
object MonadTell
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


sealed abstract
class Ast[S, A]

The Free instruction set for MonadTell

The Free instruction set for MonadTell

final case
class Writer[S, A](s: S, a: A) extends Ast[S, A]

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[F[_], S](implicit F: MonadTell[F, S]): MonadTell[F, S]
def fromIso[F[_], G[_], E](D: IsoFunctor[F, G])(implicit A: MonadTell[G, E]): MonadTell[F, E]
def liftF[F[_], S](implicit I: Inject[[_] =>> Ast[S, _$6], F]): MonadTell[[_] =>> Free[F, _$7], S] & BindRec[[_] =>> Free[F, _$8]]

Extensible Effect

Extensible Effect