
Type members


Provides methods to create a "checksum codec" (encodes a bit-range to a bit-checksum and decodes bits to a bit-range).

Provides methods to create a "checksum codec" (encodes a bit-range to a bit-checksum and decodes bits to a bit-range).

Creates checksum implementations of SignerFactory.

Creates checksum implementations of SignerFactory.

class ChecksumMismatch(bits: BitVector, expected: BitVector, actual: BitVector, context: List[String]) extends Err

Indicates a checksum over bits did not match the expected value.

Indicates a checksum over bits did not match the expected value.

Represents the ability to create a Cipher for encryption or decryption.

Represents the ability to create a Cipher for encryption or decryption.

Used in conjunction with encrypted.


Companion for CipherFactory.

Companion for CipherFactory.

class DiscriminatorCodec[A, B] extends Codec[A] with KnownDiscriminatorType[B]

Codec that supports the binary structure tag ++ value where the tag identifies the encoding/decoding of the value.

Codec that supports the binary structure tag ++ value where the tag identifies the encoding/decoding of the value.

To build an instance of this codec, call discriminated and specify the tag type via the by method. Then call one more more of the case combinators on this class.

The most general case combinators are caseO and caseP. In addition to a tag, the caseO combinator is defined by providing a mapping from A to Option[R], a mapping from R to A, and a Codec[R]. The case is used for encoding if the mapping from A to Option[R] returns a Some and it is used for decoding upon matching the tag value. The caseP combinators work the same but take a PartialFunction[A, R] instead of an A => Option[R].

If R is a subtype of A, then the mapping from R to A can be omitted. Hence, the subcaseO and subcaseP constrain R to being a subtype of A and do not take a R => A function.

Finally, the least generic case combinators are the typecase combinators which add further constraints to the subcase* combinators. Specifically, the typecase operators omit the A => Option[R] or PartialFunction[A, R] in favor of doing subtype checks. For example, the following codec is a Codec[AnyVal] that encodes a 0 if passed a Boolean and a 1 if passed an Int:

   discriminated[AnyVal].by(uint8).typecase(0, bool).typecase(1, int32)

Often, the values are size-delimited -- that is, there is a size field after the tag field and beforethevaluefield. To support this, use theframingmethod to provide a transformation to each value codec. For example,framing(new CodecTransformation { def apply[X](c: Codec[X]) = variableSizeBytes(uint8, c) })`.

Value Params

codec that encodec/decodes the tag value


cases, ordered from highest priority to lowest priority, that handle subsets of A

See also

Mixin for codecs/decoders that are known to discriminate by values of type D.

Mixin for codecs/decoders that are known to discriminate by values of type D.


A trait that enables custom handling for encoding/decoding sequences.

A trait that enables custom handling for encoding/decoding sequences.


Supports creation of a DiscriminatorCodec. See discriminated for details.

Supports creation of a DiscriminatorCodec. See discriminated for details.

Create implementations for SignerFactory

Create implementations for SignerFactory

class SignatureSigner(impl: Signature) extends Signer

Signer implementation for

Signer implementation for

trait Signer

Represents the ability to create a "checksum" for use with fixedSizeSignature and variableSizeSignature.

Represents the ability to create a "checksum" for use with fixedSizeSignature and variableSizeSignature.

Represents the ability to create a Signer for use with fixedSizeSignature and variableSizeSignature.

Represents the ability to create a Signer for use with fixedSizeSignature and variableSizeSignature.

Value members

Concrete methods

def bits(size: Long): Codec[BitVector]

Encodes by returning the supplied bit vector if its length is size bits, padding with zeroes if smaller than size bits, returning error if greater; decodes by taking size bits from the supplied bit vector.

Encodes by returning the supplied bit vector if its length is size bits, padding with zeroes if smaller than size bits, returning error if greater; decodes by taking size bits from the supplied bit vector.

Value Params

number of bits to encode/decode

def bitsStrict(size: Long): Codec[BitVector]

Encodes by returning the supplied bit vector if its length is size bits, otherwise returning error; decodes by taking size bits from the supplied bit vector.

Encodes by returning the supplied bit vector if its length is size bits, otherwise returning error; decodes by taking size bits from the supplied bit vector.

Value Params

number of bits to encode/decode

def bool(n: Long): Codec[Boolean]

n-bit boolean codec, where false corresponds to bit vector of all 0s and true corresponds to all other vectors.

n-bit boolean codec, where false corresponds to bit vector of all 0s and true corresponds to all other vectors.

def byte(size: Int): Codec[Byte]

Codec for n-bit 2s complement bytes.

Codec for n-bit 2s complement bytes.

Value Params

number of bits (must be 0 < size <= 8)

def byteAligned[A](codec: Codec[A]): Codec[A]

Codec that:

Codec that:

  • encodes using the specified codec but right-pads with 0 bits to the next largest byte when the size of the encoded bit vector is not divisible by 8
  • decodes using the specified codec but drops any leading bits of the remainder when the number of bytes consumed by the specified codec is not divisible by 8

This combinator allows byte alignment without manually specifying ignore bits. For example, instead of writing (bool(1) :: bool(1) :: ignore(6)).dropUnits, this combinator allows byteAligned(bool(1) :: bool(1)).

Note that aligning large structures on byte boundaries can provide significant performance improvements when converting to/from data structures that are based on bytes -- e.g., Array[Byte] or ByteBuffer.

Value Params

codec to align to next larger byte boundary

def bytes(size: Int): Codec[ByteVector]

Encodes by returning the supplied byte vector if its length is size bytes, padding with zeroes if smaller than size bytes, returning error if greater; decodes by taking size * 8 bits from the supplied bit vector and converting to a byte vector.

Encodes by returning the supplied byte vector if its length is size bytes, padding with zeroes if smaller than size bytes, returning error if greater; decodes by taking size * 8 bits from the supplied bit vector and converting to a byte vector.

Value Params

number of bytes to encode/decode

def bytesStrict(size: Int): Codec[ByteVector]

Encodes by returning the supplied byte vector if its length is size bytes, otherwise returning error; decodes by taking size * 8 bits from the supplied bit vector and converting to a byte vector.

Encodes by returning the supplied byte vector if its length is size bytes, otherwise returning error; decodes by taking size * 8 bits from the supplied bit vector and converting to a byte vector.

Value Params

number of bytes to encode/decode

def certificate(certType: String): Codec[Certificate]

Codec that encodes/decodes certificates using their default encoding.

Codec that encodes/decodes certificates using their default encoding.

Value Params

certificate type to pass to

def checksummed[A](target: Codec[A], checksum: BitVector => BitVector, framing: Codec[(BitVector, BitVector)], validate: Boolean): Codec[A]

Codec that supports a checksum.

Codec that supports a checksum.

When encoding, first the value is encoded using target, then a checksum is computed over the result the encoded value using checksum, and finally, the encoded value and the checksum are converted to a single vector using framing.encode(value -> chk).

When decoding, the input vector is split in to an encoded value, a checksum value, and a remainder using framing.decode. If validate is true, a checksum is computed over the encoded value and compared with the decoded checksum value. If the checksums match, the encoded value is decoded with target and the result is returned, with its remainder concatenated with the remainder of deframing. If the checksums do not match, a ChecksumMismatch error is raised.

For example:

    val crc32 = scodec.bits.crc(hex"04c11db7".bits, hex"ffffffff".bits, true, true, hex"ffffffff".bits)

    // Size of the string is not included in the checksum -- the `framing` codec handles adding the size *after* checksum computation
    val c = checksummed(utf8, crc32, variableSizeBytes(int32, bits) ~ bits(32))

    // Size of the string is included in the checksum
    val d = checksummed(utf8_32, crc32, peekVariableSizeBytes(int32) ~ bits(32))
Value Params

computes a checksum of the input


codec used to convert the encoded value and computed checksum in to a single vector


codec used for encoding/decoding values of type A

def choice[A](codecs: Codec[A]*): Codec[A]

Codec that encodes/decodes using the specified codecs by trying each codec in succession and using the first successful result.

Codec that encodes/decodes using the specified codecs by trying each codec in succession and using the first successful result.

def conditional[A](included: Boolean, codec: => Codec[A]): Codec[Option[A]]

Codec of Option[A] that delegates to a Codec[A] when the included parameter is true.

Codec of Option[A] that delegates to a Codec[A] when the included parameter is true.

When encoding, if included is true and the value to encode is a Some, the specified codec is used to encode the inner value. Otherwise, an empty bit vector is returned.

When decoding, if included is true, the specified codec is used and its result is wrapped in a Some. Otherwise, a None is returned.

Value Params

codec to conditionally include


whether this codec is enabled (meaning it delegates to the specified codec) or disabled, in which case it encodes no bits and returns None from decode

def constant(bits: BitVector): Codec[Unit]

Codec that always encodes the specified bits and always decodes the specified bits, returning () if the actual bits match the specified bits and returning an error otherwise.

Codec that always encodes the specified bits and always decodes the specified bits, returning () if the actual bits match the specified bits and returning an error otherwise.

Value Params

constant bits

def constant(bytes: ByteVector): Codec[Unit]

Codec that always encodes the specified bytes and always decodes the specified bytes, returning () if the actual bytes match the specified bytes and returning an error otherwise.

Codec that always encodes the specified bytes and always decodes the specified bytes, returning () if the actual bytes match the specified bytes and returning an error otherwise.

Value Params

constant bytes

def constant[A](bits: A*)(using evidence$1: Integral[A]): Codec[Unit]

Codec that always encodes the specified bits and always decodes the specified bits, returning () if the actual bits match the specified bits and returning an error otherwise.

Codec that always encodes the specified bits and always decodes the specified bits, returning () if the actual bits match the specified bits and returning an error otherwise.

Value Params

constant bits

def constantLenient(bits: BitVector): Codec[Unit]

Codec that always encodes the specified bits and always decodes n bits, returning (), where n is the length of the specified bits.

Codec that always encodes the specified bits and always decodes n bits, returning (), where n is the length of the specified bits.

Value Params

constant bits

def constantLenient(bytes: ByteVector): Codec[Unit]

Codec that always encodes the specified bytes and always decodes n bytes, returning (), where n is the length of the specified bytes.

Codec that always encodes the specified bytes and always decodes n bytes, returning (), where n is the length of the specified bytes.

Value Params

constant bytes

def constantLenient[A](bits: A*)(using evidence$2: Integral[A]): Codec[Unit]

Codec that always encodes the specified bits and always decodes n bits, returning (), where n is the length of the specified bits.

Codec that always encodes the specified bits and always decodes n bits, returning (), where n is the length of the specified bits.

Value Params

constant bits

def constrainedVariableSizeBytes[A](size: Codec[Int], value: Codec[A], minSize: Int, maxSize: Int): Codec[A]

Codec that ensures variable size data is constrained within a minSize and maxSize bounds.

Codec that ensures variable size data is constrained within a minSize and maxSize bounds.

This means that the size is variable only within a limited range. It will work just as variableSizeBytes codec, but ensuring that the binary data is at least minSize bytes long and at most maxSize bytes long.

The minSize has the default value of 0.

Value Params

maximum size in bytes that the message can have


minimum size in bytes that the message can have


codec that encodes/decodes the size in bits


codec the encodes/decodes the value

def constrainedVariableSizeBytes[A](size: Codec[Int], value: Codec[A], maxSize: Int): Codec[A]

Codec that ensures variable size data is constrained within a minSize and maxSize bounds.

Codec that ensures variable size data is constrained within a minSize and maxSize bounds.

This means that the size is variable only within a limited range. It will work just as variableSizeBytes codec, but ensuring that the binary data is at least minSize bytes long and at most maxSize bytes long.

The minSize has the default value of 0.

Value Params

maximum size in bytes that the message can have


codec that encodes/decodes the size in bits


codec the encodes/decodes the value

def constrainedVariableSizeBytesLong[A](size: Codec[Long], value: Codec[A], minSize: Long, maxSize: Long): Codec[A]

Codec that ensures variable size data is constrained within a minSize and maxSize bounds.

Codec that ensures variable size data is constrained within a minSize and maxSize bounds.

This means that the size is variable only within a limited range. It will work just as variableSizeBytes codec, but ensuring that the binary data is at least minSize bytes long and at most maxSize bytes long.

The minSize has the default value of 0.

Value Params

maximum size in bytes that the message can have


minimum size in bytes that the message can have


codec that encodes/decodes the size in bits


codec the encodes/decodes the value

def constrainedVariableSizeBytesLong[A](size: Codec[Long], value: Codec[A], maxSize: Long): Codec[A]

Codec that ensures variable size data is constrained within a minSize and maxSize bounds.

Codec that ensures variable size data is constrained within a minSize and maxSize bounds.

This means that the size is variable only within a limited range. It will work just as variableSizeBytes codec, but ensuring that the binary data is at least minSize bytes long and at most maxSize bytes long.

The minSize has the default value of 0.

Value Params

maximum size in bytes that the message can have


codec that encodes/decodes the size in bits


codec the encodes/decodes the value

Provides syntax for building a DiscriminatorCodec.

Provides syntax for building a DiscriminatorCodec.


  val codecA: Codec[A] = ...
  val codecB: Codec[B] = ...

  val codecE: Codec[Either[A,B]] =
    .| (0) { case Left(l) => l } (Left.apply) (codecA)
    .| (1) { case Right(r) => r } (Right.apply) (codecB)

This encodes an Either[A,B] by checking the given patterns in sequence from top to bottom. For the first pattern that matches, it emits the corresponding discriminator value: 0 for Left and 1 for Right, encoded via the uint8 codec. It then emits either an encoded A, encoded using codecA, or an encoded B, using codecB.

Decoding is the mirror of this; the returned codecE will first read an Int, using the uint8 codec. If it is a 0, it then runs codecA, and injects the result into Either via Left.apply. If it is a 1, it runs codecB and injects the result into Either via Right.apply.

There are a few variations on this syntax. See DiscriminatorCodec for details.

def discriminatorFallback[L, R](left: Codec[L], right: Codec[R]): Codec[Either[L, R]]

Alternative to fallback that only falls back to left codec when the right codec fails to decode due to an unknown discriminator (i.e., KnownDiscriminatorType[_]#UnknownDiscriminator).

Alternative to fallback that only falls back to left codec when the right codec fails to decode due to an unknown discriminator (i.e., KnownDiscriminatorType[_]#UnknownDiscriminator).

Value Params

codec to use when the right codec fails due to an unknown discriminator error


codec to use by default when decoding

def either[L, R](indicator: Codec[Boolean], left: Codec[L], right: Codec[R]): Codec[Either[L, R]]

Either codec that supports bit vectors of form indicator ++ (left or right) where a value of false for the indicator indicates it is followed by a left value and a value of true indicates it is followed by a right value.

Either codec that supports bit vectors of form indicator ++ (left or right) where a value of false for the indicator indicates it is followed by a left value and a value of true indicates it is followed by a right value.

Value Params

codec that encodes/decodes false for left and true for right


codec the encodes a left value


codec the encodes a right value

def encrypted[A](codec: Codec[A], cipherFactory: CipherFactory): Codec[A]

Codec that encrypts and decrypts using a javax.crypto.Cipher.

Codec that encrypts and decrypts using a javax.crypto.Cipher.

Encoding a value of type A is delegated to the specified codec and the resulting bit vector is encrypted with a cipher provided by the given CipherFactory.

Decoding first decrypts all of the remaining bits and then decodes the decrypted bits with the specified codec. Successful decoding always returns no remaining bits, even if the specified codec does not consume all decrypted bits.

Value Params

factory to use for encryption/decryption


codec that encodes a value to plaintext bits and decodes plaintext bits to a value

def endiannessDependent[A](big: Codec[A], little: Codec[A])(using ordering: ByteOrdering): Codec[A]

Combinator that chooses amongst two codecs based on a given byte ordering.

Combinator that chooses amongst two codecs based on a given byte ordering.

Value Params

codec to use when big endian


codec to use when little endian

def enumerated(discriminator: Codec[Int], enumeration: Enumeration): DiscriminatorCodec[Value, Int]

Codec for an Enumeration that encodes/decodes using values.

Codec for an Enumeration that encodes/decodes using values.

Value Params

the codec for values


the target Enumeration

def fail[A](err: Err): Codec[A]

Codec that always fails encoding and decoding with the specified message.

Codec that always fails encoding and decoding with the specified message.

def fail[A](encErr: Err, decErr: Err): Codec[A]

Codec that always fails encoding and decoding with the specified messages.

Codec that always fails encoding and decoding with the specified messages.

def fallback[L, R](left: Codec[L], right: Codec[R]): Codec[Either[L, R]]

Either codec that supports bit vectors of form left or right where the right codec is consulted first when decoding. If the right codec fails to decode, the left codec is used.

Either codec that supports bit vectors of form left or right where the right codec is consulted first when decoding. If the right codec fails to decode, the left codec is used.

Value Params

codec the encodes a left value


codec the encodes a right value

def filtered[A](codec: Codec[A], filter: Codec[BitVector]): Codec[A]

Codec that filters bits before/after decoding/encoding.

Codec that filters bits before/after decoding/encoding.

Note: the remainder returned from filter.decode is appended to the remainder of codec.decode.

Value Params

the target codec


a codec that represents pre/post-processing stages for input/output bits

def fixedSizeBits[A](size: Long, codec: Codec[A]): Codec[A]

Codec that limits the number of bits the specified codec works with.

Codec that limits the number of bits the specified codec works with.

When encoding, if encoding with the specified codec results in less than the specified size, the vector is right padded with 0 bits. If the result is larger than the specified size, an encoding error is returned.

When decoding, the specified codec is only given size bits. If the specified codec does not consume all the bits it was given, any remaining bits are discarded.

Value Params

codec to limit


number of bits

def fixedSizeBytes[A](size: Long, codec: Codec[A]): Codec[A]

Byte equivalent of fixedSizeBits.

Byte equivalent of fixedSizeBits.

Value Params

codec to limit


number of bytes

def fixedSizeSignature[A](size: Int)(codec: Codec[A], signerFactory: SignerFactory): Codec[A]

Codec that includes a signature of the encoded bits.

Codec that includes a signature of the encoded bits.

Encoding a value of type A is delegated to the specified codec and then a signature of those bits is appended using the specified SignatureFactory to perform signing.

Decoding first decodes using the specified codec and then all of the remaining bits are treated as the signature of the decoded bits. The signature is verified and if it fails to verify, an error is returned.

Note: because decoding is first delegated to the specified code, care must be taken to ensure that codec does not consume the signature bits. For example, if the target codec is an unbounded string (e.g., ascii, utf8), decoding an encoded vector will result in the string codec trying to decode the signature bits as part of the string.

Use SignatureFactory or ChecksumFactory to create a SignerFactory.

Value Params

codec to use to encode/decode value field


factory to use for signing/verifying


size in bytes of signature

def ignore(size: Long): Codec[Unit]

Codec that always encodes size 0 bits and always decodes size bits and then discards them, returning () instead.

Codec that always encodes size 0 bits and always decodes size bits and then discards them, returning () instead.

Value Params

number of bits to ignore

def int(size: Int): Codec[Int]

Codec for n-bit 2s complement big-endian integers that are represented with Int.

Codec for n-bit 2s complement big-endian integers that are represented with Int.

Value Params

number of bits (must be 0 < size <= 32)

def intL(bits: Int): Codec[Int]

Codec for n-bit 2s complement little-endian integers that are represented with Int.

Codec for n-bit 2s complement little-endian integers that are represented with Int.

Value Params

number of bits (must be 0 < size <= 32)

def lazily[A](codec: => Codec[A]): Codec[A]

Provides a Codec[A] that delegates to a lazily evaluated Codec[A].

Provides a Codec[A] that delegates to a lazily evaluated Codec[A].

def limitedSizeBits[A](limit: Long, codec: Codec[A]): Codec[A]

Codec that limits the number of bits the specified codec works with.

Codec that limits the number of bits the specified codec works with.

When encoding, if encoding with the specified codec results in less than the specified size, the vector is returned with no padding. If the result is larger than the specified size, an encoding error is returned. This differs from fixedSizeBits by not padding encoded vectors less than the specified size.

When decoding, the specified codec is only given size bits. If the specified codec does not consume all the bits it was given, any remaining bits are returned with the overall remainder.

Value Params

codec to limit


number of bits

def limitedSizeBytes[A](limit: Long, codec: Codec[A]): Codec[A]

Byte equivalent of limitedSizeBits.

Byte equivalent of limitedSizeBits.

Value Params

codec to limit


number of bytes

def list[A](codec: Codec[A]): Codec[List[A]]

Codec that encodes/decodes a List[A] from a Codec[A].

Codec that encodes/decodes a List[A] from a Codec[A].

When encoding, each A in the list is encoded and all of the resulting vectors are concatenated.

When decoding, codec.decode is called repeatedly until there are no more remaining bits and the value result of each decode is returned in the list.

Value Params

codec to encode/decode a single element of the sequence

def listDelimited[A](delimiter: BitVector, valueCodec: Codec[A]): Codec[List[A]]

Codec that encodes/decodes a List[A] from a Codec[A].

Codec that encodes/decodes a List[A] from a Codec[A].

When encoding, each A in the list is encoded and all of the resulting bits are concatenated using delimiter.

When decoding, the input bits are first (logically) grouped into delimiter sized chunks and partitioned around delimiter chunks. Then, the individual partitions are (concatenated and) decoded using the valueCodec and the values collected are returned in a list.

Note: This method applies specific semantics to the notion of a delimiter. An alternate (and faster) implementation could be to search for the delimiter using BitVector.indexOfSlice but this would work only if value bits do not contain the delimiter bits at any bit position.


val codec = listDelimited(BitVector(' '), ascii)
codec.decode(ascii.encode("i am delimited").require).require.value // List("i", "am", "delimited")
Type Params

element type

Value Params

the bits used to separate element bit values


element codec (used to decode next bits)

def listMultiplexed[A](mux: (BitVector, BitVector) => BitVector, deMux: BitVector => (BitVector, BitVector), valueCodec: Codec[A]): Codec[List[A]]

Codec that encodes/decodes a List[A] from a Codec[A].

Codec that encodes/decodes a List[A] from a Codec[A].

When encoding, each A in the list is encoded and all of the resulting bits are combined using mux.

When decoding, deMux is called repeatedly to obtain the next bits (to decode using valueCodec) and the remaining bits (input to deMux on next iteration) until a decoding error is encountered or no more bits remain. The final return value is a list of all decoded element values.

Note: For large lists, it may be necessary to compact bits in deMux.

Type Params

element type

Value Params

element de-multiplexer (should return the next bits to decode and the remaining bits for next iteration)


element multiplexer


element codec (used to decode next bits)

def listOfN[A](countCodec: Codec[Int], valueCodec: Codec[A]): Codec[List[A]]

Codec that encodes/decodes a List[A] of N elements using a Codec[A].

Codec that encodes/decodes a List[A] of N elements using a Codec[A].

When encoding, the number of elements in the list is encoded using countCodec and the values are then each encoded using valueCodec.

When decoding, the number of elements is decoded using countCodec and then that number of elements are decoded using valueCodec. Any remaining bits are returned.

Note: when the count is known statically, use listOfN(provide(count), ...).

Value Params

codec to encode/decode a single element of the sequence

def logBuilder[A](logEncode: (A, Attempt[BitVector]) => Unit, logDecode: (BitVector, Attempt[DecodeResult[A]]) => Unit)(codec: Codec[A]): Codec[A]

Wraps a codec and adds logging of each encoding and decoding operation.

Wraps a codec and adds logging of each encoding and decoding operation.

The logEncode and logDecode functions are called with the result of each encoding and decoding operation.

This method is intended to be used to build a domain specific logging combinator. For example:

def log[A] = logBuilder[A]((a, r) => myLogger.debug(s"..."), (b, r) => myLogger.debug(s"...")) _

For quick logging to standard out, consider using logFailuresToStdOut.

def logFailuresBuilder[A](logEncode: (A, Err) => Unit, logDecode: (BitVector, Err) => Unit)(codec: Codec[A]): Codec[A]

Variant of logBuilder that only logs failed results.

Variant of logBuilder that only logs failed results.

def logFailuresToStdOut[A](codec: Codec[A], prefix: String): Codec[A]

Combinator intended for use in debugging that logs all failures while encoding or decoding to standard out.

Combinator intended for use in debugging that logs all failures while encoding or decoding to standard out.

Value Params

prefix string to include in each log statement

def logSuccessesBuilder[A](logEncode: (A, BitVector) => Unit, logDecode: (BitVector, DecodeResult[A]) => Unit)(codec: Codec[A]): Codec[A]

Variant of logBuilder that only logs successful results.

Variant of logBuilder that only logs successful results.

def logToStdOut[A](codec: Codec[A], prefix: String): Codec[A]

Combinator intended for use in debugging that logs all encoded values and decoded values to standard out.

Combinator intended for use in debugging that logs all encoded values and decoded values to standard out.

Value Params

prefix string to include in each log statement

def long(bits: Int): Codec[Long]

Codec for n-bit 2s complement big-endian integers that are represented with Long.

Codec for n-bit 2s complement big-endian integers that are represented with Long.

Value Params

number of bits (must be 0 < size <= 64)

def longL(bits: Int): Codec[Long]

Codec for n-bit 2s complement little-endian integers that are represented with Long.

Codec for n-bit 2s complement little-endian integers that are represented with Long.

Value Params

number of bits (must be 0 < size <= 64)

def lookahead(target: Codec[Unit]): Codec[Boolean]

Lookahead version of recover -- i.e., upon successful decoding with the target codec, the original buffer is returned instead of the remaining buffer.

Lookahead version of recover -- i.e., upon successful decoding with the target codec, the original buffer is returned instead of the remaining buffer.

Value Params

codec to recover errors from

def lpbcd(nibbles: Int): Codec[Long]

Codec for n-nibble packed decimal (BCD) integers that are represented with Long. This codec, despite requiring the size in nibbles, is byte-size oriented. This means it expects to parse complete bytes (even if nibble size is odd). For encoding, this codec will pad 0s on the left while, for decoding, it will fetch the size in bytes round up.

Codec for n-nibble packed decimal (BCD) integers that are represented with Long. This codec, despite requiring the size in nibbles, is byte-size oriented. This means it expects to parse complete bytes (even if nibble size is odd). For encoding, this codec will pad 0s on the left while, for decoding, it will fetch the size in bytes round up.

Value Params

number of nibbles (4-bit chunks)

def mappedEnum[A, B](discriminatorCodec: Codec[B], mappings: (A, B)*): DiscriminatorCodec[A, B]

Provides a codec for an enumerated set of values, where each enumerated value is mapped to a tag.

Provides a codec for an enumerated set of values, where each enumerated value is mapped to a tag.

Value Params

codec used to encode/decode tag value


mapping from tag values to/from enum values

def mappedEnum[A, B](discriminatorCodec: Codec[B], map: Map[A, B]): DiscriminatorCodec[A, B]

Provides a codec for an enumerated set of values, where each enumerated value is mapped to a tag.

Provides a codec for an enumerated set of values, where each enumerated value is mapped to a tag.

Value Params

codec used to encode/decode tag value


mapping from tag values to/from enum values

def optional[A](guard: Codec[Boolean], target: Codec[A]): Codec[Option[A]]

Codec of Option[A] that delegates to a Codec[A] when the guard codec decodes a true.

Codec of Option[A] that delegates to a Codec[A] when the guard codec decodes a true.

When encoding, a Some results in guard encoding a true and target encoding the value. A None results in guard encoding a false and the target not encoding anything.

Various guard codecs and combinators are provided by this library -- e.g., bitsRemaining and recover.

Value Params

codec that determines whether the target codec is included


codec to conditionally include

def paddedFixedSizeBits[A](size: Long, codec: Codec[A], padCodec: Codec[Unit]): Codec[A]

Codec that limits the number of bits the specified codec works with.

Codec that limits the number of bits the specified codec works with.

If the encoded result is larger than the specified size, an encoding error is returned.

If encoding with the specified codec results in less than the specified size, the vector is right padded by repeatedly encoding with padCodec. An encoding error is returned if the padCodec result does not precisely fill the remaining space.

When decoding, the specified codec is only given size bits. If the specified codec does not consume all the bits it was given, all remaining bits are repeatedly decoded by padCodec. A decoding error is returned if any padCodec decode returns an error.

Value Params

codec to limit


codec to use for padding


number of bits

def paddedFixedSizeBitsDependent[A](size: Long, codec: Codec[A], padCodec: Long => Codec[Unit]): Codec[A]

Codec that limits the number of bits the specified codec works with.

Codec that limits the number of bits the specified codec works with.

If the encoded result is larger than the specified size, an encoding error is returned.

If encoding with the specified codec results in less than the specified size, the vector is right padded by repeatedly encoding with the codec returned from padCodec(numberOfPaddingBits). An encoding error is returned if the padCodec result does not precisely fill the remaining space.

When decoding, the specified codec is only given size bits. If the specified codec does not consume all the bits it was given, all remaining bits are repeatedly decoded by the codec returned from padCodec(remainingBitCount). A decoding error is returned if any padding decode iteration returns an error.

Value Params

codec to limit


function that provides the codec to use for padding


number of bits

def paddedFixedSizeBytes[A](size: Long, codec: Codec[A], padCodec: Codec[Unit]): Codec[A]

Byte equivalent of paddedFixedSizeBits.

Byte equivalent of paddedFixedSizeBits.

Value Params

codec to limit


codec to use for padding


number of bytes

def paddedFixedSizeBytesDependent[A](size: Long, codec: Codec[A], padCodec: Long => Codec[Unit]): Codec[A]

Byte equivalent of paddedFixedSizeBitsDependent.

Byte equivalent of paddedFixedSizeBitsDependent.

The padCodec function is passed the number of bits of padding required -- not bytes.

Value Params

codec to limit


function that provides the codec to use for padding


number of bytes

def paddedVarAlignedBits[A](sizeCodec: Codec[Long], valueCodec: Codec[A], multipleForPadding: Int): PaddedVarAlignedCodec[A]

Codec that pads on a multiplier.

Codec that pads on a multiplier.

Similar to ByteAligendCodec, but instead of only padding to 8 bits, pads to a variable size

Value Params

multiple to align the value to with padding


codec that determines the size


codec for encoding the payload

def paddedVarAlignedBytes[A](sizeCodec: Codec[Int], valueCodec: Codec[A], multipleForPadding: Int): Codec[A]

Byte equivalent of paddedVarAlignedBits.

Byte equivalent of paddedVarAlignedBits.

Value Params

multiple of bytes to align the value to with padding


codec that determines the size


coec for encoding the payload

def pbcd(nibbles: Int): Codec[Long]

Codec for n-nibble packed decimal (BCD) integers that are represented with Long.

Codec for n-nibble packed decimal (BCD) integers that are represented with Long.

Value Params

number of nibbles (4-bit chunks)

def peek[A](target: Codec[A]): Codec[A]

Decodes using the specified codec but resets the remainder to the original vector. Encodes with the specified codec.

Decodes using the specified codec but resets the remainder to the original vector. Encodes with the specified codec.

Value Params

codec that encodes/decodes the value


codec that behaves the same as target but resets remainder to the input vector after decoding

def peekVariableSizeBits(size: Codec[Int], sizePadding: Int): Codec[BitVector]

Codec that decodes vectors of the form size ++ rest as a BitVector, where the returned vector includes the size bits.

Codec that decodes vectors of the form size ++ rest as a BitVector, where the returned vector includes the size bits.

This differs from variableSizeBits(size, bits, sizePadding) in that the encoded size is expected to be encoded before calling encode and the encoded size is returned as part of the vector.

Value Params

size codec -- must have an exact size


number of bits to subtract from the size before decoding

def peekVariableSizeBitsLong(size: Codec[Long], sizePadding: Long): Codec[BitVector]

Long equivalent of peekVariableSizeBits.

Long equivalent of peekVariableSizeBits.

Value Params

size codec -- must have an exact size


number of bits to subtract from the size before decoding

def peekVariableSizeBytes(size: Codec[Int], sizePadding: Int): Codec[BitVector]

Equivalent to peekVariableSizeBits where the size units are in bytes instead of bits.

Equivalent to peekVariableSizeBits where the size units are in bytes instead of bits.

Value Params

size codec -- must have an exact size


number of bytes to subtract from the size before decoding

def peekVariableSizeBytesLong(size: Codec[Long], sizePadding: Long): Codec[BitVector]

Long equivalent of peekVariableSizeBytes.

Long equivalent of peekVariableSizeBytes.

Value Params

size codec -- must have an exact size


number of bits to subtract from the size before decoding

def provide[A](value: A): Codec[A]

Codec that always returns an empty vector from encode and always returns (empty, value) from decode. This is often useful when combined with other codecs (e.g., the discriminated).

Codec that always returns an empty vector from encode and always returns (empty, value) from decode. This is often useful when combined with other codecs (e.g., the discriminated).

Value Params

value to return from decode

def recover(target: Codec[Unit]): Codec[Boolean]

Creates a codec that decodes true when the target codec decodes successfully and decodes false when the target codec decodes unsuccessfully. Upon a successful decode of the target codec, the remaining bits are returned, whereas upon an unsuccessful decode, the original input buffer is returned.

Creates a codec that decodes true when the target codec decodes successfully and decodes false when the target codec decodes unsuccessfully. Upon a successful decode of the target codec, the remaining bits are returned, whereas upon an unsuccessful decode, the original input buffer is returned.

When encoding, a true results in the target codec encoding a unit whereas a false results in encoding of an empty vector.

Value Params

codec to recover errors from

def short(size: Int): Codec[Short]

Codec for n-bit 2s complement big-endian shorts.

Codec for n-bit 2s complement big-endian shorts.

Value Params

number of bits (must be 0 < size <= 16)

def shortL(size: Int): Codec[Short]

Codec for n-bit 2s complement little-endian shorts.

Codec for n-bit 2s complement little-endian shorts.

Value Params

number of bits (must be 0 < size <= 16)

def string(charset: Charset): Codec[String]

String codec that uses the supplied Charset to perform encoding/decoding.

String codec that uses the supplied Charset to perform encoding/decoding.

This codec does not encode the size of the string in to the output. Hence, decoding a vector that has additional data after the encoded string will result in unexpected output. Instead, it is common to use this codec along with either fixedSizeBits or variableSizeBits. For example, a common encoding is a size field, say 2 bytes, followed by the encoded string. This can be accomplished with:

variableSizeBits(uint16, string)
Value Params

charset to use to convert strings to/from binary

def string32(charset: Charset): Codec[String]

String codec that uses the given Charset and prefixes the encoded string by the byte size in a 32-bit 2s complement big endian field.

String codec that uses the given Charset and prefixes the encoded string by the byte size in a 32-bit 2s complement big endian field.

Value Params

charset to use to convert strings to/from binary

def string32L(charset: Charset): Codec[String]

String codec that uses the given Charset and prefixes the encoded string by the byte size in a 32-bit 2s complement little endian field.

String codec that uses the given Charset and prefixes the encoded string by the byte size in a 32-bit 2s complement little endian field.

Value Params

charset to use to convert strings to/from binary

def ubyte(size: Int): Codec[Byte]

Codec for n-bit unsigned bytes.

Codec for n-bit unsigned bytes.

Value Params

number of bits (must be 0 < size <= 7)

def uint(bits: Int): Codec[Int]

Codec for n-bit unsigned big-endian integers that are represented with Int.

Codec for n-bit unsigned big-endian integers that are represented with Int.

Value Params

number of bits (must be 0 < size <= 31)

def uintL(bits: Int): Codec[Int]

Codec for n-bit unsigned little-endian integers that are represented with Int.

Codec for n-bit unsigned little-endian integers that are represented with Int.

Value Params

number of bits (must be 0 < size <= 31)

def ulong(bits: Int): Codec[Long]

Codec for n-bit unsigned big-endian integers that are represented with Long.

Codec for n-bit unsigned big-endian integers that are represented with Long.

Value Params

number of bits (must be 0 < size <= 63)

def ulongL(bits: Int): Codec[Long]

Codec for n-bit unsigned little-endian integers that are represented with Long.

Codec for n-bit unsigned little-endian integers that are represented with Long.

Value Params

number of bits (must be 0 < size <= 63)

def ushort(size: Int): Codec[Short]

Codec for n-bit unsigned big-endian shorts.

Codec for n-bit unsigned big-endian shorts.

Value Params

number of bits (must be 0 < size <= 15)

def ushortL(size: Int): Codec[Short]

Codec for n-bit unsigned little-endian shorts.

Codec for n-bit unsigned little-endian shorts.

Value Params

number of bits (must be 0 < size <= 15)

def variableSizeBits[A](size: Codec[Int], value: Codec[A], sizePadding: Int): Codec[A]

Codec that supports vectors of the form size ++ value where the size field decodes to the bit length of the value field.

Codec that supports vectors of the form size ++ value where the size field decodes to the bit length of the value field.

For example, encoding the string "hello" with variableSizeBits(uint8, ascii) yields a vector of 6 bytes -- the first byte being 0x28 and the next 5 bytes being the US-ASCII encoding of "hello".

The size field can be any Int codec. An optional padding can be applied to the size field. The sizePadding is added to the calculated size before encoding, and subtracted from the decoded size before decoding the value.

For example, encoding "hello" with variableSizeBits(uint8, ascii, 1) yields a vector of 6 bytes -- the first byte being 0x29 and the next 5 bytes being the US-ASCII encoding of "hello".

Value Params

codec that encodes/decodes the size in bits


number of bits to add to the size before encoding (and subtract from the size before decoding)


codec the encodes/decodes the value

def variableSizeBitsLong[A](size: Codec[Long], value: Codec[A], sizePadding: Long): Codec[A]

Codec that supports vectors of the form size ++ value where the size field decodes to the bit length of the value field.

Codec that supports vectors of the form size ++ value where the size field decodes to the bit length of the value field.

For example, encoding the string "hello" with variableSizeBitsLong(uint32, ascii) yields a vector of 9 bytes -- the first four bytes being 0x00000028 and the next 5 bytes being the US-ASCII encoding of "hello".

The size field can be any Long codec. An optional padding can be applied to the size field. The sizePadding is added to the calculated size before encoding, and subtracted from the decoded size before decoding the value.

For example, encoding "hello" with variableSizeBitsLong(uint32, ascii, 1) yields a vector of 9 bytes -- the first 4 bytes being 0x00000029 and the next 5 bytes being the US-ASCII encoding of "hello".

Value Params

codec that encodes/decodes the size in bits


number of bits to add to the size before encoding (and subtract from the size before decoding)


codec the encodes/decodes the value

def variableSizeBytes[A](size: Codec[Int], value: Codec[A], sizePadding: Int): Codec[A]

Byte equivalent of variableSizeBits.

Byte equivalent of variableSizeBits.

Value Params

codec that encodes/decodes the size in bytes


number of bytes to add to the size before encoding (and subtract from the size before decoding)


codec the encodes/decodes the value

def variableSizeBytesLong[A](size: Codec[Long], value: Codec[A], sizePadding: Long): Codec[A]

Byte equivalent of variableSizeBitsLong.

Byte equivalent of variableSizeBitsLong.

Value Params

codec that encodes/decodes the size in bytes


number of bytes to add to the size before encoding (and subtract from the size before decoding)


codec the encodes/decodes the value

def variableSizeDelimited[A](delimiterCodec: Codec[Unit], value: Codec[A]): Codec[A]

Codec that supports vectors of the form value ++ delimiter where the delimiter marks the end of the value field.

Codec that supports vectors of the form value ++ delimiter where the delimiter marks the end of the value field.

Value Params

codec that encodes/decodes the delimiter


codec the encodes/decodes the value

def variableSizeDelimited[A](delimiterCodec: Codec[Unit], value: Codec[A], multipleValueSize: Long): Codec[A]

Codec that supports vectors of the form value ++ delimiter where the delimiter marks the end of the value field.

Codec that supports vectors of the form value ++ delimiter where the delimiter marks the end of the value field.

Value Params

the size or a mutiple size of the expected value


codec that encodes/decodes the delimiter


codec the encodes/decodes the value

def variableSizePrefixedBits[A, B](size: Codec[Int], prefix: Codec[A], value: Codec[B], sizePadding: Int): Codec[(A, B)]

Codec that supports vectors of the form size ++ prefix ++ value where the size field decodes to the bit length of the value field.

Codec that supports vectors of the form size ++ prefix ++ value where the size field decodes to the bit length of the value field.

For example, encoding (3, "hello") with variableSizePrefixedBits(uint8, int32, ascii) yields a vector of 10 bytes -- the first byte being 0x28, the next 4 bytes being 0x00000003, and the last 5 bytes being the US-ASCII encoding of "hello".

The size field can be any Int codec. An optional padding can be applied to the size field. The sizePadding is added to the calculated size before encoding, and subtracted from the decoded size before decoding the value.

For example, encoding (3, "hello") with variableSizePrefixedBits(uint8, int32, ascii, 1) yields a vector of 10 bytes -- the first byte being 0x29, the next 4 bytes being 0x00000003, and the last 5 bytes being the US-ASCII encoding of "hello".

Value Params

codec that encodes/decodes the prefix


codec that encodes/decodes the size in bits


number of bits to add to the size before encoding (and subtract from the size before decoding)


codec the encodes/decodes the value

def variableSizePrefixedBitsLong[A, B](size: Codec[Long], prefix: Codec[A], value: Codec[B], sizePadding: Long): Codec[(A, B)]

Codec that supports vectors of the form size ++ prefix ++ value where the size field decodes to the bit length of the value field.

Codec that supports vectors of the form size ++ prefix ++ value where the size field decodes to the bit length of the value field.

For example, encoding the string (3, "hello") with variableSizePrefixedBitsLong(uint32, int32, ascii) yields a vector of 13 bytes -- the first four bytes being 0x00000028, the next 4 bytes being 0x00000003, and the last 5 bytes being the US-ASCII encoding of "hello".

The size field can be any Long codec. An optional padding can be applied to the size field. The sizePadding is added to the calculated size before encoding, and subtracted from the decoded size before decoding the value.

For example, encoding (3, "hello") with variableSizePrefixedBitsLong(uint32, int32, ascii, 1) yields a vector of 13 bytes -- the first 4 bytes being 0x00000029, the next 4 bytes being 0x00000003, and the last 5 bytes being the US-ASCII encoding of "hello".

Value Params

codec that encodes/decodes the prefix


codec that encodes/decodes the size in bits


number of bits to add to the size before encoding (and subtract from the size before decoding)


codec the encodes/decodes the value

def variableSizePrefixedBytes[A, B](size: Codec[Int], prefix: Codec[A], value: Codec[B], sizePadding: Int): Codec[(A, B)]

Byte equivalent of variableSizePrefixedBits.

Byte equivalent of variableSizePrefixedBits.

Value Params

codec that encodes/decodes the prefix


codec that encodes/decodes the size in bytes


number of bytes to add to the size before encoding (and subtract from the size before decoding)


codec the encodes/decodes the value

def variableSizePrefixedBytesLong[A, B](size: Codec[Long], prefix: Codec[A], value: Codec[B], sizePadding: Long): Codec[(A, B)]

Byte equivalent of variableSizePrefixedBitsLong.

Byte equivalent of variableSizePrefixedBitsLong.

Value Params

codec that encodes/decodes the prefix


codec that encodes/decodes the size in bytes


number of bytes to add to the size before encoding (and subtract from the size before decoding)


codec the encodes/decodes the value

def variableSizeSignature[A](size: Codec[Int])(codec: Codec[A], signerFactory: SignerFactory): Codec[A]

Codec that includes a signature of the encoded bits.

Codec that includes a signature of the encoded bits.

Same functionality as fixedSizeSignature with one difference -- the size of the signature bytes are written between the encoded bits and the signature bits.

Use SignatureFactory or ChecksumFactory to create a SignerFactory.

Value Params

codec to use to encode/decode value field


factory to use for signing/verifying


codec to use to encode/decode size of signature field

def vector[A](codec: Codec[A]): Codec[Vector[A]]

Codec that encodes/decodes a Vector[A] from a Codec[A].

Codec that encodes/decodes a Vector[A] from a Codec[A].

When encoding, each A in the vector is encoded and all of the resulting vectors are concatenated.

When decoding, codec.decode is called repeatedly until there are no more remaining bits and the value result of each decode is returned in the vector.

Value Params

codec to encode/decode a single element of the sequence

def vectorDelimited[A](delimiter: BitVector, valueCodec: Codec[A]): Codec[Vector[A]]

Codec that encodes/decodes a Vector[A] from a Codec[A].

Codec that encodes/decodes a Vector[A] from a Codec[A].

When encoding, each A in the vector is encoded and all of the resulting bits are concatenated using delimiter.

When decoding, the input bits are first (logically) grouped into delimiter sized chunks and partitioned around delimiter chunks. Then, the individual partitions are (concatenated and) decoded using the valueCodec and the values collected are returned in a vector.

Note: This method applies specific semantics to the notion of a delimiter. An alternate (and faster) implementation could be to search for the delimiter using BitVector.indexOfSlice but this would work only if value bits do not contain the delimiter bits at any bit position.


val codec = vectorDelimited(BitVector(' '), ascii)
codec.decode(ascii.encode("i am delimited").require).require.value // Vector("i", "am", "delimited")
Type Params

element type

Value Params

the bits used to separate element bit values


element codec (used to decode next bits)

def vectorMultiplexed[A](mux: (BitVector, BitVector) => BitVector, deMux: BitVector => (BitVector, BitVector), valueCodec: Codec[A]): Codec[Vector[A]]

Codec that encodes/decodes a Vector[A] from a Codec[A].

Codec that encodes/decodes a Vector[A] from a Codec[A].

When encoding, each A in the vector is encoded and all of the resulting bits are combined using mux.

When decoding, deMux is called repeatedly to obtain the next bits (to decode using valueCodec) and the remaining bits (input to deMux on next iteration) until a decoding error is encountered or no more bits remain. The final return value is a vector of all decoded element values.

Note: For large vectors, it may be necessary to compact bits in deMux.

Type Params

element type

Value Params

element de-multiplexer (should return the next bits to decode and the remaining bits for next iteration)


element multiplexer


element codec (used to decode next bits)

def vectorOfN[A](countCodec: Codec[Int], valueCodec: Codec[A]): Codec[Vector[A]]

Codec that encodes/decodes a Vector[A] of N elements using a Codec[A].

Codec that encodes/decodes a Vector[A] of N elements using a Codec[A].

When encoding, the number of elements in the vector is encoded using countCodec and the values are then each encoded using valueCodec.

When decoding, the number of elements is decoded using countCodec and then that number of elements are decoded using valueCodec. Any remaining bits are returned.

Note: when the count is known statically, use vectorOfN(provide(count), ...).

Value Params

codec to encode/decode a single element of the sequence

def withDefault[A](opt: Codec[Option[A]], default: Codec[A]): Codec[A]

Creates a Codec[A] from a Codec[Option[A]] and a fallback Codec[A].

Creates a Codec[A] from a Codec[Option[A]] and a fallback Codec[A].

When encoding, the A is encoded with opt (by wrapping it in a Some). When decoding, opt is first used to decode the buffer. If it decodes a Some(a), that value is returned. If it decodes a None, default is used to decode the buffer.

Value Params

fallback codec used during decoding when opt decodes a None


optional codec

def withDefaultValue[A](opt: Codec[Option[A]], default: A): Codec[A]

Creates a Codec[A] from a Codec[Option[A]] and a fallback value A.

Creates a Codec[A] from a Codec[Option[A]] and a fallback value A.

When encoding, the A is encoded with opt (by wrapping it in a Some). When decoding, opt is first used to decode the buffer. If it decodes a Some(a), that value is returned. If it decodes a None, the default value is return.

Value Params

fallback value returned from decode when opt decodes a None


optional codec

def x509Certificate: Codec[X509Certificate]

Codec that encodes/decodes certificates using their default encoding.

Codec that encodes/decodes certificates using their default encoding.

Concrete fields

val ascii: Codec[String]

String codec that uses the US-ASCII charset. See string for more information on String codecs.

String codec that uses the US-ASCII charset. See string for more information on String codecs.

val ascii32: Codec[String]

String codec that uses the US-ASCII charset and prefixes the encoded string by the byte size in a 32-bit 2s complement big endian field.

String codec that uses the US-ASCII charset and prefixes the encoded string by the byte size in a 32-bit 2s complement big endian field.

val ascii32L: Codec[String]

String codec that uses the US-ASCII charset and prefixes the encoded string by the byte size in a 32-bit 2s complement little endian field.

String codec that uses the US-ASCII charset and prefixes the encoded string by the byte size in a 32-bit 2s complement little endian field.

val bits: Codec[BitVector]

Encodes by returning supplied bit vector; decodes by taking all remaining bits in the supplied bit vector.

Encodes by returning supplied bit vector; decodes by taking all remaining bits in the supplied bit vector.

val bitsRemaining: Codec[Boolean]

Codec that decodes true when the input vector is non-empty and false when it is empty. Encodes to an empty bit vector.

Codec that decodes true when the input vector is non-empty and false when it is empty. Encodes to an empty bit vector.

val bool: Codec[Boolean]

1-bit boolean codec, where false corresponds to bit value 0 and true corresponds to bit value 1.

1-bit boolean codec, where false corresponds to bit value 0 and true corresponds to bit value 1.

val byte: Codec[Byte]

Codec for 8-bit 2s complement bytes.

Codec for 8-bit 2s complement bytes.

val bytes: Codec[ByteVector]

Encodes by returning supplied byte vector as a bit vector; decodes by taking all remaining bits in supplied bit vector and converting to a byte vector.

Encodes by returning supplied byte vector as a bit vector; decodes by taking all remaining bits in supplied bit vector and converting to a byte vector.

val cstring: Codec[String]

String codec that uses the US-ASCII charset that encodes strings with a trailing NUL termination byte and decodes a string up to the next NUL termination byte. It fails to decode if the bit vector ends before a NUL termination byte can be found.

String codec that uses the US-ASCII charset that encodes strings with a trailing NUL termination byte and decodes a string up to the next NUL termination byte. It fails to decode if the bit vector ends before a NUL termination byte can be found.

val double: Codec[Double]

64-bit big endian IEEE 754 floating point number.

64-bit big endian IEEE 754 floating point number.

val doubleL: Codec[Double]

64-bit little endian IEEE 754 floating point number.

64-bit little endian IEEE 754 floating point number.

val float: Codec[Float]

32-bit big endian IEEE 754 floating point number.

32-bit big endian IEEE 754 floating point number.

val floatL: Codec[Float]

32-bit little endian IEEE 754 floating point number.

32-bit little endian IEEE 754 floating point number.

val int16: Codec[Int]

Codec for 16-bit 2s complement big-endian integers.

Codec for 16-bit 2s complement big-endian integers.

val int16L: Codec[Int]

Codec for 16-bit 2s complement little-endian integers.

Codec for 16-bit 2s complement little-endian integers.

val int24: Codec[Int]

Codec for 24-bit 2s complement big-endian integers.

Codec for 24-bit 2s complement big-endian integers.

val int24L: Codec[Int]

Codec for 24-bit 2s complement little-endian integers.

Codec for 24-bit 2s complement little-endian integers.

val int32: Codec[Int]

Codec for 32-bit 2s complement big-endian integers.

Codec for 32-bit 2s complement big-endian integers.

val int32L: Codec[Int]

Codec for 32-bit 2s complement little-endian integers.

Codec for 32-bit 2s complement little-endian integers.

val int64: Codec[Long]

Codec for 64-bit 2s complement big-endian integers.

Codec for 64-bit 2s complement big-endian integers.

val int64L: Codec[Long]

Codec for 64-bit 2s complement little-endian integers.

Codec for 64-bit 2s complement little-endian integers.

val int8: Codec[Int]

Codec for 8-bit 2s complement big-endian integers.

Codec for 8-bit 2s complement big-endian integers.

val int8L: Codec[Int]

Codec for 8-bit 2s complement little-endian integers.

Codec for 8-bit 2s complement little-endian integers.

val short16: Codec[Short]

Codec for 16-bit 2s complement big-endian shorts.

Codec for 16-bit 2s complement big-endian shorts.

val short16L: Codec[Short]

Codec for 16-bit 2s complement little-endian shorts.

Codec for 16-bit 2s complement little-endian shorts.

val uint16: Codec[Int]

Codec for 16-bit unsigned big-endian integers.

Codec for 16-bit unsigned big-endian integers.

val uint16L: Codec[Int]

Codec for 16-bit unsigned little-endian integers.

Codec for 16-bit unsigned little-endian integers.

val uint2: Codec[Int]

Codec for 2-bit unsigned big-endian integers.

Codec for 2-bit unsigned big-endian integers.

val uint24: Codec[Int]

Codec for 24-bit unsigned big-endian integers.

Codec for 24-bit unsigned big-endian integers.

val uint24L: Codec[Int]

Codec for 24-bit unsigned little-endian integers.

Codec for 24-bit unsigned little-endian integers.

val uint2L: Codec[Int]

Codec for 2-bit unsigned little-endian integers.

Codec for 2-bit unsigned little-endian integers.

val uint32: Codec[Long]

Codec for 32-bit unsigned big-endian integers.

Codec for 32-bit unsigned big-endian integers.

val uint32L: Codec[Long]

Codec for 32-bit unsigned little-endian integers.

Codec for 32-bit unsigned little-endian integers.

val uint4: Codec[Int]

Codec for 4-bit unsigned big-endian integers.

Codec for 4-bit unsigned big-endian integers.

val uint4L: Codec[Int]

Codec for 4-bit unsigned little-endian integers.

Codec for 4-bit unsigned little-endian integers.

val uint8: Codec[Int]

Codec for 8-bit unsigned big-endian integers.

Codec for 8-bit unsigned big-endian integers.

val uint8L: Codec[Int]

Codec for 8-bit unsigned little-endian integers.

Codec for 8-bit unsigned little-endian integers.

val ushort8: Codec[Short]

Codec for 8-bit unsigned bytes.

Codec for 8-bit unsigned bytes.

val utf8: Codec[String]

String codec that uses the UTF-8 charset. See string for more information on String codecs.

String codec that uses the UTF-8 charset. See string for more information on String codecs.

val utf8_32: Codec[String]

String codec that uses the UTF-8 charset and prefixes the encoded string by the byte size in a 32-bit 2s complement big endian field.

String codec that uses the UTF-8 charset and prefixes the encoded string by the byte size in a 32-bit 2s complement big endian field.

val utf8_32L: Codec[String]

String codec that uses the UTF-8 charset and prefixes the encoded string by the byte size in a 32-bit 2s complement little endian field.

String codec that uses the UTF-8 charset and prefixes the encoded string by the byte size in a 32-bit 2s complement little endian field.

val uuid: Codec[UUID]

Encodes/decodes UUIDs as 2 64-bit big-endian longs, first the high 64-bits then the low 64-bits.

Encodes/decodes UUIDs as 2 64-bit big-endian longs, first the high 64-bits then the low 64-bits.

val vint: Codec[Int]

Codec for variable-length big-endian integers. Encoding requires between 1 and 5 bytes, depending on the value. Smaller ints require less bytes. Negative values are always encoded with 5 bytes.

Codec for variable-length big-endian integers. Encoding requires between 1 and 5 bytes, depending on the value. Smaller ints require less bytes. Negative values are always encoded with 5 bytes.

val vintL: Codec[Int]

Codec for variable-length little-endian integers. Encoding requires between 1 and 5 bytes, depending on the value. Smaller ints require less bytes. Negative values are always encoded with 5 bytes.

Codec for variable-length little-endian integers. Encoding requires between 1 and 5 bytes, depending on the value. Smaller ints require less bytes. Negative values are always encoded with 5 bytes.

val vlong: Codec[Long]

Codec for variable-length big-endian longs. Encoding requires between 1 and 9 bytes, depending on the value. Smaller longs require less bytes. Negative values are not supported.

Codec for variable-length big-endian longs. Encoding requires between 1 and 9 bytes, depending on the value. Smaller longs require less bytes. Negative values are not supported.

val vlongL: Codec[Long]

Codec for variable-length little-endian longs. Encoding requires between 1 and 9 bytes, depending on the value. Smaller longs require less bytes. Negative values are not supported.

Codec for variable-length little-endian longs. Encoding requires between 1 and 9 bytes, depending on the value. Smaller longs require less bytes. Negative values are not supported.

val vpbcd: Codec[Long]

Codec for variable-length packed decimal longs. Negative values are not supported.

Codec for variable-length packed decimal longs. Negative values are not supported.



extension (context: String)
def |[A](codec: Codec[A]): Codec[A]

Provides the | method on String, which is reverse syntax for codec withContext ctx.

Provides the | method on String, which is reverse syntax for codec withContext ctx.


val codec = "id" | uint8