


package iteratee

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. iteratee
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. type >@>[E, A] = IterateeT[E, Id.Id, A]
  2. type Enumeratee[O, I] = EnumerateeT[O, I, Id.Id]
  3. trait Enumeratee2T [J, K, I, F[_]] extends AnyRef
  4. trait Enumeratee2TFunctions extends AnyRef
  5. trait EnumerateeT [O, I, F[_]] extends AnyRef
  6. trait EnumerateeTFunctions extends AnyRef
  7. type Enumerator[E] = EnumeratorT[E, Id.Id]
  8. abstract class EnumeratorP [E, F[_]] extends AnyRef
  9. trait EnumeratorPFunctions extends AnyRef
  10. sealed abstract class EnumeratorPInstances extends AnyRef
  11. trait EnumeratorT [E, F[_]] extends AnyRef
  12. trait EnumeratorTFunctions extends AnyRef
  13. trait EnumeratorTInstances extends EnumeratorTInstances0
  14. trait EnumeratorTInstances0 extends AnyRef
  15. trait ForallM [P[_[_]]] extends AnyRef
  16. sealed abstract class Input [E] extends AnyRef

    The input to an iteratee.

    The input to an iteratee. *

  17. trait InputFunctions extends AnyRef
  18. sealed abstract class InputInstances extends AnyRef
  19. type Iteratee[E, A] = IterateeT[E, Id.Id, A]
  20. trait IterateeFunctions extends AnyRef
  21. sealed abstract class IterateeT [E, F[_], A] extends AnyRef

    A data sink.

    A data sink.

    Represents a value of type F[StepT[E, F, A]]


    The type of the input data (mnemonic: Element type)


    The type constructor representing an effect. The type constructor scalaz.Id is used to model pure computations, and is fixed as such in the type alias scalaz.iteratee.Iteratee.


    The type of the calculated result

    See also


  22. trait IterateeTFunctions extends AnyRef
  23. sealed abstract class IterateeTInstances extends IterateeTInstances0
  24. sealed abstract class IterateeTInstances0 extends AnyRef
  25. type Step[E, A] = StepT[E, Id.Id, A]
  26. sealed abstract class StepT [E, F[_], A] extends AnyRef

    The current state of an Iteratee, one of:

    The current state of an Iteratee, one of:

    • cont Waiting for more data
    • done Already calculated a result

    The type of the input data (mnemonic: Element type)


    The type constructor representing an effect. The type constructor scalaz.Id is used to model pure computations, and is fixed as such in the type alias scalaz.iteratee.Step.


    The type of the calculated result

  27. trait StepTFunctions extends AnyRef

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
