


package concurrent

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class Actor [A](handler: (A) ⇒ Unit, onError: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit = ActorUtils.rethrowError)(implicit strategy: Strategy) extends Product with Serializable

    Processes messages of type A sequentially.

    Processes messages of type A sequentially. Messages are submitted to the actor with the method !. Processing is typically performed asynchronously, this is controlled by the provided strategy.

    Implementation based on non-intrusive MPSC node-based queue, described by Dmitriy Vyukov: http://www.1024cores.net/home/lock-free-algorithms/queues/non-intrusive-mpsc-node-based-queue


    The type of messages accepted by this actor.


    The message handler


    Exception handler, called if the message handler throws any Throwable.


    Execution strategy, for example, a strategy that is backed by an ExecutorService

    See also


  2. trait ActorFunctions extends AnyRef
  3. trait ActorInstances extends AnyRef
  4. trait Atomic [A] extends AnyRef
  5. trait Atomics extends AnyRef
  6. trait BooleanLatch extends AnyRef
  7. sealed trait Chan [A] extends AnyRef
  8. trait Concurrents extends ActorFunctions with PromiseFunctions
  9. trait Future [+A] extends AnyRef

    Future is a trampolined computation producing an A that may include asynchronous steps.

    Future is a trampolined computation producing an A that may include asynchronous steps. Like Trampoline, arbitrary monadic expressions involving map and flatMap are guaranteed to use constant stack space. But in addition, one may construct a Future from an asynchronous computation, represented as a function, listen: (A => Unit) => Unit, which registers a callback that will be invoked when the result becomes available. This makes Future useful as a concurrency primitive and as a control structure for wrapping callback-based APIs with a more straightforward, monadic API.

    Unlike the Future implementation in scala 2.10, map and flatMap do NOT spawn new tasks and do not require an implicit ExecutionContext. Instead, map and flatMap merely add to the current (trampolined) continuation that will be run by the 'current' thread, unless explicitly forked via Future.fork or Future.apply. This means that Future achieves much better thread reuse than the 2.10 implementation and avoids needless thread pool submit cycles.

    Future also differs from the scala 2.10 Future type in that it does not necessarily represent a _running_ computation. Instead, we reintroduce nondeterminism _explicitly_ using the functions of the scalaz.Nondeterminsm interface. This simplifies our implementation and makes code easier to reason about, since the order of effects and the points of nondeterminism are made fully explicit and do not depend on Scala's evaluation order.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Future does not include any error handling and should generally only be used as a building block by library writers who want to build on Future's capabilities but wish to design their own error handling strategy. See scalaz.concurrent.Task for a type that extends Future with proper error handling -- it is merely a wrapper for Future[Throwable \/ A] with a number of additional convenience functions.

  10. sealed trait MVar [A] extends AnyRef
  11. trait MVarFunctions extends AnyRef
  12. sealed trait PhasedLatch extends AnyRef
  13. trait PhasedLatches extends AnyRef
  14. sealed trait Promise [A] extends AnyRef
  15. trait PromiseFunctions extends AnyRef
  16. trait PromiseInstances extends AnyRef
  17. trait Run [F] extends AnyRef
  18. trait Strategy extends AnyRef

    Evaluate an expression in some specific manner.

    Evaluate an expression in some specific manner. A typical strategy will schedule asynchronous evaluation and return a function that, when called, will block until the result is ready.

    Memory consistency effects: Actions in a thread prior to the submission of a to the Strategy happen-before any actions taken by a, which in turn happen-before the result is retrieved via returned function.

  19. trait Strategys extends StrategysLow
  20. trait StrategysLow extends AnyRef
  21. class Task [+A] extends AnyRef
  22. trait TaskApp extends AnyRef

    Safe App trait that runs a scalaz.concurrent.Task action.

    Safe App trait that runs a scalaz.concurrent.Task action.

    Clients should implement run, runl, or runc.
