

package utils

Linear Supertypes
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  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. utils
  2. ConcurrentMapUtils
  3. Paths
  4. Trees
  5. EquivFunctions
  6. Iteratees
  7. StackUtils
  8. AsBooleanTrait
  9. IterableUtils
  10. AnyRef
  11. Any
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Type Members

  1. type AsBoolean[T] = (T) ⇒ Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. trait AsBooleanTrait extends AnyRef

    Provides the conversion type class AsBoolean, and simple matchers (extractor builders) to use them.

  3. class BooleanAndTMatcher[X, T] extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  4. class BooleanMatcher[X, T] extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  5. sealed trait EitherLike[+L, +R] extends AnyRef

    Either is great, perfect for what is needed, except for the indirection and the added memory and cpu costs thereof.

  6. class Equiv[A] extends AnyRef

    Provides evidence that two instances of two disctinct types are equivalent after a conversion.

  7. trait EquivFunctions extends AnyRef

  8. type FoldR[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]] = Either[Path[Item, Section, CC], FoldError]

    Definition Classes
  9. type ItemOrSectionWalk[Item, Section] = Either[Item, SectionWalk[Section]]

    badly named the boolean should indicate if it has any children

    badly named the boolean should indicate if it has any children

    Definition Classes
  10. type ItemOrTree[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]] = EitherLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]]

    Definition Classes
  11. trait LeftLike[+L, +R] extends LeftLikeProjection[L] with EitherLike[L, R]

  12. type PathFoldR[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]] = (Path[Item, Section, CC]) ⇒ FoldR[Item, Section, CC]

    Definition Classes
  13. type ResumableIter[E, A] = IterV[E, (A, IterV[E, _])]

    Definition Classes
  14. class ResumableIterIterator[E, A, F[_]] extends Iterator[A]

    Definition Classes
  15. type ResumableIterList[E, A] = IterV[E, (Iterable[A], IterV[E, _])]

    Definition Classes
  16. trait RightLike[+L, +R] extends RightLikeProjection[R] with EitherLike[L, R]

  17. type TreeCBF[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]] = CanBuildFrom[CC[_], ItemOrTree[Item, Section, CC], CC[ItemOrTree[Item, Section, CC]]]

    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. val ALREADY_RESTARTED: String

    Definition Classes
  2. val NotSameRoot: Int

    Definition Classes
  3. object ScalesUtils extends ScalesUtilsImplicits

    Allows importing all scales.

  4. val US_ASCII: Charset

  5. val UTF_8: Charset

  6. def appendTo(to: Appendable): IterV[CharSequence, CharSequence]

    Append to an appendable, always returns Done for a line, cont for everything else TODO - should it be a pair including the appendable?

    Append to an appendable, always returns Done for a line, cont for everything else TODO - should it be a pair including the appendable?

    Definition Classes
  7. def boolean[T](it: T)(implicit arg0: (T) ⇒ Boolean): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  8. def booleanAndTMatcher[X, T](eval: (X) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (T) ⇒ Boolean): BooleanAndTMatcher[X, T]

    Calls eval to return a T t'.

    Calls eval to return a T t'. This T is then evaluated with the AsBoolean type class.

    When evaluated to true (t',x) is returned. val Matcher = booleanMatcher( (x) => T ); val Matcher(t,x) = x

    Definition Classes
  9. def booleanMatcher[X, T](eval: (X) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (T) ⇒ Boolean): BooleanMatcher[X, T]

    Calls eval to return a T t'.

    Calls eval to return a T t'. This T is then evaluated with the AsBoolean type class.

    When evaluated to true t' is returned. val Matcher = booleanMatcher( (x) => T ); val Matcher(t) = x

    Definition Classes
  10. def calcOnce[K, T](key: K, map: ConcurrentHashMap[K, Once[T]])(calc: ⇒ T): T

    Calculates the value once and only once (using a lazy val), returning the result, use this approach for expensive calculations.

    Calculates the value once and only once (using a lazy val), returning the result, use this approach for expensive calculations.

    Definition Classes
  11. def capture[A](orig: Iterator[A]): CapturedIterator[A]

    Definition Classes
  12. def collectFirst[A, B](in: Iterable[A])(f: (A) ⇒ Option[B]): Option[B]

    Collects the first Some

    Collects the first Some

    Definition Classes
  13. package collection

  14. def comparePathPositions[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]](path1: Position[Item, Section, CC], path2: Position[Item, Section, CC]): Int

    When paths are not in the same root, they are compared based on the identity hash of the given roots.

    When paths are not in the same root, they are compared based on the identity hash of the given roots. Of course this relies on that function having a decent vm implementation.


    1 if path1 is before path2, -1 if path2 is before path1, 0 if they are the same and NotSameRoot+-1 if they are not in the same root

    Definition Classes
  15. def comparePaths[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]](path1: Path[Item, Section, CC], path2: Path[Item, Section, CC]): (Int, Position[Item, Section, CC], Position[Item, Section, CC])

    When paths are not in the same root, they are compared based on the identity hash of the given roots.

    When paths are not in the same root, they are compared based on the identity hash of the given roots. Of course this relies on that function having a decent vm implementation. See, tree order must remain constant. Its also a pretty sensible approach for non xml trees.


    1 if path1 is before path2, -1 if path2 is before path1, 0 if they are the same and NotSameRoot+-1 if they are not in the same root

    Definition Classes
  16. def comparePathsDirect[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]](path1: Path[Item, Section, CC], path2: Path[Item, Section, CC]): Boolean

    Helper for comparePaths, will not evaluate position if the paths are equal

    Helper for comparePaths, will not evaluate position if the paths are equal

    Definition Classes
  17. def comparePathsP[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]](path1: (Position[Item, Section, CC], Path[Item, Section, CC]), path2: (Position[Item, Section, CC], Path[Item, Section, CC])): (Int, Position[Item, Section, CC], Position[Item, Section, CC])

    Definition Classes
  18. def comparePathsT[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]], T](path1: (Position[Item, Section, CC], (T, Path[Item, Section, CC])), path2: (Position[Item, Section, CC], (T, Path[Item, Section, CC]))): (Int, Position[Item, Section, CC], Position[Item, Section, CC])

    Definition Classes
  19. final def compareStack(p1: Stack[Int], p2: Stack[Int]): Int

    Definition Classes
  20. def deepestLast[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]](path: Path[Item, Section, CC]): Path[Item, Section, CC]

    Deepest last child

    Deepest last child

    Definition Classes
  21. val defaultCharset: Charset

    A usable default of UTF8 NOT the vm's Charset.

    A usable default of UTF8 NOT the vm's Charset.defaultCharset based on its locale, use vmDefaultCharset for that

  22. def dropWhile[E](f: (E) ⇒ Boolean): IterV[E, Option[E]]

    drop while iteratee

    drop while iteratee

    Definition Classes
  23. def enumToMany[E, A, R](dest: ResumableIter[A, R])(toMany: ResumableIter[E, EphemeralStream[A]]): ResumableIter[E, R]

    Takes Input[E] converts via toMany to an EphemeralStream[A].

    Takes Input[E] converts via toMany to an EphemeralStream[A]. This in turn is fed to the destination iteratee. The inputs can be 1 -> Many, Many -> 1, or indeed 1 -> 1.

    The callers must take care of what kind of continnuation Iteratee is returned in a Done.

    If the dest returns EOF, the toMany is in turn called with EOF for any needed resource control processing.

    Definition Classes
  24. def enumerateeMap[E, A, R](dest: IterV[A, R])(f: (E) ⇒ A): IterV[E, R]

    Enumeratee that converts input 1:1 String => Int, enumerator Iterator[String] but IterV[Int, Int]

    Enumeratee that converts input 1:1 String => Int, enumerator Iterator[String] but IterV[Int, Int]

    Definition Classes
  25. def equivalent[A, B, C](a: A, b: B)(implicit equiv: Equiv[C], viewA: (A) ⇒ C, viewB: (B) ⇒ C): Boolean

    Are these two parameters (convertable to a C) equal for a given Equiv[C] instance

    Are these two parameters (convertable to a C) equal for a given Equiv[C] instance

    Definition Classes
  26. def error(str: String): Nothing

  27. def evalWith[FROM, TO](f: (FROM) ⇒ TO): IterV[FROM, TO]

    Calls the function param with the fed data and returns its result

    Calls the function param with the fed data and returns its result

    Definition Classes
  28. def extract[E, A](iter: ResumableIter[E, A]): Option[A]

    Extract the Some(value) from a Done or None if it was not Done.

    Extract the Some(value) from a Done or None if it was not Done.

    Definition Classes
  29. def extractCont[E, A](iter: ResumableIter[E, A]): ResumableIter[E, A]

    Extract the continuation from a Done

    Extract the continuation from a Done

    Definition Classes
  30. def filter[E](f: (E) ⇒ Boolean): IterV[E, Iterable[E]]

    filter iteratee, greedily taking all content until eof

    filter iteratee, greedily taking all content until eof

    Definition Classes
  31. def find[E](f: (E) ⇒ Boolean): IterV[E, Option[E]]

    "find" iteratee, finds Some(first) or None

    "find" iteratee, finds Some(first) or None

    Definition Classes
  32. final def fold[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]], A](a: A)(folder: (ItemOrSectionWalk[Item, Section], A) ⇒ A)(tree: Tree[Item, Section, CC]): A

    Definition Classes
  33. def foldI[E, A](f: (E, A) ⇒ A)(init: A): ResumableIter[E, A]

    Stepwise fold, each element is evaluated but each one is returned as a result+resumable iter.

    Stepwise fold, each element is evaluated but each one is returned as a result+resumable iter.

    Definition Classes
  34. def foldOnDone[E, A, ACC, F[_]](it: F[E])(initAcc: ACC, initResumable: ResumableIter[E, A])(f: (ACC, A) ⇒ ACC)(implicit e: Enumerator[F]): ACC

    Folds over the Iteratee with Cont or Done and Empty, returning with Done and EOF.

    Folds over the Iteratee with Cont or Done and Empty, returning with Done and EOF. If there is a ping pong on enumerator -> Cont -> enumerator then we'll of course get an infinite loop.

    foldI returns a ResumableIter that performs a fold until a done, this folds over the enumerator to return a value.

    combine with onDone to get through chunks of data.

    Definition Classes
  35. def foldOnDoneIter[E, A, ACC](initAcc: ACC, initIter: ResumableIter[E, A])(f: (ACC, A) ⇒ ACC): IterV[E, ACC]

    Enumeratee that folds over the Iteratee with Cont or Done and Empty, returning with Done and EOF.

    Enumeratee that folds over the Iteratee with Cont or Done and Empty, returning with Done and EOF.

    Converts ResumableIters on Done via a fold, returning Done only when receiving EOF from the initIter.

    NB - This can be thought of the reverse of toResumableIter but also accumulating.

    Definition Classes
  36. def foldPositions[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]](locations: Iterable[Path[Item, Section, CC]])(folder: (Path[Item, Section, CC]) ⇒ FoldOperation[Item, Section, CC])(implicit cbf: TreeCBF[Item, Section, CC], cm: ClassManifest[(Position[Item, Section, CC], Path[Item, Section, CC])]): FoldR[Item, Section, CC]

    Folds over positions within a single path, for example all given children.

    Folds over positions within a single path, for example all given children. As such positions must be calculated.

    Takes the first root, returning Right(NoSingleRoot) if any of the subsequent roots don't match.

    folder retrieves the current path

    Each iteration folds the resulting tree back into the path. As this function must maintain the Path it does not expose the new path root until the result.

    Definition Classes
  37. def foldPositions[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]], ACC](locations: Iterable[Path[Item, Section, CC]], accumulator: ACC)(folder: (ACC, Path[Item, Section, CC]) ⇒ (ACC, FoldOperation[Item, Section, CC]))(implicit cbf: TreeCBF[Item, Section, CC], cm: ClassManifest[(Position[Item, Section, CC], Path[Item, Section, CC])]): Either[(ACC, Path[Item, Section, CC]), FoldError]

    As per the non accumalating version, folds over positions within a given tree but allows for an additional accumalation.

    As per the non accumalating version, folds over positions within a given tree but allows for an additional accumalation.

    The progress through the document is in reverse document order. This ensures that transformations can always be safely composed, e.g. a delete of a path won't stop changes below it. This, however, implies the developer must also handle any accumulation in "reverse".

    Definition Classes
  38. def following[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]](path: Path[Item, Section, CC]): Option[Path[Item, Section, CC]]

    gets the next following:: sibling in document order

    gets the next following:: sibling in document order

    Definition Classes
  39. def getList[K, T](key: K, mapToList: ConcurrentHashMap[K, ConcurrentLinkedQueue[T]]): ConcurrentLinkedQueue[T]

    Definition Classes
  40. package impl

  41. package io

  42. def isDone[E, A](iter: IterV[E, A]): Boolean

    Helper to identify dones

    Helper to identify dones

    Definition Classes
  43. def isEOF[E, A](iter: IterV[E, A]): Boolean

    Helper for done and eof

    Helper for done and eof

    Definition Classes
  44. def isEmpty[E, A](iter: IterV[E, A]): Boolean

    Helper for done and empty

    Helper for done and empty

    Definition Classes
  45. final def item[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]](item: Item): ItemOrTree[Item, Section, CC]

  46. package iteratee

  47. def mapTo[E, A](f: (E) ⇒ Input[EphemeralStream[A]]): IterV[E, EphemeralStream[A]]

    Maps a given input to a function returning a Input[EphemeralStream].

    Maps a given input to a function returning a Input[EphemeralStream]. If the Input is El it returns it, if EOF empty and continues on empty.

    Definition Classes
  48. def mkString[A](itr: Iterable[A], builder: StringBuilder, separator: String)(thunk: (A) ⇒ String): StringBuilder

    Makes a StringBuilder from an iterable using the builder parameter.

    Makes a StringBuilder from an iterable using the builder parameter.

    Definition Classes
  49. def moveTo[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]](path: Path[Item, Section, CC], newPos: Position[Item, Section, CC])(implicit cbf: TreeCBF[Item, Section, CC]): Path[Item, Section, CC]

    Navigates the path until the new position is reached, throws if either its a new root or the position is not reachable

    Navigates the path until the new position is reached, throws if either its a new root or the position is not reachable

    Definition Classes
  50. def noPath[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]](implicit cbf: TreeCBF[Item, Section, CC]): Path[Item, Section, CC]

    Definition Classes
  51. def onDone[E, A](originalList: List[ResumableIter[E, A]]): ResumableIterList[E, A]

    onDone, iterates over the list of iteratees applying the element, when the resulting list contains a Done then the list of Dones is returned.

    onDone, iterates over the list of iteratees applying the element, when the resulting list contains a Done then the list of Dones is returned.

    One can use tuples or pattern matching to discern which of the original lists iteratees have matched.

    Due to the return type of this iteratee all items in the list must return the same type and must return both an A and an IterV with the same interface to continue with the next and maintain state.

    In the case of EOF, an empty list is returned

    Definition Classes
  52. final def one[T](i: T): List[T]

  53. def positions[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]](paths: Iterable[Path[Item, Section, CC]]): Iterable[(Position[Item, Section, CC], Path[Item, Section, CC])]

    Obtain the positions for the paths

    Obtain the positions for the paths

    Definition Classes
  54. def positionsT[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]], T](paths: Iterable[(T, Path[Item, Section, CC])]): Iterable[(Position[Item, Section, CC], (T, Path[Item, Section, CC]))]

    positions with tuples (T, Path)

    positions with tuples (T, Path)

    Definition Classes
  55. def preceding[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]](path: Path[Item, Section, CC]): Option[Path[Item, Section, CC]]

    gets the next preceding:: sibling equivalent in document order, unlike XPath preceding:: it does not exclude parents

    gets the next preceding:: sibling equivalent in document order, unlike XPath preceding:: it does not exclude parents

    Definition Classes
  56. def removeList[K, T](key: K, mapToList: ConcurrentHashMap[K, ConcurrentLinkedQueue[T]]): ConcurrentLinkedQueue[T]

    Definition Classes
  57. def removeOr[K, T](key: K, map: ConcurrentHashMap[K, T])(newT: ⇒ T): T

    Removes the value, returning either it or a new item (stops end code worrying about nulls etc.

    Removes the value, returning either it or a new item (stops end code worrying about nulls etc..

    Definition Classes
  58. def resource(a: AnyRef, path: String): URL

    Simple grabber of resources

  59. package resources

  60. def rootPath[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]](path: Path[Item, Section, CC]): Path[Item, Section, CC]

    Returns the root path for its input, uses zipUp to ensure changes are kept

    Returns the root path for its input, uses zipUp to ensure changes are kept

    Definition Classes
  61. def runningCount[E]: ResumableIter[E, Long]

    keeps a running count of each element, probably not of much use unless combined but acts as a good poc for ResumableIter

    keeps a running count of each element, probably not of much use unless combined but acts as a good poc for ResumableIter

    Definition Classes
  62. def sameBase(test: Stack[Int], against: Stack[Int]): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  63. def sort[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]](paths: Iterable[Path[Item, Section, CC]], isDescending: Boolean)(implicit cm: ClassManifest[(Position[Item, Section, CC], Path[Item, Section, CC])]): Iterable[Path[Item, Section, CC]]

    Sorts according to position of each path item, descending or descending based on a depth first then rightwise order.

    Sorts according to position of each path item, descending or descending based on a depth first then rightwise order.

    Definition Classes
  64. def sortPositions[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]](paths: Iterable[Path[Item, Section, CC]], isDescending: Boolean)(implicit cm: ClassManifest[(Position[Item, Section, CC], Path[Item, Section, CC])]): Iterable[(Position[Item, Section, CC], Path[Item, Section, CC])]

    Sorts according to position of each path item, descending or descending based on a depth first then rightwise order.

    Sorts according to position of each path item, descending or descending based on a depth first then rightwise order.

    Definition Classes
  65. def sortPositionsT[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]], T](paths: Iterable[(T, Path[Item, Section, CC])], isDescending: Boolean)(implicit cm: ClassManifest[(Position[Item, Section, CC], (T, Path[Item, Section, CC]))]): Iterable[(Position[Item, Section, CC], (T, Path[Item, Section, CC]))]

    sortPositions with a tuple T, Path

    sortPositions with a tuple T, Path

    Definition Classes
  66. def sortT[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]], T](paths: Iterable[(T, Path[Item, Section, CC])], isDescending: Boolean)(implicit cm: ClassManifest[(Position[Item, Section, CC], (T, Path[Item, Section, CC]))]): Iterable[(T, Path[Item, Section, CC])]

    sort with a tuple T, Path

    sort with a tuple T, Path

    Definition Classes
  67. final def subtree[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[A] <: IndexedSeqLike[A, CC[A]]](section: Section, children: CC[ItemOrTree[Item, Section, CC]])(implicit cbf: TreeCBF[Item, Section, CC]): ItemOrTree[Item, Section, CC]

  68. def sum[T](implicit n: Numeric[T]): IterV[T, T]

    Sums an iteratee up

    Sums an iteratee up

    Definition Classes
  69. def toPositionalEqual[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]]: Equal[Path[Item, Section, CC]]

    Provides an instance of the Equal type class for positional Equality

    Provides an instance of the Equal type class for positional Equality

    Definition Classes
  70. implicit def toResumableIter[E, A](oiter: IterV[E, A]): ResumableIter[E, A]

    Converts a normal IterV[E,A] to a ResumableIter.

    Converts a normal IterV[E,A] to a ResumableIter.

    Does so by folding over the iter once for an input and when its Done starting again with the original iter. This is close to restarting the iter on a new "stream", otherwise all attempts to keep the Cont will be made.

    Definition Classes
  71. def top[Item <: LeftLike[Item, Tree[Item, Section, CC]], Section, CC[X] <: IndexedSeqLike[X, CC[X]]](tree: Tree[Item, Section, CC])(implicit cbf: TreeCBF[Item, Section, CC]): Path[Item, Section, CC]

    Definition Classes
  72. def valueOf[K, T](key: K, map: ConcurrentHashMap[K, T])(newT: ⇒ T): T

    retrieves the value of a concurrent hashmap against a given key, creating if necessary.

    retrieves the value of a concurrent hashmap against a given key, creating if necessary. Note it makes no gaurantee of once only semantics for the value generation

    Definition Classes
  73. def withIter[E, A, F[_]](it: F[E])(initResumable: ResumableIter[E, A])(implicit e: Enumerator[F]): ResumableIterIterator[E, A, F]

    Converts the iteratee/enumerator/source triple into a Iterator

    Converts the iteratee/enumerator/source triple into a Iterator

    Definition Classes

Inherited from ConcurrentMapUtils

Inherited from Paths

Inherited from Trees

Inherited from EquivFunctions

Inherited from Iteratees

Inherited from StackUtils

Inherited from AsBooleanTrait

Inherited from IterableUtils

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
