

package collection

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Type Members

  1. class CapturedIterator[A] extends Iterator[A]

    Array backed buffer, restart returns the captured data and then rejoins the original iterator

  2. trait ConcurrentMapUtils extends AnyRef

    Simple helper functions to get and remove ConcurrentLinkedQueues from a ConcurrentHashMap

  3. case class DuplicateFilter[T](orig: Iterable[T])(implicit predicate: Equal[T]) extends Iterable[T] with Product with Serializable

    Remove neighbouring duplicates based on a given predicate (defaults to _ eq _).

  4. trait FlatMapImplicits extends AnyRef

  5. trait FlatMapIterator[+A] extends Iterator[A]

    Backwards compat for 2.

  6. trait ImmutableArrayProxy[+A] extends IndexedSeq[A] with IndexedSeqOptimized[A, ImmutableArrayProxy[A]] with GenericTraversableTemplate[A, ImmutableArrayProxy]

    Wraps behaviour of ImmutableArray like objects, when the array is greater than 31 it will be swapped to Vector.

  7. case class ImmutableArrayProxyBuilder[A]() extends Builder[A, ImmutableArrayProxy[A]] with Product with Serializable

    Build array first then vector as needed

  8. trait IterableUtils extends AnyRef

  9. trait IterableUtilsImplicits extends FlatMapImplicits

  10. class ListSet[A] extends Iterable[A]

    Based on Scala ListSet, users provide the comparisom operator and comparisom type for lookups.

  11. sealed trait Once[T] extends AnyRef

    Only created once and via calcOnce

  12. case class SectionWalk[Section](section: Section, hasChildren: Boolean = false, isStart: Boolean = true) extends Product with Serializable

    IF hasChildren then isStart indicates that this particular occurence is the start of the element or the end

  13. trait StackUtils extends AnyRef

  14. trait Tree[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[C] <: IndexedSeqLike[C, CC[C]]] extends RightLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]]

  15. trait Trees extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object ImmutableArrayProxy extends SeqFactory[ImmutableArrayProxy]

    Starts an ImmutableArrayProxy and provides the CanBuildFrom

  2. object ImmutableArrayProxyBuilder extends Serializable

  3. object ListSet extends Serializable

  4. object Tree

  5. package array

  6. package path
