


package effect

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Dup[H[_[_]]] extends AnyRef

    Duplicate a handle in the parent region.

  2. sealed abstract class DupInstances extends AnyRef
  3. trait Effects extends ToAllEffectTypeClassOps with AllEffectInstances
  4. sealed abstract class FinalizerHandle[R[_]] extends AnyRef

    A handle to a finalizer that allows you to duplicate it to a parent region using "dup".

    A handle to a finalizer that allows you to duplicate it to a parent region using "dup". Duplicating a finalizer means that instead of being performed when the current region terminates, it is performed when the parent region terminates.

  5. sealed abstract class IO[A] extends AnyRef
  6. sealed abstract class IOInstances extends IOInstances0
  7. sealed abstract class IOInstances0 extends IOInstances1
  8. sealed abstract class IOInstances1 extends AnyRef
  9. sealed abstract class IORef[A] extends AnyRef

    A mutable reference in the IO monad.

    A mutable reference in the IO monad. Note that unsafePerformIO will allow leaking such a reference out of the monad, but any operations on a leaked reference are still monadic.

  10. trait IORefs extends AnyRef
  11. sealed abstract class IoExceptionOr[A] extends AnyRef
  12. trait IsomorphismLiftControlIO[F[_], G[_]] extends LiftControlIO[F]
  13. trait IsomorphismLiftIO[F[_], G[_]] extends LiftIO[F]
  14. trait IsomorphismMonadCatchIO[F[_], G[_]] extends MonadCatchIO[F] with IsomorphismMonadIO[F, G]
  15. trait IsomorphismMonadControlIO[F[_], G[_]] extends MonadControlIO[F] with IsomorphismLiftControlIO[F, G] with IsomorphismMonad[F, G]
  16. trait IsomorphismMonadIO[F[_], G[_]] extends MonadIO[F] with IsomorphismLiftIO[F, G] with IsomorphismMonad[F, G]
  17. trait IsomorphismResource[F, G] extends Resource[F]
  18. sealed trait IvoryTower extends AnyRef
  19. trait IvoryTowers extends AnyRef
  20. trait LiftControlIO[F[_]] extends AnyRef

  21. trait LiftIO[F[_]] extends AnyRef

  22. trait MonadCatchIO[M[_]] extends MonadIO[M]
  23. sealed abstract class MonadCatchIOFunctions extends AnyRef
  24. trait MonadControlIO[F[_]] extends LiftControlIO[F] with Monad[F]

  25. trait MonadIO[F[_]] extends LiftIO[F] with Monad[F]

  26. sealed abstract class RefCountedFinalizer extends AnyRef
  27. trait RefCountedFinalizers extends AnyRef
  28. sealed abstract class RegionT[S, P[_], A] extends AnyRef

    A monad transformer in which scarce resources can be opened.

    A monad transformer in which scarce resources can be opened. When the region terminates, all opened resources will be closed automatically. It's a type error to return an opened resource from the region, and no I/O with closed resources is possible.

  29. sealed abstract class RegionTInstances extends RegionTInstances1
  30. sealed abstract class RegionTInstances1 extends AnyRef
  31. trait RegionTLiftIO[S, M[_]] extends LiftIO[[γ$7$]RegionT[S, M, γ$7$]]
  32. trait RegionTMonad[S, M[_]] extends Monad[[γ$6$]RegionT[S, M, γ$6$]]
  33. trait Resource[F] extends AnyRef

  34. sealed abstract class ST[S, A] extends AnyRef

    Purely functional mutable state threads.

    Purely functional mutable state threads. Based on JL and SPJ's paper "Lazy Functional State Threads"

  35. sealed abstract class STArray[S, A] extends AnyRef

    Mutable array in state thread S containing values of type A.

  36. sealed abstract class STInstance0 extends AnyRef
  37. sealed abstract class STInstances extends STInstance0
  38. sealed abstract class STRef[S, A] extends AnyRef

    Mutable variable in state thread S containing a value of type A.

    Mutable variable in state thread S containing a value of type A. http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/simonpj/papers/lazy-functional-state-threads.ps.Z

  39. sealed abstract class STRefInstances extends AnyRef
  40. trait SafeApp extends AnyRef

    A safe alternative to the App trait in the Scala standard library.

    A safe alternative to the App trait in the Scala standard library. This trait provides an implementation of the main method by calling unsafePerformIO on a specified IO action.
