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of positive Ints, chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  36. def choosePosLong(from: PosLong, to: PosLong): (PosLong, Randomizer)

    Given a range of positive Longs, chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of positive Longs, chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  37. def choosePosZDouble(from: PosZDouble, to: PosZDouble): (PosZDouble, Randomizer)

    Given a range of positive Doubles (maybe including zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of positive Doubles (maybe including zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  38. def choosePosZFiniteDouble(from: PosZFiniteDouble, to: PosZFiniteDouble): (PosZFiniteDouble, Randomizer)

    Given a range of positive, finite Doubles (maybe including zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of positive, finite Doubles (maybe including zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  39. def choosePosZFiniteFloat(from: PosZFiniteFloat, to: PosZFiniteFloat): (PosZFiniteFloat, Randomizer)

    Given a range of positive, finite Floats (maybe including zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of positive, finite Floats (maybe including zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  40. def choosePosZFloat(from: PosZFloat, to: PosZFloat): (PosZFloat, Randomizer)

    Given a range of positive Floats (maybe including zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of positive Floats (maybe including zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  41. def choosePosZInt(from: PosZInt, to: PosZInt): (PosZInt, Randomizer)

    Given a range of positive Ints (maybe including zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of positive Ints (maybe including zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  42. def choosePosZLong(from: PosZLong, to: PosZLong): (PosZLong, Randomizer)

    Given a range of positive Longs (maybe including zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of positive Longs (maybe including zero), chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  43. def chooseShort(from: Short, to: Short): (Short, Randomizer)

    Given a range of Shorts, chooses one of them randomly.

    Given a range of Shorts, chooses one of them randomly.

    Note that, while the from parameter is usually smaller than to, that is not required; the function will cope appropriately if they are in reverse order.

    The choice is inclusive: either the from or to values may be returned.


    One end of the range to select from.


    The other end of the range.


    A value from that range, inclusive of the ends.

  44. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  45. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  46. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  47. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  48. def finiteFloatBetweenAlgorithm(between0And1: Float, min: Float, max: Float): Float

    Given the endpoints of a finite-Float range, and a scaling factor, this computes the number that far across the range.

    Given the endpoints of a finite-Float range, and a scaling factor, this computes the number that far across the range.

    This deals with edge cases that can result in infinities in the math.


    A scaling factor between 0 and 1.


    The lower end of the range.


    The upper end of the range.


    The Float that is the scaling factor distance across that range.

  49. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  50. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  51. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  52. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  53. def next(bits: Int): (Int, Randomizer)

    Get a certain number of random bits.

    Get a certain number of random bits.

    You don't usually call this directly. Instead, call more-specific functions such as nextInt, which calls this for the correct number of bits and then casts that to the desired type.


    The number of random bits you need.


    The random bits, and the next Randomizer to user.

  54. def nextBit: (Int, Randomizer)

    Get a 1 or a 0.

    Get a 1 or a 0.


    a 1 or 0 as an Int.

  55. def nextByte: (Byte, Randomizer)

    Get a random 8-bit Byte.

    Get a random 8-bit Byte.


    A random Byte, and the next Randomizer to use.

  56. def nextChar: (Char, Randomizer)

    Get a random 16-bit Char.

    Get a random 16-bit Char.

    Note: this intentionally avoids invalid Unicode chars between 0xD800 and 0xDFFF; when one of those is generated, this instead returns a Char between 0x0000 and 0x00FF. So this function slightly favors that first code block. (Which is the most common one in practice, anyway.)


    A random Char, and the next Randomizer to use.

  57. def nextDouble: (Double, Randomizer)

    Get a random Double.

    Get a random Double.

    This will randomize the sign, exponent and mantissa, so it can return any possible Double.


    A random Double, and the next Randomizer to use.

  58. def nextDoubleBetween0And1: (Double, Randomizer)

    Get a random Double between 0 and 1.

    Get a random Double between 0 and 1.

    When working with Double, you often want a value between 0 and 1 -- this sort of proportion is a common use case for Double. This function makes it easy to grab one.


    A random Double in that range, and the next Randomizer to use.

  59. def nextFiniteDouble: (FiniteDouble, Randomizer)

    Get a random non-infinite Double.

    Get a random non-infinite Double.

    This can return either a positive or negative value, or zero, but guards against returning either Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.NegativeInfinity, or Double.NaN.


    A random finite Double, and the next Randomizer to use.

  60. def nextFiniteFloat: (FiniteFloat, Randomizer)

    Get a random non-infinite Float.

    Get a random non-infinite Float.

    This can return either a positive or negative value, or zero, but guards against returning either Float.PositiveInfinity, Float.NegativeInfinity, or Float.NaN.


    A random finite Float, and the next Randomizer to use.

  61. def nextFloat: (Float, Randomizer)

    Get a random Float.

    Get a random Float.

    This will randomize the sign, exponent and mantissa, so it can return any possible Float.


    A random Float, and the next Randomizer to use.

  62. def nextFloatBetween0And1: (Float, Randomizer)

    Get a random Float between 0 and 1.

    Get a random Float between 0 and 1.

    When working with Floats, you often want a value between 0 and 1 -- this sort of proportion is one of the more common use cases for Floats. This function makes it easy to grab one.


    A random Float in that range, and the next Randomizer to use.

  63. def nextInt: (Int, Randomizer)

    Get a random 32-bit Int.

    Get a random 32-bit Int.


    A random Int, and the next Randomizer to use.

  64. def nextList[T](length: PosZInt)(implicit genOfT: Generator[T]): (List[T], Randomizer)

    Get a random list of elements of type T.

    Get a random list of elements of type T.

    This function requires an implicit parameter that says how to generate values of T, as well as the number of them to generate. (Which may be zero.)


    The type to generate.


    How many values to generate for the List.


    A Generator, that provides values of type T.


    A List of values of the desired type.

  65. def nextLong: (Long, Randomizer)

    Get a random 64-bit Long.

    Get a random 64-bit Long.


    A random Long, and the next Randomizer to use.

  66. def nextNegDouble: (NegDouble, Randomizer)

    Get a random Double less than zero.

    Get a random Double less than zero.

    Note: it is possible (although rare) for this to return Double.NegativeInfinity. If you want to avoid that, use nextNegFiniteDouble instead.


    A random negative Double, and the next Randomizer to use.

  67. def nextNegFiniteDouble: (NegFiniteDouble, Randomizer)

    Get a random Double less than zero.

    Get a random Double less than zero.

    This guards against returning Double.NegativeInfinity, so you can have confidence that the returned number is real and finite.


    A random negative Double, and the next Randomizer to use.

  68. def nextNegFiniteFloat: (NegFiniteFloat, Randomizer)

    Get a random Float less than zero.

    Get a random Float less than zero.

    This guards against returning Float.NegativeInfinity, so you can have confidence that the returned number is real and finite.


    A random negative Float, and the next Randomizer to use.

  69. def nextNegFloat: (NegFloat, Randomizer)

    Get a random Float less than zero.

    Get a random Float less than zero.

    Note: it is possible (although rare) for this to return Float.NegativeInfinity. If you want to avoid that, use nextNegFiniteFloat instead.


    A random negative Float, and the next Randomizer to use.

  70. def nextNegInt: (NegInt, Randomizer)

    Get a random Int less than zero.

    Get a random Int less than zero.


    A random negative Int, and the next Randomizer to use.

  71. def nextNegLong: (NegLong, Randomizer)

    Get a random Long less than zero.

    Get a random Long less than zero.


    A random negative Long, and the next Randomizer to use.

  72. def nextNegZDouble: (NegZDouble, Randomizer)

    Get a random Double less than or equal to zero.

    Get a random Double less than or equal to zero.

    Note: it is possible (although rare) for this to return Double.NegativeInfinity. If you want to avoid that, use nextNegZFiniteDouble instead.


    A random negative-or-zero Double, and the next Randomizer to use.

  73. def nextNegZFiniteDouble: (NegZFiniteDouble, Randomizer)

    Get a random Double less than or equal to zero.

    Get a random Double less than or equal to zero.

    This guards against Double.NegativeInfinity, so it will always return a non-infinite value.


    A random negative-or-zero Double, and the next Randomizer to use.

  74. def nextNegZFiniteFloat: (NegZFiniteFloat, Randomizer)

    Get a random Float less than or equal to zero.

    Get a random Float less than or equal to zero.

    This guards against Float.NegativeInfinity, so it will always return a non-infinite value.


    A random negative-or-zero Float, and the next Randomizer to use.

  75. def nextNegZFloat: (NegZFloat, Randomizer)

    Get a random Float less than or equal to zero.

    Get a random Float less than or equal to zero.

    Note: it is possible (although rare) for this to return Float.NegativeInfinity. If you want to avoid that, use nextNegZFiniteFloat instead.


    A random negative-or-zero Float, and the next Randomizer to use.

  76. def nextNegZInt: (NegZInt, Randomizer)

    Get a random Int less than or equal to zero.

    Get a random Int less than or equal to zero.


    A random negative-or-zero Int, and the next Randomizer to use.

  77. def nextNegZLong: (NegZLong, Randomizer)

    Get a random Long less than or equal to zero.

    Get a random Long less than or equal to zero.


    A random negative-or-zero Long, and the next Randomizer to use.

  78. def nextNonZeroDouble: (NonZeroDouble, Randomizer)

    Get a random non-zero Double.

    Get a random non-zero Double.

    This can return any Double except zero.

    Note that this can return infinite values; if you want to avoid that, use nextNonZeroFiniteDouble instead.


    A random non-zero Double, and the next Randomizer to use.

  79. def nextNonZeroFiniteDouble: (NonZeroFiniteDouble, Randomizer)

    Get a random non-zero Double.

    Get a random non-zero Double.

    This can return any Double except zero, Double.PositiveInfinity, or Double.NegativeInfinity.


    A random non-zero Double, and the next Randomizer to use.

  80. def nextNonZeroFiniteFloat: (NonZeroFiniteFloat, Randomizer)

    Get a random non-zero Float.

    Get a random non-zero Float.

    This can return any Float except zero, Float.PositiveInfinity, or Float.NegativeInfinity.


    A random non-zero Float, and the next Randomizer to use.

  81. def nextNonZeroFloat: (NonZeroFloat, Randomizer)

    Get a random non-zero Float.

    Get a random non-zero Float.

    This can return any Float except zero.

    Note that this can return infinite values; if you want to avoid that, use nextNonZeroFiniteFloat instead.


    A random non-zero Float, and the next Randomizer to use.

  82. def nextNonZeroInt: (NonZeroInt, Randomizer)

    Get a random non-zero Int.

    Get a random non-zero Int.

    This can return any Int except zero.


    A random non-zero Int, and the next Randomizer to use.

  83. def nextNonZeroLong: (NonZeroLong, Randomizer)

    Get a random non-zero Long.

    Get a random non-zero Long.

    This can return any Long except zero.


    A random non-zero Long, and the next Randomizer to use.

  84. def nextPosDouble: (PosDouble, Randomizer)

    Get a random Double greater than zero.

    Get a random Double greater than zero.

    Note: it is possible (although rare) for this to return Double.PositiveInfinity. If you want to avoid that, use nextPosFiniteDouble instead.


    A random positive Double, and the next Randomizer to use.

  85. def nextPosFiniteDouble: (PosFiniteDouble, Randomizer)

    Get a random Double greater than zero.

    Get a random Double greater than zero.

    This guards against returning Double.PositiveInfinity, so you can have confidence that the returned number is real and finite.


    A random positive Double, and the next Randomizer to use.

  86. def nextPosFiniteFloat: (PosFiniteFloat, Randomizer)

    Get a random, finite Float greater than zero.

    Get a random, finite Float greater than zero.

    This methods guards against returning Float.PositiveInfinity -- you will always receive a real value.


    A random positive Float, and the next Randomizer to use.

  87. def nextPosFloat: (PosFloat, Randomizer)

    Get a random Float greater than zero.

    Get a random Float greater than zero.

    Note: it is possible (although rare) for this to return Float.PositiveInfinity. If you want to avoid that, use nextPosFiniteFloat instead.


    A random positive Float, and the next Randomizer to use.

  88. def nextPosInt: (PosInt, Randomizer)

    Get a random Integer greater than zero.

    Get a random Integer greater than zero.

    Note: if the underlying algorithm tries to generate 0, this generates 1, so it is very slightly biased towards returning 1.


    A random positive Integer, and the next Randomizer to use.

  89. def nextPosLong: (PosLong, Randomizer)

    Get a random Long greater than zero.

    Get a random Long greater than zero.


    A random positive Long, and the next Randomizer to use.

  90. def nextPosZDouble: (PosZDouble, Randomizer)

    Get a random Double greater than or equal to zero.

    Get a random Double greater than or equal to zero.

    Note: it is possible (although rare) for this to return Double.NegativeInfinity. If you want to avoid that, use nextPosZFiniteDouble instead.


    A random positive Double, and the next Randomizer to use.

  91. def nextPosZFiniteDouble: (PosZFiniteDouble, Randomizer)

    Get a random Double greater than or equal to zero.

    Get a random Double greater than or equal to zero.

    This guards against returning Double.NegativeInfinity.


    A random negative Double, and the next Randomizer to use.

  92. def nextPosZFiniteFloat: (PosZFiniteFloat, Randomizer)

    Get a random Float greater than or equal to zero.

    Get a random Float greater than or equal to zero.

    This guards against returning Float.PositiveInfinity.


    A random positive Float, and the next Randomizer to use.

  93. def nextPosZFloat: (PosZFloat, Randomizer)

    Get a random Float greater than or equal to zero.

    Get a random Float greater than or equal to zero.

    Note: it is possible (although rare) for this to return Float.PositiveInfinity. If you want to avoid that, use nextPosZFiniteFloat instead.


    A random positive Float, and the next Randomizer to use.

  94. def nextPosZInt: (PosZInt, Randomizer)

    Get a random Integer greater than or equal to zero.

    Get a random Integer greater than or equal to zero.


    A random positive Integer (or zero), and the next Randomizer to use.

  95. def nextPosZLong: (PosZLong, Randomizer)

    Get a random Long greater than or equal to zero.

    Get a random Long greater than or equal to zero.


    A random positive Long (or zero), and the next Randomizer to use.

  96. def nextRandomizer: Randomizer

    Computes the next Randomizer to use.

    Computes the next Randomizer to use.

    Since Randomizer is immutable (and would thus return the same value over and over), you don't usually use the same instance more than once. Instead, you should fetch the next one, and use that for the next operation.

    You usually don't need to call this directly; instead, the next Randomizer is returned from each operation, along with the random value.


    The next Randomizer, ready to use.

  97. def nextShort: (Short, Randomizer)

    Get a random 16-bit Short.

    Get a random 16-bit Short.


    A random Short, and the next Randomizer to use.

  98. def nextString(length: PosZInt): (String, Randomizer)

    Get a random String.

    Get a random String.

    This takes a desired length, and generates a String of that length. Do not expect this String to make any sense -- it is literally just a string of random Unicode characters, and will typically contain little or no conventional ASCII.


    The number of characters to include in the String.


    A highly-random String of the specified length, and the next Randomizer to use.

  99. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  100. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  101. val seed: Long
  102. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  103. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  104. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  105. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  106. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
