

package xml

Linear Supertypes
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  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. xml
  2. Functions
  3. TextFunctions
  4. NameFunctions
  5. XmlPaths
  6. XmlEquals
  7. SerializingIter
  8. XmlPrinter
  9. TraxSourceConversions
  10. PullIteratees
  11. XmlPulls
  12. XmlParser
  13. XmlUtils
  14. XmlFactories
  15. Whitespace
  16. XmlTypes
  17. XPathMatcher
  18. AnyRef
  19. Any
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Type Members

  1. case class Attribute(name: xml.AttributeQName, value: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Attributes can only work with either a prefixed qname or an empty ns name

  2. type AttributePath = xml.xpath.AttributePath

    AttributePath provides access to the parent XmlPath

  3. type AttributePaths[PT <: Iterable[XmlPath]] = xml.xpath.AttributePaths[PT]

    AttributePaths provides all XPath Axe that are attribute relevant against a given collection of attributes on a colletion of XmlPaths

    AttributePaths provides all XPath Axe that are attribute relevant against a given collection of attributes on a colletion of XmlPaths

    See also


  4. type AttributeQName = EitherLike[PrefixedQName, NoNamespaceQName]

    An AttributeQName is either a PrefixedQName or a NoNamespaceQName

    An AttributeQName is either a PrefixedQName or a NoNamespaceQName

    Definition Classes
  5. type Attributes = ListSet[Attribute]

    An alias for am immutable ListSet of Attribute

    An alias for am immutable ListSet of Attribute

    Definition Classes
  6. trait CData extends XmlItem

    Might be tempting to use, but think twice, XOM removes it for a good reason, and I'm sorely tempted to, but I've worked with enough applications that really thought they needed it.

  7. trait CanHavePrefix extends AnyRef

    Mixed in to Prefixed and Unprefixed

  8. type CloseablePull = XmlPull with Closeable with IsClosed

    Definition Classes
  9. trait Comment extends XmlItem

    Comments aren't escaped and will throw a CommentCannotBeEncoded error if the contents cannot be serialized, xalan just tries to serialize directly which can't work.

  10. case class DTD(name: String, publicId: String, systemId: String) extends Product with Serializable

    DTD is not part of the tree, nor a stream, it can only occur once and as such is neither an XmlEvent nor an XmlItem directly

  11. case class Declaration(version: XmlVersion = ScalesXml.defaultVersion, encoding: Charset = ..., standalone: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable

    Xml declaration

  12. case class Doc(rootElem: xml.XmlTree, prolog: Prolog = ..., end: EndMisc = ...) extends DocLike with Product with Serializable

    Tree based document

  13. trait DocLike extends AnyRef

    All documents look similar to this, even when stream

  14. sealed trait Elem extends XmlEvent

  15. case class EmptyDoc(prolog: Prolog = ..., end: EndMisc = ...) extends DocLike with Product with Serializable

    Provides a simple empty document for streams etc

  16. case class EndElem(name: QName, namespaces: Map[String, String] = ...) extends Product with Serializable

    Exists purely to satisfy staxs events and indicate to the client code that the xml "stack" should be popped

  17. case class EndMisc(misc: xml.Miscs = xml.this.`package`.emptyMiscs) extends Product with Serializable

    The information after the root elem

  18. type ItemOrElem = EitherLike[XmlItem, Tree[XmlItem, Elem, XCC]]

    Alias for An XML ItemOrTree

    Alias for An XML ItemOrTree

    Definition Classes
  19. type Misc = Either[Comment, PI]

    Misc is either a Comment or PI, and is used for the Prolog and trailing Misc items in a Doc.

    Misc is either a Comment or PI, and is used for the Prolog and trailing Misc items in a Doc.

    Definition Classes
  20. type Miscs = Seq[Misc]

    A collection of Misc

    A collection of Misc

    Definition Classes
  21. sealed trait Namespace extends UnderlyingNamespace

    Represents a XML Namespace spec compliant Namespace.

  22. trait NoNamespaceQName extends QName with RightLike[PrefixedQName, NoNamespaceQName]

    Has neither a prefix nor a namespace (e.

  23. trait PI extends XmlItem

  24. type PeekMatch = Option[XmlPath]

    Definition Classes
  25. sealed trait PrefixedNamespace extends AnyRef

  26. trait PrefixedQName extends QName with CanHavePrefix with LeftLike[PrefixedQName, NoNamespaceQName]

    Has both a namespace and a prefix (e.

  27. case class Prolog(decl: Declaration = ..., misc: xml.Miscs = xml.this.`package`.emptyMiscs, dtd: Option[DTD] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

    Includes all information before the root elem

  28. type PullType = Either[XmlEvent, EndElem]

    Definition Classes
  29. sealed trait QName extends AnyRef

    QNames together with a tree structure form the basis of XML, what type of QName is available depends on Attribute (either no namespace or prefxied - fully qualified) or Elem (attribute's options and non prefixed but still qualified)

  30. type QNamesMatch = (List[QName], Option[XmlPath])

    Definition Classes
  31. type SerialIterT = IterV[PullType, (XmlOutput, Option[Throwable])]

    Definition Classes
  32. case class Text(value: String) extends XmlItem with Product with Serializable

  33. sealed trait UnderlyingNamespace extends AnyRef

    Seperate the notion of a normal Namespace and that of the "empty namespace" - no default namespace

  34. trait UnprefixedQName extends QName with CanHavePrefix

    Has no prefix but a namespace (e.

  35. type XCC[T] = ImmutableArrayProxy[T]

    XML Collection - an alias for ImmutableArrayProxy

    XML Collection - an alias for ImmutableArrayProxy

    Definition Classes
  36. type XPath[PT <: Iterable[XmlPath]] = xml.xpath.XPath[PT]

    XPath type, provides all XPath Axe against a given collection of XmlPaths

    XPath type, provides all XPath Axe against a given collection of XmlPaths

    See also


  37. type XmlBuilder = Builder[ItemOrElem, XmlChildren]

    Alias for a mutable builder of XmlChildren

    Alias for a mutable builder of XmlChildren

    Definition Classes
  38. type XmlCBF = CanBuildFrom[XCC[_], utils.ItemOrTree[XmlItem, Elem, XCC], XCC[utils.ItemOrTree[XmlItem, Elem, XCC]]]

    Alias for the XmlTree CanBuildFrom

    Alias for the XmlTree CanBuildFrom

    Definition Classes
  39. type XmlChildren = ImmutableArrayProxy[ItemOrElem]

    An Alias for a collection of ItemOrElem, the children of a given tree node

    An Alias for a collection of ItemOrElem, the children of a given tree node

    Definition Classes
  40. sealed trait XmlEvent extends AnyRef

    Basis for typed pull api

  41. sealed trait XmlItem extends LeftLike[XmlItem, Tree[XmlItem, Elem, XCC]] with XmlEvent

  42. type XmlPath = Path[XmlItem, Elem, XCC]

    An alias for a Path over XmlTree

    An alias for a Path over XmlTree

    Definition Classes
  43. type XmlPull = xml.parser.pull.XmlPull

    Basis for xmlpulls, an Iterator[PullType]

  44. type XmlTree = Tree[XmlItem, Elem, XCC]

    Alias for Trees of Elem and XmlItem

    Alias for Trees of Elem and XmlItem

    Definition Classes
  45. sealed trait XmlVersion extends AnyRef

    Scales supports many aspects of Xml10 and Xml11, verification of serialization and values takes place with the XmlVersion ADT.

Value Members

  1. object <

    Creates DslBuilder instances

  2. object ?<

    Creates OptionalDslBuilder instances.

  3. object Attr

    Allows easy patterns for attribute values

  4. object Attribs

    Simple constructor for Attributes

  5. object CData

  6. object Comment

  7. object Elem

  8. def ElemMatcher(name: QName, attributes: AttributeQName*): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    Will match if the QNames are the same =:= and if the attributes are present (not requiring that these are the only attributes).

    Will match if the QNames are the same =:= and if the attributes are present (not requiring that these are the only attributes). What is returned is either a Seq of attribute values or a simple boolean

    Definition Classes
  9. object EmptyNamespace extends UnderlyingNamespace

    Special case for empty namespaces

  10. object Namespace

  11. object NoNamespaceQName

  12. object PI

  13. object PrefixedNamespace

  14. object PrefixedQName

  15. object ScalesXml extends ScalesXmlImplicits

  16. object UnprefixedQName

  17. object Xml10 extends XmlVersion with Product with Serializable

  18. object Xml11 extends XmlVersion with Product with Serializable

  19. def XmlBuilder(): XmlBuilder

    Default implementation for constructing an instance of XmlBuilder (ImmutableArrayProxyBuilder)

    Default implementation for constructing an instance of XmlBuilder (ImmutableArrayProxyBuilder)

    Definition Classes
  20. final def addAndFocus(path: XmlPath, elem: Elem, dchildren: XmlChildren = emptyChildren): Path[XmlItem, Elem, XCC]

    Adds a subtree to this given path and returns a path focussed on the new subtree.

    Adds a subtree to this given path and returns a path focussed on the new subtree.

    The Tree is constructed from the elem and optional children.

    Definition Classes
  21. final def addChild(path: XmlPath, child: XmlItem): Path[XmlItem, Elem, XCC]

    Adds a child to the given subpath, however focus remains on the newly modified path

    Adds a child to the given subpath, however focus remains on the newly modified path

    Definition Classes
  22. def asStreamSource[T](xml: T)(implicit serf: SerializerFactory, serXml: SerializeableXml[T]): Source

    When the user really wants a stream source or there is yet another place that jaxp Source support is not complete.

    When the user really wants a stream source or there is yet another place that jaxp Source support is not complete.

    Definition Classes
  23. def asString[T](xml: T)(implicit serf: SerializerFactory, sxml: SerializeableXml[T]): String

    Returns a string version of the tree or throws

    Returns a string version of the tree or throws

    Definition Classes
  24. def attributes(implicit path: XmlPath): Attributes

    returns the attributes of a given element

    returns the attributes of a given element

    Definition Classes
  25. def compare[T](context: ComparisonContext, left: T, right: T)(implicit arg0: XmlComparison[T]): Option[(XmlDifference[_], ComparisonContext)]

    Compare the xml object via the available XmlDifference type class

    Compare the xml object via the available XmlDifference type class

    Definition Classes
  26. def compare[T](left: T, right: T)(implicit arg0: XmlComparison[T]): Option[(XmlDifference[_], ComparisonContext)]

    Compare the xml object via the available XmlDifference type class

    Compare the xml object via the available XmlDifference type class

    Definition Classes
  27. def compareTokens(context: ComparisonContext, qnameTokenComparison: Option[(ComparisonContext, String, String) ⇒ Boolean], str: String, str2: String): Boolean

    Perform an actual token comparison (Text/CData and Attribute value relevant).

    Perform an actual token comparison (Text/CData and Attribute value relevant).

    Definition Classes
  28. def convertFromScalaXml[Token <: OptimisationToken](elem: scala.xml.Elem, parsers: Loaner[XMLReader] with SaxSupport, optimisationStrategy: PathOptimisationStrategy[Token], encoding: String)(implicit xmlVer: XmlVersion): Doc

    Conversion from Scala XML into Scales XML

    Conversion from Scala XML into Scales XML

    Definition Classes
  29. def convertToStream(tree: XmlTree): Iterator[PullType]

    Definition Classes
  30. val defaultOptimisation: MemoryOptimisationStrategy[QNameToken]

  31. val defaultPathOptimisation: PathOptimisationStrategy[QNameToken]

  32. def doElement(x: Elem, currentMappings: Map[String, String]): NamespaceContext

    Definition Classes
  33. package dsl

  34. def eager(xmlPath: XmlPath)(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[List[XmlPath], XmlPath, List[XmlPath]]): xml.xpath.XPath[List[XmlPath]]

    Same as fromXmlPathToXPath, an eager evaluation of xpath queries

    Same as fromXmlPathToXPath, an eager evaluation of xpath queries

    Definition Classes
  35. def elem(implicit path: XmlPath): Elem

    returns the Elem at this path

    returns the Elem at this path

    Definition Classes
  36. val emptyAttributes: Attributes

    An empty collection of Attribute

    An empty collection of Attribute

    Definition Classes
  37. val emptyChildren: XmlChildren

    An empty collection of ItemOrElem

    An empty collection of ItemOrElem

    Definition Classes
  38. val emptyMiscs: Miscs

    An empty collection of Misc

    An empty collection of Misc

    Definition Classes
  39. val emptyNamespaces: Map[String, String]

    An empty Map of String -> String representing prefix -> namespace

    An empty Map of String -> String representing prefix -> namespace

    Definition Classes
  40. package equals

  41. def foldPrint[T](pout: XmlOutput)(it: T)(implicit arg0: SerializeableXml[T]): Option[Throwable]

    Placeholder - prefer serialize instead

    Placeholder - prefer serialize instead

    Definition Classes
  42. def hasLocalName[T](localName: String)(implicit name: Names[T]): (T) ⇒ Boolean

    curried to allow direct drop in for predicates, if it is an item then it will return false

    curried to allow direct drop in for predicates, if it is an item then it will return false

    Definition Classes
  43. def hasLocalNameA(local: String): (xml.xpath.AttributePath) ⇒ Boolean

    hasLocalName for AttributePaths

    hasLocalName for AttributePaths

    Definition Classes
  44. def hasLocalNameX(local: String): (XmlPath) ⇒ Boolean

    hasLocalName for XmlPaths

    hasLocalName for XmlPaths

    Definition Classes
  45. def hasNamespace[T](namespaceUri: String)(implicit name: Names[T], d: DIF): (T) ⇒ Boolean

    matches only the namespace

    matches only the namespace

    Definition Classes
  46. def hasNamespace[T](namespace: Namespace)(implicit name: Names[T]): (T) ⇒ Boolean

    matches only the namespace

    matches only the namespace

    Definition Classes
  47. def hasQName[T](t: T)(implicit name: Names[T]): Boolean

    Will be true for all values of T except when the resulting QName is "empty".

    Will be true for all values of T except when the resulting QName is "empty".

    If hasQName is false then calling name will throw

    Definition Classes
  48. def hasQName[T](implicit t: T, name: Names[T], d: DIF): Boolean

    Will be true for all values of T except when the resulting QName is "empty".

    Will be true for all values of T except when the resulting QName is "empty".

    If hasQName is false then calling name will throw

    Definition Classes
  49. def headerAndFooter(pout: XmlOutput, doc: DocLike)(serializerf: (XmlOutput, Serializer) ⇒ (XmlOutput, Option[Throwable])): (Serializer) ⇒ Option[Throwable]

    Definition Classes
  50. package impl

    This package is not intended for direct usage, however it provides much of the functionality that is used throughout scales.

  51. val isElem: (XmlPath) ⇒ Boolean

    Definition Classes
  52. def isEmptyTree(tree: XmlTree): Boolean

    Returns true if the tree is effectively empty, i.

    Returns true if the tree is effectively empty, i.e. no attributes or children

    Definition Classes
  53. def isEquivalent[T](qname: QName)(implicit name: Names[T]): (T) ⇒ Boolean

    Matches on prefix and namespace only

    Matches on prefix and namespace only

    Definition Classes
  54. def isExactly[T](qname: QName)(implicit name: Names[T]): (T) ⇒ Boolean

    Does the qname match exactly (prefix included if present)

    Does the qname match exactly (prefix included if present)

    Definition Classes
  55. val isItem: (XmlPath) ⇒ Boolean

    Definition Classes
  56. def isNil(tree: XmlTree): Boolean

    Tests if a given tree is nil, but does not check if children are present.

    Tests if a given tree is nil, but does not check if children are present.


    true if there is a xsi:nil="true" value (or 1)

    Definition Classes
  57. val isText: (XmlPath) ⇒ Boolean

    Definition Classes
  58. def itemAsString(xmlItem: XmlItem)(implicit serf: SerializerFactory): String

    Just for items, given we don't want to generally serialize them directly but as part of a tree.

    Just for items, given we don't want to generally serialize them directly but as part of a tree. Useful for debugging only

    Definition Classes
  59. def iterate(path: List[QName], xml: Iterator[PullType]): FlatMapIterator[XmlPath]

    A wrapping around withIter(onDone(List(onQNames(path))))(enumXml(xml, _)) it unwraps the data providing an Iterator[XPath]

    A wrapping around withIter(onDone(List(onQNames(path))))(enumXml(xml, _)) it unwraps the data providing an Iterator[XPath]

    Definition Classes
  60. def iterate(path: List[QName], xml: xml.parser.pull.XmlPull): FlatMapIterator[XmlPath]

    Wraps XmlPull

    Wraps XmlPull

    Definition Classes
  61. def joinTextNodes(children: XmlChildren): XmlChildren

    Definition Classes
  62. def joinTextNodes(tree: XmlTree): XmlTree

    Joins adjacent text nodes for the immediate children only (make a tree more XPath friendly)

    Joins adjacent text nodes for the immediate children only (make a tree more XPath friendly)

    Definition Classes
  63. def laddNS(entry: (String, String), mappings: Map[String, String], declMap: Map[String, String]): (Map[String, String], Map[String, String])

    a) add / replace in mappings b) add to declMap

    a) add / replace in mappings b) add to declMap

    Definition Classes
  64. def lazyRaw[T <: Iterable[XmlPath]](xpath: xml.xpath.XPath[T]): Iterable[XmlPath]

    Normally the implicit fromXPathToIterable will provide sorted output, but this can create significant slow down when only the contents are necessary, not their order.

    Normally the implicit fromXPathToIterable will provide sorted output, but this can create significant slow down when only the contents are necessary, not their order.

    Use lazyRaw to convert without forcing sorting or checking for duplicates, and to evaluate lazily.

    Warning, don't use this version of raw unless your XPath usage costs more than the navigation, its based on Stream and terribly slow (huge memory and stack usage etc).

    NOTEs Laziness with flatten is achieved by using iterator.toIterable before the flatten (uses Stream internally). Its only useful as a lazy evaluator if viewed was used.

    Definition Classes
  65. def loadXml[Token <: OptimisationToken](source: InputSource, strategy: PathOptimisationStrategy[Token], parsers: Loaner[SAXParser] with SaxSupport)(implicit xmlVer: XmlVersion): Doc

    Use a custom parserPool to control the sax factory features

    Use a custom parserPool to control the sax factory features

    Definition Classes
  66. def loadXmlReader[Token <: OptimisationToken](source: InputSource, strategy: PathOptimisationStrategy[Token], parsers: Loaner[XMLReader] with SaxSupport)(implicit xmlVer: XmlVersion): Doc

    Use a custom parserPool to control the sax factory features

    Use a custom parserPool to control the sax factory features

    Definition Classes
  67. def localName[T](t: T)(implicit name: Names[T]): String

    Returns the localName

    Returns the localName

    Definition Classes
  68. def localName[T](implicit t: T, name: Names[T], d: DIF): String

    Returns the localName

    Returns the localName

    Definition Classes
  69. val mergeAdjacentText: ((Option[XmlItem], XmlChildren), ItemOrElem) ⇒ (Option[XmlItem], XmlChildren)

    Joins adjacent text nodes for immediate children

    Joins adjacent text nodes for immediate children

    Definition Classes
  70. def name[T](t: T)(implicit iname: Names[T]): QName

    Returns the QName, will throw if the QName is "empty"

    Returns the QName, will throw if the QName is "empty"

    Definition Classes
  71. def name[T](implicit t: T, name: Names[T], d: DIF): QName

    Returns the QName, will throw if the QName is "empty"

    Returns the QName, will throw if the QName is "empty"

    Definition Classes
  72. def namespace[T](implicit t: T, name: Names[T], d: DIF): UnderlyingNamespace

    Returns the underlying namespace object

    Returns the underlying namespace object

    Definition Classes
  73. def namespaceUri[T](t: T)(implicit name: Names[T]): String

    XPath namespace-uri function, returns the uri

    XPath namespace-uri function, returns the uri

    Definition Classes
  74. def namespaceUri[T](implicit t: T, name: Names[T], d: DIF): String

    XPath namespace-uri function, returns the uri

    XPath namespace-uri function, returns the uri

    Definition Classes
  75. def newSchema(source: Source, factory: Loaner[SchemaFactory] = DefaultXSDSchemaFactoryPool): Schema

    Definition Classes
  76. val noXmlPath: XmlPath

    Use to signify a "null object", tree/path shouldn't work like this its a smell

    Use to signify a "null object", tree/path shouldn't work like this its a smell

    Definition Classes
  77. def normalizeSpace[T](t: T)(implicit value: TextValue[T]): String

    XPath normalize-space function, replaces all consecutive whitespace with " " and trims.

    XPath normalize-space function, replaces all consecutive whitespace with " " and trims.

    Definition Classes
  78. def normalizeSpace[T](implicit t: T, value: TextValue[T], d: DIF): String

    XPath normalize-space function, replaces all consecutive whitespace with " " and trims.

    XPath normalize-space function, replaces all consecutive whitespace with " " and trims.

    Definition Classes
  79. def normalizeSpaceS(str: String): String

    XPath normalize-space function, replaces all consecutive whitespace with " " and trims.

    XPath normalize-space function, replaces all consecutive whitespace with " " and trims.

    Definition Classes
  80. def onQNames(qnames: List[QName]): utils.ResumableIter[PullType, (List[QName], Option[XmlPath])]

    Collects all data belonging to an element that matches the list.

    Collects all data belonging to an element that matches the list. <top><middle><ofInterest> content </ofInterest><ofInterest.... onQNames(List("top"l, "middle"l, "ofInterest"l)) would return an iteratee that returned every <ofInterest> content </ofInterest> as a path (each parent node containing only one child node).

    Definition Classes
  81. package parser

  82. def pathAndTreeMatcher[T](pathEval: (XmlTree) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (T) ⇒ Boolean): utils.BooleanAndTMatcher[XmlTree, T]

    Similar to pathMatcher but also gives the tree back into the pattern match.

    Similar to pathMatcher but also gives the tree back into the pattern match.

    Definition Classes
  83. def pathMatcher[T](pathEval: (XmlTree) ⇒ T)(implicit arg0: (T) ⇒ Boolean): utils.BooleanMatcher[XmlTree, T]

    Creates a booleanMatcher against a Tree based on the @pathEval function.

    Creates a booleanMatcher against a Tree based on the @pathEval function.

    For XPath evaluations on the tree this typically gives the paths back when the xpath evaluates to a non-empty result. TODO ADD CODE

    Definition Classes
  84. def pqName[T](t: T)(implicit name: Names[T]): String

    Returns either qualifiedName or prefix:{namespace}local when a prefix is present

    Returns either qualifiedName or prefix:{namespace}local when a prefix is present

    Definition Classes
  85. def pqName[T](implicit t: T, name: Names[T], d: DIF): String

    Returns either qualifiedName or prefix:{namespace}local when a prefix is present

    Returns either qualifiedName or prefix:{namespace}local when a prefix is present

    Definition Classes
  86. def printTree[T](xml: T)(implicit serf: SerializerFactory, sxml: SerializeableXml[T]): Unit

    Prints to stdout, useful for testing etc Will dump an error if one is found.

    Prints to stdout, useful for testing etc Will dump an error if one is found.

    Note it outputs to the vmDefaultCharset so it should always be C+P able

    Definition Classes
  87. def pullXml[RToken <: OptimisationToken](source: InputSource, optimisationStrategy: MemoryOptimisationStrategy[RToken], parserFactoryPool: Pool[XMLInputFactory], closeAfterUse: Boolean): xml.parser.pull.XmlPull with Closeable with IsClosed

    Creates a new XmlPull based on source.

    Creates a new XmlPull based on source. By default it will close the stream after use.

    Definition Classes
  88. def pullXmlCompletely[RToken <: OptimisationToken](source: InputSource, strategy: PathOptimisationStrategy[RToken], parserFactoryPool: Pool[XMLInputFactory], closeAfterUse: Boolean): Doc

    Load xml via pull parsing

    Load xml via pull parsing

    Definition Classes
  89. def pullXmlReader[RToken <: OptimisationToken](reader: XMLStreamReader, defaultOptimisationStrategy: MemoryOptimisationStrategy[RToken]): xml.parser.pull.XmlPull

    Allows plugging in other feeds, non source based, as such not closeable

    Allows plugging in other feeds, non source based, as such not closeable

    Definition Classes
  90. def pullXmlResource[RToken <: OptimisationToken](source: InputSource, optimisationStrategy: MemoryOptimisationStrategy[RToken], parserFactoryPool: Pool[XMLInputFactory]): (CloseOnNeed, xml.parser.pull.XmlPull)

    Creates a new XmlPull based on source for direct handling of the stream.

    Creates a new XmlPull based on source for direct handling of the stream. Note to close the stream you must bracket. The individual XmlPull will be closed after the document end but the stream will remain open

    Definition Classes
  91. def pushXmlIter(out: Writer, doc: DocLike = EmptyDoc(), version: Option[XmlVersion] = None, encoding: Option[Charset] = None)(implicit serializerFI: SerializerFactory): (CloseOnNeed, SerialIterT)

    Returns an Iteratee that can serialize PullTypes to out.

    Returns an Iteratee that can serialize PullTypes to out. The serializer factory management is automatically handled upon calling with eof. This can be triggered earlier by calling closeResource on the returned CloseOnNeed.

    Definition Classes
  92. def qName[T](t: T)(implicit name: Names[T]): String

    Returns the XPath QName - prefix:local or local

    Returns the XPath QName - prefix:local or local

    Definition Classes
  93. def qName[T](implicit t: T, name: Names[T], d: DIF): String

    Returns the XPath QName - prefix:local or local

    Returns the XPath QName - prefix:local or local

    Definition Classes
  94. def qname[T](t: T)(implicit name: Names[T]): String

    Returns the XPath QName - prefix:local or local

    Returns the XPath QName - prefix:local or local

    Definition Classes
  95. def qname[T](implicit t: T, name: Names[T], d: DIF): String

    Returns the XPath QName - prefix:local or local

    Returns the XPath QName - prefix:local or local

    Definition Classes
  96. def qnamesEqual(context: ComparisonContext, str: String, str2: String): Boolean

    Allows comparison of Text nodes or Attribute values that contain QNames, i.

    Allows comparison of Text nodes or Attribute values that contain QNames, i.e. prefix:value. In order to perform this comparison both the left and right sides must have a NamespaceContext.

    Definition Classes
  97. def qualifiedName[T](t: T)(implicit name: Names[T]): String

    Returns the qualified name {namespace}local

    Returns the qualified name {namespace}local

    Definition Classes
  98. def qualifiedName[T](implicit t: T, name: Names[T], d: DIF): String

    Returns the qualified name {namespace}local

    Returns the qualified name {namespace}local

    Definition Classes
  99. def raw[T <: Iterable[XmlPath]](xpath: xml.xpath.XPath[T]): Iterable[XmlPath]

    Normally the implicit fromXPathToIterable will provide sorted output, but this can create significant slow down when only the contents are necessary, not their order.

    Normally the implicit fromXPathToIterable will provide sorted output, but this can create significant slow down when only the contents are necessary, not their order.

    Use raw to convert without forcing sorting or checking for duplicates.

    NOTE Any laziness aquired by viewed will also be lost by the flatten

    Definition Classes
  100. def readXml[Token <: OptimisationToken](source: InputSource, strategy: PathOptimisationStrategy[Token], reader: XMLReader, saxSupport: SaxSupport)(implicit xmlVer: XmlVersion): Doc

    Definition Classes
  101. def serialize[T](pout: XmlOutput)(it: T)(implicit arg0: SerializeableXml[T]): Option[Throwable]

    Serializes items which can behave like xml.

    Serializes items which can behave like xml.

    Definition Classes
  102. def serializeIter(output: XmlOutput, serializer: Serializer, closer: () ⇒ Unit, doc: DocLike = EmptyDoc()): SerialIterT

    The serializer will be returned automatically to the pool by calling closer

    The serializer will be returned automatically to the pool by calling closer

    doc functions are only evaluated upon the first elem / last elem

    Definition Classes
  103. def serializeMisc(pout: XmlOutput, misc: Iterable[Misc], serializer: Serializer): (XmlOutput, Option[Throwable])

    Definition Classes
  104. package serializers

  105. def skip(downTo: ⇒ List[Int]): IterV[PullType, PeekMatch]

    Skips all events until the indexes match downTo, can be seen as \*\*[b]\*[c] skipping until c with skip(List(b,c)).

    Skips all events until the indexes match downTo, can be seen as \*\*[b]\*[c] skipping until c with skip(List(b,c)). This can be used, for example, to identify qnames within a message and combined with capture to allow replaying. Identifying a soap doc-lit request would be skip(List(2,1)). It returns the XmlPath to the skipped position, for soap /Envelope/Body/Request but does not collect the contents of that node. An empty list will simply return the first Element found.

    Definition Classes
  106. def skipv(downTo: Int*): IterV[PullType, PeekMatch]

    Definition Classes
  107. def sourceUser(source: InputSource): SourceUser with Product with Serializable

    Provides proxied sources to the pull parsers, the stream provided is the stream used

    Provides proxied sources to the pull parsers, the stream provided is the stream used

    Definition Classes
  108. def streamOr[T](xml: T, f: ⇒ Source)(implicit serf: SerializerFactory, serXml: SerializeableXml[T]): Source

    Definition Classes
  109. def string[T](t: T)(implicit value: TextValue[T]): String

    XPath name for text

    XPath name for text

    Definition Classes
  110. def string[T](implicit t: T, value: TextValue[T], d: DIF): String

    XPath name for text

    XPath name for text

    Definition Classes
  111. def text[T](t: T)(implicit value: TextValue[T]): String

    The text value of a given object, .

    The text value of a given object, .value for attributes & items, the accumalated text if its an elem

    Definition Classes
  112. def text[T](implicit t: T, value: TextValue[T], d: DIF): String

    The text value of a given object, .

    The text value of a given object, .value for attributes & items, the accumalated text if its an elem

    Definition Classes
  113. implicit def toLeft(ev: XmlEvent): Left[XmlEvent, Nothing]

    Definition Classes
  114. implicit def toRight(ev: EndElem): Right[Nothing, EndElem]

    Definition Classes
  115. def toTree[RToken <: OptimisationToken](pull: Iterator[PullType], strategy: PathOptimisationStrategy[RToken]): XmlTree

    Attempts to convert a stream to a tree

    Attempts to convert a stream to a tree

    Definition Classes
  116. package trax

  117. def value[T](t: T)(implicit value: TextValue[T]): String

    More readable version for XmlItems and Attributes, same as text

    More readable version for XmlItems and Attributes, same as text

    Definition Classes
  118. def value[T](implicit t: T, value: TextValue[T], d: DIF): String

    More readable version for XmlItems and Attributes, same as text

    More readable version for XmlItems and Attributes, same as text

    Definition Classes
  119. def viewed(xmlPath: XmlPath)(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[List[XmlPath], XmlPath, List[XmlPath]]): xml.xpath.XPath[List[XmlPath]]

    Lazy evaluation of XPaths

    Lazy evaluation of XPaths

    View called on nested Lists, but not on xlmPath.

    Definition Classes
  120. def withWriter(decl: Declaration, out: Writer): SerializerData

    Definition Classes
  121. def writeTo[T](it: T, output: Writer, version: Option[XmlVersion], encoding: Option[Charset])(implicit serializerFI: SerializerFactory, sxml: SerializeableXml[T]): Option[Throwable]

    Writes the xml to a given Writer with defaults provided for .

    Writes the xml to a given Writer with defaults provided for .

    Definition Classes
  122. package xpath

  123. val xsiNil: AttributeQName

    A convenient AttributeQName for xsi:nil attributes

    A convenient AttributeQName for xsi:nil attributes

    Definition Classes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. val Functions: AnyRef


    Functions - since 0.3 - imports are provided via the xml package object

Inherited from Functions

Inherited from TextFunctions

Inherited from NameFunctions

Inherited from XmlPaths

Inherited from XmlEquals

Inherited from SerializingIter

Inherited from XmlPrinter

Inherited from TraxSourceConversions

Inherited from PullIteratees

Inherited from XmlPulls

Inherited from XmlParser

Inherited from XmlUtils

Inherited from XmlFactories

Inherited from Whitespace

Inherited from XmlTypes

Inherited from XPathMatcher

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
