trait AllFunctions extends ListFunctions with OptionFunctions with StreamFunctions with BooleanFunctions with OrderingFunctions with StringFunctions with FunctionFunctions
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- AllFunctions
- FunctionFunctions
- StringFunctions
- OrderingFunctions
- BooleanFunctions
- StreamFunctions
- OptionFunctions
- ListFunctions
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Value Members
- final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- final def ##: Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- final def <^>[A, B](as: List[A])(f: (NonEmptyList[A]) => B)(implicit arg0: Monoid[B]): B
applied to the contents ofas
if non-empty, otherwise, the zero element of theMonoid
for the typeB
applied to the contents ofas
if non-empty, otherwise, the zero element of theMonoid
for the typeB
.- Definition Classes
- ListFunctions
- final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- final def ToScalazOrderFromOrdering[A](oa: scala.math.Ordering[A]): Order[A]
- Definition Classes
- OrderingFunctions
- final def adjacentPairs[A](as: List[A]): List[(A, A)]
[(as(0), as(1)), (as(1), as(2)), ... (as(size-2), as(size-1))]
[(as(0), as(1)), (as(1), as(2)), ... (as(size-2), as(size-1))]
- Definition Classes
- ListFunctions
- final def allPairs[A](as: List[A]): List[(A, A)]
Combinations of
, excluding same-element pairs.Combinations of
, excluding same-element pairs.- Definition Classes
- ListFunctions
- final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
- Definition Classes
- Any
- final def breakM[A, M[_]](as: List[A])(p: (A) => M[Boolean])(implicit arg0: Monad[M]): M[(List[A], List[A])]
's complement.spanM
's complement.- Definition Classes
- ListFunctions
- final def cata[A, X](oa: Option[A])(some: (A) => X, none: => X): X
Catamorphism over the option.
Catamorphism over the option. Returns the provided function
applied to item contained in the Option if it is defined, otherwise, the provided valuenone
.- Definition Classes
- OptionFunctions
- def charsNel(s: String, e: => NonEmptyList[Char]): NonEmptyList[Char]
Constructs a non-empty list with the given string if it is not empty, otherwise, returns the second argument.
Constructs a non-empty list with the given string if it is not empty, otherwise, returns the second argument.
- Definition Classes
- StringFunctions
- def charsNel(s: String): Option[NonEmptyList[Char]]
Constructs a non-empty list with the value if it is not empty, otherwise, throws an error.
Constructs a non-empty list with the value if it is not empty, otherwise, throws an error.
- Definition Classes
- StringFunctions
- def clone(): AnyRef
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
- final def conditional(p: Boolean, q: => Boolean): Boolean
p q p --> q 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1
- Definition Classes
- BooleanFunctions
- final def conjunction(p: Boolean, q: => Boolean): Boolean
Conjunction. (AND)
p q p ∧ q 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1
- Definition Classes
- BooleanFunctions
- final def disjunction(p: Boolean, q: => Boolean): Boolean
Disjunction. (OR)
p q p ∨ q 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
- Definition Classes
- BooleanFunctions
- final def emptyOrPure[M[_], A](cond: Boolean)(a: => A)(implicit M: Applicative[M], M0: PlusEmpty[M]): M[A]
Returns the value
lifted into the contextM
, otherwise, the empty value forM
.Returns the value
lifted into the contextM
, otherwise, the empty value forM
.- Definition Classes
- BooleanFunctions
- final def emptyOrPureNT[M[_]](cond: Boolean)(implicit M: Applicative[M], M0: PlusEmpty[M]): ~>[Id.Id, M]
- Definition Classes
- BooleanFunctions
- final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- final def filterM[A, M[_]](as: List[A])(p: (A) => M[Boolean])(implicit arg0: Applicative[M]): M[List[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ListFunctions
- def finalize(): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable])
- final def findM[A, M[_]](as: List[A])(p: (A) => M[Boolean])(implicit arg0: Monad[M]): M[Option[A]]
s left-to-right until it yields a true value, answeringSome(that)
, orNone
if nothing matchedp
s left-to-right until it yields a true value, answeringSome(that)
, orNone
if nothing matchedp
.- Definition Classes
- ListFunctions
- final def fix[A](f: (=> A) => A): A
for referentially transparentf
for referentially transparentf
.- Definition Classes
- FunctionFunctions
- Since
- final def fold[A](cond: Boolean, t: => A, f: => A): A
- returns
- Definition Classes
- BooleanFunctions
- final def fold[A, X](oa: Option[A])(some: (A) => X, none: => X): X
Alias for
Alias for
- Definition Classes
- OptionFunctions
- final def foldLift[F[_], A, B](oa: Option[A])(b: => B, k: (F[A]) => B)(implicit p: Applicative[F]): B
Returns the given value if None, otherwise lifts the Some value and passes it to the given function.
Returns the given value if None, otherwise lifts the Some value and passes it to the given function.
- Definition Classes
- OptionFunctions
- final def foldLiftOpt[A, B](oa: Option[A])(b: => B, k: (Option[A]) => B): B
Returns the given value if None, otherwise lifts the Some value to Option and passes it to the given function.
Returns the given value if None, otherwise lifts the Some value to Option and passes it to the given function.
- Definition Classes
- OptionFunctions
- final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @native()
- final def groupBy1[A, B](as: List[A])(f: (A) => B): Map[B, NonEmptyList[A]]
As with the standard library
but preserving the fact that the values in the Map must be non-emptyAs with the standard library
but preserving the fact that the values in the Map must be non-empty- Definition Classes
- ListFunctions
- final def groupWhen[A](as: List[A])(p: (A, A) => Boolean): List[NonEmptyList[A]]
specialized to scalaz.Id.Id.groupWhenM
specialized to scalaz.Id.Id.- Definition Classes
- ListFunctions
- final def groupWhenM[A, M[_]](as: List[A])(p: (A, A) => M[Boolean])(implicit arg0: Monad[M]): M[List[NonEmptyList[A]]]
Split at each point where
p(as(n), as(n+1))
yields false.Split at each point where
p(as(n), as(n+1))
yields false.- Definition Classes
- ListFunctions
- def hashCode(): Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @native()
- final def heads[A](as: Stream[A]): Stream[Stream[A]]
[as take 1, as take 2, ..., as]
[as take 1, as take 2, ..., as]
- Definition Classes
- StreamFunctions
- final def initz[A](as: List[A]): List[List[A]]
[Nil, as take 1, as take 2, ..., as]
[Nil, as take 1, as take 2, ..., as]
- Definition Classes
- ListFunctions
- final def interleave[A](s1: Stream[A], s2: Stream[A]): Stream[A]
- Definition Classes
- StreamFunctions
- final def intersperse[A](as: Stream[A], a: A): Stream[A]
Intersperse the element
between each adjacent pair of elements inas
Intersperse the element
between each adjacent pair of elements inas
- Definition Classes
- StreamFunctions
- final def intersperse[A](as: List[A], a: A): List[A]
Intersperse the element
between each adjacent pair of elements inas
Intersperse the element
between each adjacent pair of elements inas
- Definition Classes
- ListFunctions
- final def inverseConditional(p: Boolean, q: => Boolean): Boolean
Inverse Conditional.
Inverse Conditional.
p q p <-- q 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1
- Definition Classes
- BooleanFunctions
- final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Any
- final def mapAccumLeft[A, B, C](as: List[A])(c: C, f: (C, A) => (C, B)): (C, List[B])
All of the
s, in order, and the finalC
acquired by a stateful left fold overas
.All of the
s, in order, and the finalC
acquired by a stateful left fold overas
.- Definition Classes
- ListFunctions
- final def mapAccumRight[A, B, C](as: List[A])(c: C, f: (C, A) => (C, B)): (C, List[B])
All of the
s, in orderas
-wise, and the finalC
acquired by a stateful right fold overas
.All of the
s, in orderas
-wise, and the finalC
acquired by a stateful right fold overas
.- Definition Classes
- ListFunctions
- final def nand(p: Boolean, q: => Boolean): Boolean
Negation of Conjunction.
Negation of Conjunction. (NAND)
p q p !&& q 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0
- Definition Classes
- BooleanFunctions
- final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- final def negConditional(p: Boolean, q: => Boolean): Boolean
Negational of Conditional.
Negational of Conditional.
p q p ⇏ q 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0
- Definition Classes
- BooleanFunctions
- final def negInverseConditional(p: Boolean, q: => Boolean): Boolean
Negation of Inverse Conditional.
Negation of Inverse Conditional.
p q p <\- q 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
- Definition Classes
- BooleanFunctions
- final def nil[A]: List[A]
scala.Nil with a sometimes more convenient type
scala.Nil with a sometimes more convenient type
- Definition Classes
- ListFunctions
- final def none[A]: Option[A]
scala.None with a sometimes more convenient type.
scala.None with a sometimes more convenient type.
- Definition Classes
- OptionFunctions
- final def nor(p: Boolean, q: => Boolean): Boolean
Negation of Disjunction.
Negation of Disjunction. (NOR)
p q p !|| q 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0
- Definition Classes
- BooleanFunctions
- final def notify(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native()
- final def notifyAll(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native()
- final def option[A](cond: Boolean, a: => A): Option[A]
Returns the given argument in
otherwise.Returns the given argument in
otherwise.- Definition Classes
- BooleanFunctions
- final def orEmpty[A, M[_]](oa: Option[A])(implicit arg0: Applicative[M], arg1: PlusEmpty[M]): M[A]
Returns the item contained in the Option wrapped in type M if the Option is defined, otherwise, the empty value for type M.
Returns the item contained in the Option wrapped in type M if the Option is defined, otherwise, the empty value for type M.
- Definition Classes
- OptionFunctions
- def parseBoolean(s: String): Validation[IllegalArgumentException, Boolean]
- Definition Classes
- StringFunctions
- def parseByte(s: String): Validation[NumberFormatException, Byte]
- Definition Classes
- StringFunctions
- def parseDouble(s: String): Validation[NumberFormatException, Double]
- Definition Classes
- StringFunctions
- def parseFloat(s: String): Validation[NumberFormatException, Float]
- Definition Classes
- StringFunctions
- def parseInt(s: String): Validation[NumberFormatException, Int]
- Definition Classes
- StringFunctions
- def parseLong(s: String): Validation[NumberFormatException, Long]
- Definition Classes
- StringFunctions
- def parseShort(s: String): Validation[NumberFormatException, Short]
- Definition Classes
- StringFunctions
- final def partitionM[A, M[_]](as: List[A])(p: (A) => M[Boolean])(implicit F: Applicative[M]): M[(List[A], List[A])]
A pair of passing and failing values of
.A pair of passing and failing values of
.- Definition Classes
- ListFunctions
- def plural(s: String, n: Long): String
Returns the same String value if the given value is 1 otherwise pluralises this String by appending an "s" unless this String ends with "y" and not one of ["ay", "ey", "iy", "oy", "uy"] in which case the 'y' character is chopped and "ies" is appended.
Returns the same String value if the given value is 1 otherwise pluralises this String by appending an "s" unless this String ends with "y" and not one of ["ay", "ey", "iy", "oy", "uy"] in which case the 'y' character is chopped and "ies" is appended.
- Definition Classes
- StringFunctions
- final def pointOrEmpty[M[_], A](cond: Boolean)(a: => A)(implicit M: Applicative[M], M0: PlusEmpty[M]): M[A]
Returns the value
lifted into the contextM
, otherwise, the empty value forM
.Returns the value
lifted into the contextM
, otherwise, the empty value forM
.- Definition Classes
- BooleanFunctions
- final def pointOrEmptyNT[M[_]](cond: Boolean)(implicit M: Applicative[M], M0: PlusEmpty[M]): ~>[Id.Id, M]
- Definition Classes
- BooleanFunctions
- final def powerset[A](as: List[A]): List[List[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ListFunctions
- final def some[A](a: A): Option[A]
scala.Some.apply with a sometimes more convenient type.
scala.Some.apply with a sometimes more convenient type.
- Definition Classes
- OptionFunctions
- final def spanM[A, M[_]](as: List[A])(p: (A) => M[Boolean])(implicit arg0: Monad[M]): M[(List[A], List[A])]
A pair of the longest prefix of passing
, and the remainder.A pair of the longest prefix of passing
, and the remainder.- Definition Classes
- ListFunctions
- final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- final def tailOption[A](as: List[A]): Option[List[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ListFunctions
- final def tails[A](as: Stream[A]): Stream[Stream[A]]
[as, as.tail, as.tail.tail, ..., Stream(as.last)]
[as, as.tail, as.tail.tail, ..., Stream(as.last)]
- Definition Classes
- StreamFunctions
- final def tailz[A](as: List[A]): List[List[A]]
[as, as.tail, as.tail.tail, ..., Nil]
[as, as.tail, as.tail.tail, ..., Nil]
- Definition Classes
- ListFunctions
- final def takeUntilM[A, M[_]](as: List[A])(p: (A) => M[Boolean])(implicit arg0: Monad[M]): M[List[A]]
s and collectas
yields false.Run
s and collectas
yields false. Don't run anyp
s after the first true.- Definition Classes
- ListFunctions
- final def takeWhileM[A, M[_]](as: List[A])(p: (A) => M[Boolean])(implicit arg0: Monad[M]): M[List[A]]
s and collectas
yields true.Run
s and collectas
yields true. Don't run anyp
s after the first false.- Definition Classes
- ListFunctions
- def test(p: Boolean): Int
is true, or0
is true, or0
otherwise.- Definition Classes
- BooleanFunctions
- final def toFailure[A, B](oa: Option[A])(b: => B): Validation[A, B]
- Definition Classes
- OptionFunctions
- final def toFailureNel[A, B](oa: Option[A])(b: => B): ValidationNel[A, B]
- Definition Classes
- OptionFunctions
- final def toLeft[A, B](oa: Option[A])(b: => B): \/[A, B]
- Definition Classes
- OptionFunctions
- final def toMaybe[A](oa: Option[A]): Maybe[A]
- Definition Classes
- OptionFunctions
- final def toNel[A](as: List[A]): Option[NonEmptyList[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ListFunctions
- final def toRight[A, E](oa: Option[A])(e: => E): \/[E, A]
- Definition Classes
- OptionFunctions
- def toString(): String
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- final def toSuccess[A, E](oa: Option[A])(e: => E): Validation[E, A]
- Definition Classes
- OptionFunctions
- final def toSuccessNel[A, E](oa: Option[A])(e: => E): ValidationNel[E, A]
- Definition Classes
- OptionFunctions
- final def toZipper[A](as: Stream[A]): Option[Zipper[A]]
- Definition Classes
- StreamFunctions
- final def toZipper[A](as: List[A]): Option[Zipper[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ListFunctions
- def unfold[A, B](seed: A)(f: (A) => Option[(B, A)]): Stream[B]
- Definition Classes
- StreamFunctions
- final def unfoldForest[A, B](as: Stream[A])(f: (A) => (B, () => Stream[A])): Stream[Tree[B]]
- Definition Classes
- StreamFunctions
- final def unfoldForestM[A, B, M[_]](as: Stream[A])(f: (A) => M[(B, Stream[A])])(implicit arg0: Monad[M]): M[Stream[Tree[B]]]
- Definition Classes
- StreamFunctions
- def unfoldm[A, B](seed: A)(f: (A) => Maybe[(B, A)]): Stream[B]
- Definition Classes
- StreamFunctions
- final def unless(cond: Boolean)(f: => Unit): Unit
Executes the given side-effect if
Executes the given side-effect if
- Definition Classes
- BooleanFunctions
- final def unlessM[M[_], A](cond: Boolean)(f: => M[A])(implicit M: Applicative[M]): M[Unit]
Returns the given argument if
, otherwise, unit lifted into M.Returns the given argument if
, otherwise, unit lifted into M.- Definition Classes
- BooleanFunctions
- final def unlessMU[MA](cond: Boolean)(f: => MA)(implicit M: Unapply[Applicative, MA]): M[Unit]
A version of
that infers the type constructorM
.A version of
that infers the type constructorM
.- Definition Classes
- BooleanFunctions
- final def valueOrZero[A](cond: Boolean)(value: => A)(implicit z: Monoid[A]): A
Returns the given argument if
, otherwise, the zero element for the type of the given argument.Returns the given argument if
, otherwise, the zero element for the type of the given argument.- Definition Classes
- BooleanFunctions
- final def wait(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException])
- final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException])
- final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
- final def when(cond: Boolean)(f: => Unit): Unit
Executes the given side-effect if
Executes the given side-effect if
- Definition Classes
- BooleanFunctions
- final def whenM[M[_], A](cond: Boolean)(f: => M[A])(implicit M: Applicative[M]): M[Unit]
Returns the given argument if
, otherwise, unit lifted into M.Returns the given argument if
, otherwise, unit lifted into M.- Definition Classes
- BooleanFunctions
- final def whenMU[MA](cond: Boolean)(f: => MA)(implicit M: Unapply[Applicative, MA]): M[Unit]
A version of
that infers the type constructorM
.A version of
that infers the type constructorM
.- Definition Classes
- BooleanFunctions
- final def zapp[A, B, C](a: Stream[A])(f: Stream[(A) => (B) => C]): Stream[(B) => C]
- Definition Classes
- StreamFunctions
- final def zeroOrValue[A](cond: Boolean)(value: => A)(implicit z: Monoid[A]): A
Returns the given argument if
, otherwise, the zero element for the type of the given argument.Returns the given argument if
, otherwise, the zero element for the type of the given argument.- Definition Classes
- BooleanFunctions
- final def zipperEnd[A](as: Stream[A]): Option[Zipper[A]]
- Definition Classes
- StreamFunctions
- final def zipperEnd[A](as: List[A]): Option[Zipper[A]]
- Definition Classes
- ListFunctions
Deprecated Value Members
- def charsNelErr(s: String, message: => String): NonEmptyList[Char]
- Definition Classes
- StringFunctions
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 7.2) Unsafe. Use
- def unsafeCharsNel(s: String): NonEmptyList[Char]
- Definition Classes
- StringFunctions
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 7.2) Unsafe. Use