
trait Client extends ImplicitConversions


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def session[A](f: => A): A
def submit[A](method: String, uri: String, queryParams: Iterable[(String, String)], headers: Iterable[(String, String)], body: Array[Byte])(f: => A): A
protected def submitMultipart[A](method: String, uri: String, params: Iterable[(String, String)], headers: Iterable[(String, String)], files: Iterable[(String, Any)])(f: => A): A

Concrete methods

def body: String
def bodyBytes: Array[Byte]
def connect[A](uri: String, params: Iterable[(String, String)], headers: Iterable[(String, String)])(f: => A): A
def delete[A](uri: String, params: Iterable[(String, String)], headers: Iterable[(String, String)])(f: => A): A
def get[A](uri: String, params: (String, String)*)(f: => A): A
def get[A](uri: String, params: Iterable[(String, String)], headers: Iterable[(String, String)])(f: => A): A
def head[A](uri: String, params: (String, String)*)(f: => A): A
def head[A](uri: String, params: Iterable[(String, String)], headers: Iterable[(String, String)])(f: => A): A
def header: header.type
def options[A](uri: String, params: Iterable[(String, String)], headers: Iterable[(String, String)])(f: => A): A
def patch[A](uri: String, params: (String, String)*)(f: => A): A
def patch[A](uri: String, params: Iterable[(String, String)])(f: => A): A
def patch[A](uri: String, params: Iterable[(String, String)], headers: Iterable[(String, String)])(f: => A): A
def patch[A](uri: String, body: Array[Byte], headers: Iterable[(String, String)])(f: => A): A
def post[A](uri: String, params: (String, String)*)(f: => A): A
def post[A](uri: String, params: Iterable[(String, String)])(f: => A): A
def post[A](uri: String, params: Iterable[(String, String)], headers: Map[String, String])(f: => A): A
def post[A](uri: String, body: Array[Byte], headers: Iterable[(String, String)])(f: => A): A
def post[A](uri: String, params: Iterable[(String, String)], files: Iterable[(String, Any)])(f: => A): A
def post[A](uri: String, params: Iterable[(String, String)], files: Iterable[(String, Any)], headers: Iterable[(String, String)])(f: => A): A
def put[A](uri: String, params: (String, String)*)(f: => A): A
def put[A](uri: String, params: Iterable[(String, String)])(f: => A): A
def put[A](uri: String, params: Iterable[(String, String)], headers: Map[String, String])(f: => A): A
def put[A](uri: String, body: Array[Byte], headers: Iterable[(String, String)])(f: => A): A
def put[A](uri: String, params: Iterable[(String, String)], files: Iterable[(String, Any)])(f: => A): A
def put[A](uri: String, params: Iterable[(String, String)], files: Iterable[(String, Any)], headers: Iterable[(String, String)])(f: => A): A

Returns the current response within the scope of the submit method.

Returns the current response within the scope of the submit method.


def status: Int
def trace[A](uri: String, params: Iterable[(String, String)], headers: Iterable[(String, String)])(f: => A): A
protected def withResponse[A](res: ClientResponse)(f: => A): A


Inherited implicits

implicit def stringToByteArray(str: String): Array[Byte]


Inherited from: