trait DivisibleLaw
trait DivideLaw
trait ContravariantLaw
trait InvariantFunctorLaw
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Value members
Inherited methods
A series of contramaps may be freely rewritten as a single contramap on a composed function.
A series of contramaps may be freely rewritten as a single contramap on a composed function.
- Inherited from
- ContravariantLaw
The identity function, lifted, is a no-op.
The identity function, lifted, is a no-op.
- Inherited from
- ContravariantLaw
def invariantComposite[A, B, C](fa: F[A], f1: A => B, g1: B => A, f2: B => C, g2: C => B)(implicit FC: Equal[F[C]]): Boolean
- Inherited from
- InvariantFunctorLaw