
package std

Type Class instances for data structures in the Scala and Java standard libraries.

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. std
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AllFunctions extends ListFunctions with OptionFunctions with StreamFunctions with BooleanFunctions with OrderingFunctions with StringFunctions with FunctionFunctions
  2. trait AllInstances extends AnyValInstances with FunctionInstances with ListInstances with MapInstances with SortedMapInstances with OptionInstances with SetInstances with StringInstances with StreamInstances with TupleInstances with VectorInstances with FutureInstances with EitherInstances with PartialFunctionInstances with TypeConstraintInstances with BigDecimalInstances with BigInts with std.math.OrderingInstances with with BigDecimalInstances with BigIntegerInstances with EnumInstances with CallableInstances with TimeInstances
  3. trait AnyValInstances extends AnyRef
  4. trait BooleanFunctions extends AnyRef
  5. trait DoubleFunctions extends AnyRef
  6. trait EitherInstances extends EitherInstances0
  7. sealed trait EitherInstances0 extends AnyRef
  8. trait FloatFunctions extends AnyRef
  9. trait FunctionFunctions extends AnyRef
  10. trait FunctionInstances extends FunctionInstances0
  11. sealed trait FunctionInstances0 extends FunctionInstances1
  12. sealed trait FunctionInstances1 extends AnyRef
  13. trait FutureInstances extends FutureInstances1
  14. trait FutureInstances1 extends AnyRef
  15. trait IntFunctions extends AnyRef
  16. trait IterableInstances extends AnyRef
  17. trait ListFunctions extends AnyRef
  18. trait ListInstances extends ListInstances0
  19. trait ListInstances0 extends AnyRef
  20. trait LongFunctions extends AnyRef
  21. trait MapFunctions extends AnyRef
  22. trait MapInstances extends MapInstances0 with MapFunctions
  23. trait MapInstances0 extends AnyRef
  24. trait OptionFunctions extends AnyRef
  25. trait OptionInstances extends OptionInstances0
  26. sealed trait OptionInstances0 extends OptionInstances1
  27. sealed trait OptionInstances1 extends AnyRef
  28. trait PartialFunctionInstances extends AnyRef
  29. trait SetFunctions extends AnyRef
  30. trait SetInstances extends AnyRef
  31. trait ShortFunctions extends AnyRef
  32. trait SortedMapFunctions extends AnyRef
  33. trait SortedMapInstances extends SortedMapInstances0 with SortedMapFunctions
  34. trait SortedMapInstances0 extends AnyRef
  35. trait StreamFunctions extends AnyRef
  36. trait StreamInstances extends AnyRef
  37. trait StringFunctions extends AnyRef
  38. trait StringInstances extends AnyRef
  39. trait TryFunctions extends AnyRef
  40. trait TryInstances extends AnyRef
  41. trait TupleInstances extends TupleInstances2
  42. sealed trait TupleInstances0 extends AnyRef
  43. sealed trait TupleInstances1 extends TupleInstances0
  44. sealed trait TupleInstances2 extends TupleInstances1
  45. trait TypeConstraintInstances extends AnyRef
  46. trait VectorFunctions extends AnyRef
  47. trait VectorInstances extends VectorInstances0
  48. sealed trait VectorInstances0 extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object AllFunctions extends AllFunctions
  2. object AllInstances extends AllInstances
  3. object anyVal extends AnyValInstances
  4. object boolean extends BooleanFunctions
  5. object double extends DoubleFunctions
  6. object either extends EitherInstances
  7. object float extends FloatFunctions
  8. object function extends FunctionFunctions with FunctionInstances
  9. object int extends IntFunctions
  10. object iterable extends IterableInstances
  11. object list extends ListInstances with ListFunctions
  12. object long extends LongFunctions
  13. object map extends MapInstances with MapFunctions
  14. object option extends OptionInstances with OptionFunctions
  15. object partialFunction extends PartialFunctionInstances
  16. object scalaFuture extends FutureInstances
  17. object set extends SetInstances with SetFunctions
  18. object short extends ShortFunctions
  19. object sortedMap extends SortedMapInstances with SortedMapFunctions
  20. object stream extends StreamInstances with StreamFunctions
  21. object string extends StringInstances with StringFunctions
  22. object try extends TryFunctions with TryInstances
  23. object tuple extends TupleInstances
  24. object typeConstraint extends TypeConstraintInstances
  25. object vector extends VectorInstances with VectorFunctions

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
